
Hall of Fyr - RED vs BBC


Demo uploaded by tlm 8 months ago

MaLBP Sale #4bf13820132023Lasteroid daddy hack 4th
TeatsMcghee #WienerWater1362116727WEGA
DavyC ♖2282115420Dynamosaurus ♖
Olive7111872421G O O F Y G O O B E R, ROCK!
weef watcher051410141[BBC] manfart2021
KevinKendrick1912718214[BBC] Justario



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MaLBP Sale #4bftheses bitches is lowbal 0:00
DavyC ♖d-(^_^)z00:02
BowieTV[P-REC] Recording...00:04
Dynamosaurus ♖bruh01:52
MaLBP Sale #4bfdon ever01:58
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:07
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!03:55
MaLBP Sale #4bfi've played engie for over 45 years, and this is the optimum setup in two forts.04:08
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.6 seconds after spawning before healing04:19
weef watcherOne time, I measured myself before taking a shit, and then after taking a shit. My weight went down 2 kg.05:02
MaLBP Sale #4bfb*ch was trying to murk me? nahhhh not on my watch 05:08
DavyC ♖gottem05:55
WEGAI hate everyone on this team! !! ! 106:01
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.5 seconds after spawning before healing06:06
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.9 seconds after spawning before healing06:24
Dynamosaurus ♖goat flank mid07:44
MaLBP Sale #4bf!log08:07
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing08:50
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!09:17
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 95% uber09:44
Piggythanks for the boost11:09
G O O F Y G O O B E R, ROCK!1 more13:15
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.8 seconds after spawning before healing14:07
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.7 seconds after spawning before healing14:48
Olivewhy7 me15:21
LikeASirur medic was out15:28
LikeASiryou were not out15:31
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.6 seconds after spawning before healing16:08
Dynamosaurus ♖no bullet17:01
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.2 seconds after spawning before healing17:06
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.2 seconds after spawning before healing17:11
DavyC ♖i outsmarted bullet17:12
Dynamosaurus ♖¯\_(ツ)_/¯17:21
TeatsMcghee #WienerWaterlol17:38
DavyC ♖ggs19:19
[BBC] Justariogg19:21
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.19:21
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.19:21
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.19:21
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...19:21