
you have cat to be kitten me - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by blinxy 7 months ago

claryiaa82159717Joey Lemons
Pyrrhus73152127Ⅳ Melon
Mr. Moneybags #investing521531118Ⅳ dt
bloodthirster124128916Gamer Bread
kNyne_151251016Ⅳ Rebel
evil632024417Ⅳ Phish



Toggle Chat
*DEAD*(TEAM) Joey Lemons : [P-REC] Recording...00:03
*DEAD*(TEAM) Rogue : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) Mr. Moneybags #investing : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) TheS4rr<3 : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) claryiaa : [P-REC] hai00:04
(TEAM) Ⅳ dt : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) evil : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) dotwet : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
*DEAD*(TEAM) Ⅳ Phish : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
(TEAM) bloodthirster : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
*DEAD*(TEAM) Poseidon : [P-REC] Recording...00:04
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!01:14
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.7 seconds after spawning before healing01:44
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 02:45
*DEAD* evil : ok03:34
*DEAD* evil : good job man03:37
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 03:44
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 05:23
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 06:22
(TEAM) Rogue : *** ORGASM FAKED *** 07:22
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 07:24
(TEAM) Rogue : *** MASK *** 07:44
(TEAM) Rogue : *** MASK *** 07:46
(TEAM) Rogue : >>> uber. <<< 07:49
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 09:25
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : idiot09:34
*DEAD* evil : ok10:00
(TEAM) Rogue : *** MASK *** 10:02
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!10:05
*DEAD* Gamer Bread : stop decloaking on my silly10:09
*DEAD* Gamer Bread : me10:11
evil : you have 50 hp on our side of the map and ur still turning for me10:27
(TEAM) Rogue : *** MASK *** 11:15
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 35 seconds11:16
(TEAM) Rogue : >>> uber. <<< 11:16
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : *** USED USED USED *** 11:19
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 50 seconds before using it11:19
evil : nice one11:47
*DEAD* Gamer Bread : I literally called that11:49
*DEAD* Gamer Bread : LOL11:50
*DEAD* Ⅳ Melon : worth11:51
*DEAD* Gamer Bread : i was off by like 2 secs 11:54
Ⅳ dt : gm12:25
Rogue : swift?12:30
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.12:32
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.12:32
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.12:32
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...12:32
(TEAM) Joey Lemons : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) (⌐■_■)dinkolaw : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) Mr. Moneybags #investing : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) Rogue : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) TheS4rr<3 : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) bloodthirster : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) claryiaa : [P-REC] say gg12:32
(TEAM) Ⅳ Phish : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) Ⅳ dt : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) evil : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32
(TEAM) dotwet : [P-REC] Stop record.12:32