demos.tfaboutviewereditor #521381 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by alfredodan 1 years go

dromedary camel🐪20102382032UU`J
5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY2022831617trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ
alfredussy >_<2422729722FreeIsh
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1741710923baba #DYJ #LLL



Toggle Chat
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 38 seconds before using it01:40
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 51 seconds before using it01:44
5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGYbro01:51
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!02:43
[Pause] Game was paused by alfredodan03:28
[Pause] Ubercharges are also paused03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : med lagged out03:28
alfredodan : our medic lagged out03:28
dromedary camel🐪 : med lag out03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : or is eating03:28
*DEAD* alfredussy >_< : 173803:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : idk which03:28
*DEAD* alfredussy >_< : i said hey whats up herro03:28
UU`J : what is he eating03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : his mouth is full if he is03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : we aint heard shit03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : im laughing!03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : ok we found out03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : :303:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute03:28
FreeIsh : 3 ringer03:28
alfredodan : nah im real03:28
alfredodan : fr03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : !log03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : !log03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : !log03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : .ss03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : No such luck03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : there are no logorithms.03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : sadge03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : he says he'll be 15 cause he lost power03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : gg03:28
goosen : gg03:28
FreeIsh : bro just ff03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : we are discussing.03:28
alfredodan : nah he'll be back trust in the system03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : as much as i dont want the 0-3 record we just might03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : best i can do is 2-303:28
FreeIsh : we can make it a 5-3 and say it was real03:28
FreeIsh : best i can do03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : i meant my record vs u guys03:28
FreeIsh : oh lol03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : o03:28
negasora : o03:28
UU`J : o03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : shit03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : cant helo u king03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes03:28
UU`J : p*03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : im missing my daughters school play for this and this is how u conduct urself03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : 3-2 in favour of waiting for jude03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : -_-03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : our team has children and mouths to feed03:28
negasora : can we vote too03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : Son crying now cheers03:28
FreeIsh : !rep enemy med03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : alright. I'll get Happs03:28
alfredodan : !rep my medic (yohnny)03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : the tf2center genius03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : btw trog has a baby mama03:28
alfredodan : do you guys think rome sticks together next season03:28
negasora : baba mamy03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : She throwing rocks theru my window03:28
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJ : talking about where my son03:28
negasora : it started in 183703:28
negasora : my great great grandmother, Lucille Feces, had just arrived to eastern Canada on the HMS Sizzle03:28
negasora : she was not a woman of great affluence or nobility, but she was a humble, hard working woman03:28
negasora : in 1839 she gave birth to my great grandfather, Alistar Feces03:28
negasora : oh i'm not done yet03:28
negasora : so anyway my great grandfather, though he grew up in a loving home, was a disturbed and angry child03:28
negasora : he especially hated his sister, Adelaide Feces03:28
negasora : so anyway, one day my great grandfather took the little sister who he loathed so much down to the river that ran through town03:28
FreeIsh : i can ship you guys a bag of jolly ranchers (dont ask where the blue rasperries went)03:28
negasora : he told Lucille that they were going to play - she was delighted because she thought maybe he'd finally started to bond03:28
negasora : they had scarcely been gone five minutes before Lucille noticed they'd forgotten the little basket of corn muffins she'd baked03:28
negasora : so she put on her bonnet, and took off after the children03:28
negasora : when she got to the lake, though, she saw a horrifying sight03:28
negasora : Alistar was holding Adelaide face down in the water, and laughing, but laughing cruelly...03:28
negasora : there was no joy in his countenance.03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes03:28
negasora : Grammy Lucille screamed and tore Alistar away from Adelaide, who was crying but was otherwise fine03:28
baba #DYJ #LLL : They put me in a room.A rubber room.A rubber room with rats.They put me in a rubber room with rubber rats.Rubber rats? I03:28
negasora : one sec gotta frag03:28
negasora : ignore that one03:28
negasora : Alistar was sent away then, up to a distant male relative further North03:28
negasora : he grew into a respectable, though ill-trusted, young man03:28
negasora : eventually he met great grandma Sue03:28
negasora : so anyway03:28
negasora : a few more skeletons in the family closet03:28
negasora : yadda yadda yadd03:28
negasora : and thus translucent feces was born03:28
[Pause] Type repause in the console to let in jude03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : did she actually write that all out03:28
negasora : yeah03:28
negasora : to some random pubber03:28
alfredodan : we good03:28
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes03:28
negasora : repause?03:28
[Pause] Game was repaused by dromedary camel🐪03:28
alfredodan : unpause i hope03:28
negasora : this lets them join team03:28
*DEAD* 5unny PHD IN HATEOLOGY : ready?03:28
alfredodan : oooo03:28
alfredodan : i didnt know03:28
negasora : fancy right03:28
alfredodan : true03:28
negasora : ready03:28
goosen : r03:28
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by dromedary camel🐪...03:28
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...03:28
alfredodan : yup03:28
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...03:28
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...03:28
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...03:28
[Pause] Game is unpaused!03:28
[STV Stats] RED spent 31.2 seconds after spawning before healing03:35
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 48 seconds before using it04:16
[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 95% uber04:34
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 43 seconds before using it06:21
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 36 seconds before using it06:22
negasorano let it work12:17
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 48 seconds before using it13:06
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 111 seconds before using it14:00
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!16:43
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.0 seconds after spawning before healing17:05
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds17:55
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 135 seconds before using it19:10
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJnice19:54
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 127 seconds before using it20:03
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 40 seconds before using it22:34
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!23:58
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 253 seconds before using it30:40
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 247 seconds before using it30:42
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds31:59
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 39 seconds before using it32:17
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 46 seconds before using it34:45
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 67 seconds before using it34:47
trogdorBURNINATOR ^^^^^^^^ #DYJgg35:02
baba #DYJ #LLLgg35:04
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.35:10
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.35:10
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...35:10