demos.tfaboutviewereditor #518885 - RED vs ament_


Demo uploaded by 1 years go

Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡2832023618typhoon
tempy :3 thicc! ♥221315191519rup or dusterdan
ᨐฅ ok? ok!20717181312DusterDan35
24411three pronouns in a trench coat
25019IC3 | :3 poster



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Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡and bought it like that00:02
TheresOnlyOneIssue[P-REC] Recording...00:04
ᨐฅSympathyhow many keys?00:06
typhoonnomay where the fuck do you get your money00:07
three pronouns in a trench coata couple three00:12
rup or dusterdanat least 200:18
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡1 per rp00:20
rup or dusterdanwhy do open players have so much money00:39
Mase598the prize money hits different00:51
three pronouns in a trench coata key is like00:53
three pronouns in a trench coat2 dollars00:55
three pronouns in a trench coatit's not that much00:57
ᨐฅ ok? ok!my demo01:28
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.5 seconds after spawning before healing01:34
rup or dusterdancook that shit quayh!!02:03
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl02:09
rup or dusterdanlmaooo02:10
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 54 seconds before using it02:55
IC3 | :3 poster:302:57
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡I hear you04:13
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl04:15
IC3 | :3 posternuh uh04:20
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡I can smell you04:27
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡You smell like vanilla04:30
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.5 seconds after spawning before healing05:22
ᨐฅ ok? ok!the guilt05:39
three pronouns in a trench coatspy we were having a fun svs06:16
doritoI am coming for you...07:34
rup or dusterdancoming!!07:40
rup or dusterdanlol08:27
three pronouns in a trench coatcan I stop getting double teamed by your spy and sniper08:43
IC3 | :3 posterman08:46
three pronouns in a trench coatit's not even the weekend yet08:47
IC3 | :3 posterwtf08:49
ᨐฅ ok? ok!KELLY LOL08:55
rup or dusterdancalm down ethehrthehr08:57
MayaBoni was taking a bite of my rice and chicken :<09:00
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!09:18
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing09:26
IC3 | :3 posterman09:27
three pronouns in a trench coatyou know I figured you took pack but honestly09:48
three pronouns in a trench coatlife is too short to spy check09:56
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl10:11
rup or dusterdanactualy10:11
rup or dusterdanactually10:16
Mase598bruh that hat you got looks like the tier 3 helm in PUBG 10:46
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡Its a rhys-t in tarkov11:06
three pronouns in a trench coatHI11:09
Mase598ooooh I like that helm11:14
ᨐฅ ok? ok!gg11:21
three pronouns in a trench coathi11:21
Mase598I've always been too shit at Tarkov11:22
three pronouns in a trench coat3rd half11:25
tempy :3 thicc! ♥i dip my oreos in glue11:26
IC3 | :3 posterman wtf is going on11:28
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡I've been good at it its just I dont wanna solo anymor11:34
Mase598dripped up P90 is fun on it11:35
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl11:40
Obama_Crabheavy is die11:50
Obama_Crabi am live11:54
rup or dusterdani really misstimed that12:12
rup or dusterdann1 dot12:17
Dotshinnichik OWNED.12:23
rup or dusterdanyeaH!12:28
doritoSPY GO WAY12:29
[Pause] Game was paused by DusterDan3512:42
[Pause] Ubercharges are also paused12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : we have two heavies12:42
IC3 | :3 poster : tf is going on12:42
Mase598 : the legendary 2nd heavy12:42
*DEAD* MayaBon : i cannot hear, cause i am dumb12:42
DusterDan35 : why do you guys have 10?12:42
rup or dusterdan : ogbama what ar eyou douing !!!!!12:42
*DEAD* Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡ : the punchers12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : I am having an aneurysm12:42
typhoon : what the fuck did i just fight at concrete12:42
BUNKBEDJUNCTION : my entire team is on opium12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : ew gave trwi geavues12:42
*DEAD* Obama_Crab : my team bucko12:42
*DEAD* MayaBon : CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : we have two hewavies12:42
*DEAD* Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡ : Some of us are high12:42
*DEAD* Obama_Crab : this feller needs to leave12:42
chunkyMerchant : rup or ff12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : i am honked off the bobo right now12:42
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by DusterDan35...12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : I wish I was high12:42
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...12:42
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : quirked up white girl12:42
*DEAD* ᨐฅ ok? ok! : mrrp mrrow mew mow mow mewww mrrp nya :312:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : quirked up white girl12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : quirked up white girl12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : quirked up white girl12:42
*DEAD* three pronouns in a trench coat : quirked up white girl12:42
[Pause] Game is unpaused!12:42
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl12:42
Mase598dude questing on tarkov is aids12:43
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡It is12:49
Obama_Crabmr dan can I join you guys :)12:49
Mase598my dumbass out here too braindead to do it12:55
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡I normally have 65 surv but questing makes it like 5512:56
MayaBonthe voices told me to feed13:17
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 39 seconds before using it13:22
typhoonnomay can i have your ori13:37
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡No man I had to wipe a pro ks on this because it was emerald13:53
ᨐฅ ok? ok!my medic baited me13:59
three pronouns in a trench coat:c14:03
typhoondamn thats unfortunate14:11
typhoonwhat is it now14:13
three pronouns in a trench coatjust ask me for a kiss instead14:13
MayaBonthat pyro14:27
rup or dusterdanthicc lmaooo14:34
three pronouns in a trench coatred sniper are you single?14:38
Mase598WAIT WAIT WAIT14:43
ᨐฅ ok? ok!no 14:49
three pronouns in a trench coatcool14:53
three pronouns in a trench coatI hope you have a good relationship14:57
ᨐฅ ok? ok!ty15:01
three pronouns in a trench coati certainly do15:03
IC3 | :3 posterI'm so tired15:10
ᨐฅ ok? ok!where is my team15:22
Obama_Crabright here15:27
ᨐฅ ok? ok!kelly15:37
ᨐฅ ok? ok!do u wanna switch teams with me15:41
Mase598dont tell my team15:52
Mase598is tarkov still full of hackers16:18
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡Nah not really16:24
three pronouns in a trench coatspy I genuinely wasn't sure if you weren't just my scout trolling me16:30
Mase598I assume it's kinda deep wipe but I might actually try Tarkov again16:48
DusterDan35you guys still have 2 heavys16:53
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡Its very deep whipe16:55
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡wipe16:57
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡its like 6 or 7 months17:01
Obama_Crabnichik cheater17:01
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡no prewipe stuff17:04
tempy :3 thicc! ♥KICK NICHIK17:05
Obama_Crabkick your bot17:12
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡theres a quest for 762 bp and 9mm pbp17:15
IC3 | :3 posterI'm so tired17:17
Mase598the PS ammo SKS chad vs the actual full kit chad17:21
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.2 seconds after spawning before healing17:25
MayaBonworth it17:27
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.3 seconds after spawning before healing17:29
rup or dusterdanpyro bomab17:30
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡The chad magnum buck17:32
IC3 | :3 posterWHAT THE FUCK18:00
three pronouns in a trench coatI am never playing am again18:00
three pronouns in a trench coatplease send help18:03
three pronouns in a trench coatI am going back to playing engi18:07
Mase598me and my soldier walked up chadded tf out18:43
Mase598I thought you were in our main18:58
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl19:08
Mase598it seems we are leaving19:24
MayaBonthe scrim is fucking dead19:25
ᨐฅ ok? ok!gg19:26
Mase598gentlemen 19:31
Mase598it has been an honor19:33
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡its been a honor19:38
rup or dusterdanobama ur so silly19:46
Mase598I'm playing my main 19:58
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 72 seconds before using it20:01
typhoondont mind me im farming logs20:11
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.9 seconds after spawning before healing20:51
Mase598THE AIRSHOT 20:53
ᨐฅ ok? ok!cya 21:00
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.3 seconds after spawning before healing21:12
rup or dusterdanheavy can you be more of a cutieboy :333321:40
three pronouns in a trench coatquirked up white girl21:42
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.9 seconds after spawning before healing21:51
Mase598I am randomly remembering22:06
Mase598the makarov with the 84 round mag22:12
Kimiko-chan (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)♡I love using rip ammo with low tier non modded pistols22:28
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 39 seconds before using it22:33
rup or dusterdanhello dobtsin22:36
ᨐฅ ok? ok!gg ez22:37
Mase598I was running the 84 round pistols with whatever the shittiest ammo was22:38
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.22:41
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.22:41
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...22:41