
you have cat to be kitten me - BLU vs RED


Demo uploaded by blinxy 1 years go

RIB TILL I RIP20142123530blank
[4011] kjr15121718623ether
Paul301013141114Ⅳ Melon
RIB mori21918181017Ⅳ dt
RIB Chocc161619191318Gamer Bread
RIB chichi20513141410Ⅳ Rebel
RIB brutus3311724419arb1ter
RIB cherms2302141210Ⅳ Phish



Toggle Chat
RIB chichi : rib record00:02
RIB chichi : for being late00:05
RIB cherms : the NEW rib record00:10
RIB Chocc : i declare this rib scrim to be ribby00:11
RIB TILL I RIP : the worst rib scrim ever?00:26
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 00:26
RIB chichi : is rib dead ?00:38
dzcreeper : nah, lakeside against fun was the worst rib scrim ever00:40
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds00:45
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 00:45
Ⅳ dt : happens00:47
RIB TILL I RIP : rib rolls up tardy to scrim asked to leave server00:58
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds01:01
*DEAD* arb1ter : erm01:47
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 93 seconds before using it01:53
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 01:53
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 52 seconds before using it01:53
*SPEC* RIB invite grands pregame playe : noooooo02:45
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***02:46
*SPEC* RIB invite grands pregame playe : my computer forced updates02:53
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!02:59
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.6 seconds after spawning before healing03:20
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 03:23
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 04:00
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 04:04
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 04:05
*SPEC* RIB invite grands pregame playe : lowe me04:12
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 04:54
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***05:49
*DEAD* RIB cherms : fear06:06
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 06:25
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : dfmla;sdmf;lSDAKJmf06:52
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : lmfaoooooo06:53
RIB cherms : ur so bad06:54
RIB cherms : LOL06:59
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : i thought the pyro was chasing07:02
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : so i turned07:04
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***07:12
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***07:28
*DEAD* exile : WHAT07:39
*SPEC* RIB invite grands pregame playe : kjr07:46
*SPEC* RIB invite grands pregame playe : gotta dc after that07:53
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 07:57
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***08:47
(TEAM) exile : ***FAKE_UBER D:***08:54
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 36 seconds10:02
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 72 seconds before using it10:23
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 10:23
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 12:06
*DEAD* ether : RIB12:20
arb1ter : all those sniper picks and you still couldnt cap sub 1012:40
RIB cherms : real12:43
[4011] kjr : real12:45
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 12:55
(TEAM) [4011] kjr : do i leave13:09
[4011] kjr : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)13:11
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 39 seconds13:13
Ⅳ Phish : is this a handicap scrim13:13
(TEAM) RIB invite grands pregame playe : yes13:14
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 13:14
Ⅳ Phish : 9v1013:15
Ⅳ Rebel : /freeze invite13:16
RIB Chocc : no yehuda 13:21
RIB Chocc : go13:22
(TEAM) RIB cherms : sat leave pls13:28
RIB invite grands pregame playe : please man13:30
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 39 seconds13:33
RIB Chocc : sat13:33
RIB Chocc : go13:34
(TEAM) RIB invite grands pregame playe : its my one shot at invbite13:36
RIB Chocc : mate13:41
RIB Chocc : go yehuda13:44
(TEAM) RIB invite grands pregame playe : i need to impress people13:44
RIB brutus : sat get out man13:44
RIB cherms : ty13:49
*DEAD* ether : loch and load14:19
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 14:36
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 64 seconds before using it14:36
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 102 seconds before using it14:39
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 16:01
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 17:13
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 17:22
RIB cherms : sauced17:47
RIB cherms : NO17:49
Ⅳ Melon : oh17:54
*DEAD* RIB cherms : FUCK18:00
Ⅳ Melon : hm18:01
*DEAD* RIB cherms : LMAO18:02
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds18:56
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : nice18:59
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 19:01
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 37 seconds before using it19:01
RIB cherms : ty19:03
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : skj lksejhr efWJ\19:07
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : Swhat19:08
RIB cherms : LOL19:09
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : WHT19:09
*DEAD* Ⅳ Phish : WHAT19:10
RIB cherms : so easy19:11
*DEAD* RIB mori : lmao19:17
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 20:04
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.1 seconds after spawning before healing20:18
(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : THEY USED20:58
(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : ALREADY21:01
(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : this is big ad21:08
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 21:29
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!22:42
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 22:42
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 22:47
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 22:49
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.9 seconds after spawning before healing22:57
(TEAM) exile : *** UBER_USED : D*** 24:06
*DEAD* RIB Chocc : kiss my ass dt25:01
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.25:15
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.25:15
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.25:15
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...25:15
(TEAM) RIB TILL I RIP : [P-REC] Stop record.25:15
(TEAM) RIB brutus : [P-REC] Stop record.25:15
(TEAM) dzcreeper : [P-REC] Stop record.25:15
(TEAM) ether : [P-REC] wolves25:15
(TEAM) RIB cherms : [P-REC] It's the boomerang.25:15
*DEAD*(TEAM) Ⅳ Melon : [P-REC] Stop record.25:15
*DEAD*(TEAM) Ⅳ Phish : [P-REC] Stop record.25:15
*DEAD*(TEAM) exile : [P-REC] say gg25:15