demos.tfaboutviewereditor #518599 - femby vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 1 years go

dreams in celluloid179916313👁 sumixodic
EKOHTWO141141719pan gaming
lostlaptop | Team Spam'dwich :3171101807Greenumbrella70 (Atovi)
[BALLS] r308481911101846squash
I <3 MEN415510133Jukesy



Toggle Chat
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 17 seconds04:04
Greenumbrella70 (Atovi)six deaths and no kills epic05:35
Pwndaswelcome to pufs05:42
[Pause] Game was paused by Jukesy06:25
[Pause] Ubercharges are also paused06:25
*DEAD* Pwndas : i fly06:25
*DEAD* pan gaming : balls 206:25
*DEAD* squash : guys they arernt using them eta06:25
*DEAD* squash : riot!!!!06:25
lostlaptop | Team Spam'dwich :3 : no using enforcer spy06:25
dreams in celluloid : can we kill blue team with hammers and hatchets06:25
*DEAD* squash : no dignity06:25
Swifz : no run at soldier bad guy that shoot bang bang at you06:25
*DEAD* pan gaming : D:06:25
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute06:25
I <3 MEN : unpause06:25
*DEAD* squash : guys dont use scottish resistance06:25
*DEAD* squash : worst mistake of my life06:25
Swifz : ^06:25
*DEAD* pan gaming : cheeseburger06:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Jukesy...06:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...06:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...06:25
dreams in celluloid : please use sco res you have 0 points your doing weally good06:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...06:25
*DEAD* squash : chiken sandwich06:25
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...06:25
[Pause] Game is unpaused!06:25
dreams in celluloidnah06:58
pan gamingrekt08:15
squashCrazy? I was crazy once, they locked me up in a room. A rubber room, a rubber room with rats. AND I HATE RATS, RATS MAKE ME CRA08:16
dreams in celluloidsmartphowned08:17
Swifzno run at soldier bad guy that shoot bang bang at you08:18
Pwndasthat was the pug tunner ur getting banned08:21
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.3 seconds after spawning before healing08:32
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.0 seconds after spawning before healing09:49
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.9 seconds after spawning before healing10:17
squashaverage 10:38
squashalexa how do i play flank scout11:33
squashholy shit11:53
pan gamingalexa how can i run air strike in pugs11:56
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.3 seconds after spawning before healing11:57
dreams in celluloidthey told me to feed for the logs12:50
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds13:06
Swifzstand on point???15:30
pan gamingcut15:31
squashnh uh15:33
squashthese teams dont feel balanced16:24
squashidrk why16:26
dreams in celluloidyour team quad fed for med17:03
lostlaptop | Team Spam'dwich :3!log17:09
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:10
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:10
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:10