demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Moarry 8 months ago

Maeko21152420921mk #nosleeplastnight
Cambonieboo28112424723kjr :d
schoolboy leif181820181514pmn
dicksauce 849213141323719WCF touca
Hard Hat Jones.228161287gG;
Ty ♥113711174dzcreeper
Moarry2512316112WCF lee
Jak (Do Well)2782426324WCF BBL



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[RGLUpdater] This server is running RGL Updater version 2.0.200:17
[RGLUpdater] Remember, per RGL rules, players must record POV demos for every match!00:17
[SOAP] Your attacker had 116 health remaining.00:24
Jak (Do Well)all the fuss in the ticket for what00:25
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.00:26
[SOAP] Your attacker had 176 health remaining.00:53
[SOAP] Your attacker had 237 health remaining.01:03
[RGLQoL] STV finished. It is now safe to changelevel.01:03
Hard Hat Jones.can we actually do it in house this haft01:12
WCF toucaif no one else stops the mge01:24
[SOAP] Your attacker had 22 health remaining.01:42
dicksauce 8492touca if u lose to HHJ02:07
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.02:13
dicksauce 8492I will be severly dissapointed o02:15
WCF toucai will be too02:21
[SOAP] Your attacker had 181 health remaining.02:21
dicksauce 8492run chocolate bar so u live longer02:36
dicksauce 8492he wont know!02:40
WCF lee!log02:40
WCF toucanah02:41
Ty ♥buffalo steak02:51
Ty ♥like a real man02:55
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.03:02
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.03:02
Ty ♥[P-REC] Recording...03:07
Maeko[P-REC] Recording...03:07
kira[P-REC] omg03:07
schoolboy leif[P-REC] gl/hf03:07
Cambonieboo[P-REC] Recording...03:07
schoolboy leif!log03:13
WCF toucaready to box03:52
Hard Hat Jones.tell your team to not touch me04:04
Hard Hat Jones.will you be buffed?04:06
WCF toucano04:08
Hard Hat Jones.i won't either04:12
dzcreeperI am not buffing these bozos04:13
WCF toucayou tell your team to not touch me04:15
Hard Hat Jones.i got shot04:31
Hard Hat Jones.304:39
Hard Hat Jones.204:40
Hard Hat Jones.104:41
dicksauce 8492lol04:43
WCF toucabruh04:51
Hard Hat Jones.bruh04:53
kjr :dsorry04:54
schoolboy leifDuel Status - Hard Hat Jones.: 0 - WCF touca: 1.\05:10
Jak (Do Well)sapping 05:48
Jak (Do Well)sapping 07:53
Jak (Do Well)sapping 08:39
Jak (Do Well)sapping 10:24
Jak (Do Well)sapping 17:25
Jak (Do Well)you are so18:23
Cambonieboo( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)18:44
Cambonieboo[P-REC] Bookmark.19:31
[LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: .ss19:47
Cambonieboo[P-REC] Bookmark.22:10
schoolboy leifLOL22:13
gG;i saw that22:20
schoolboy leifBis spy22:20
schoolboy leif[P-REC] Bookmark.22:32
WCF BBLggs24:25
mk #nosleeplastnightgg24:25
dicksauce 8492ggs24:27
kjr :dggs24:28
Jak (Do Well)more fight in the ticket24:30
dicksauce 8492SO EASYYY24:30
WCF toucaggs24:32
Jak (Do Well)than in the match24:32
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.24:37
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.24:37
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.24:37
schoolboy leif[P-REC] number one rule: ggs only24:37
Maeko[P-REC] Stop record.24:37
Ty ♥[P-REC] Stop record.24:37
kira[P-REC] ok24:37
Cambonieboo[P-REC] Stop record.24:37
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...24:37
dicksauce 8492[P-REC] i don't enjoy this game anymore24:37
[SOAP] Your attacker had 300 health remaining.24:47
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: .ss24:49
[SOAP] Your attacker had 300 health remaining.24:52
[SOAP] Your attacker had 300 health remaining.25:01
Jak (Do Well)!log25:15
Ty ♥gg25:30