
Matcha Bookable - MIX vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 1 years go

Aswero2173172917010Domain Expander
huh482012391035baseball bat
Sa1d Mujah1d.381319201422Hikaru1Allison LFP HL/6s
The Natascha Heavy391725291026Snowy
Dracula221812421012[GNL] allstardunce
tobu!5318371719SEGA Bass Fishing
Woodford Newton2153321181Brainlet
Mann2744046327pas is a fatmagic wannabe



Toggle Chat
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 0, MIX 0.00:04
8===DNEED SUB?00:06
feedmaster2001why you teleporting00:43
8===Daswero u look pretty tired bro i can sub u <300:44
Aswero21you are penis00:55
8===DRvCH cander [TH] : SHUT THE FUCK UP INDIAN DOG01:00
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.2 seconds after spawning before healing01:47
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.8 seconds after spawning before healing02:37
SnowyLeo with the N1te mentorship :cry:03:26
feedmaster2001this is so #niggagaming)03:34
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 53 seconds before using it04:22
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 18 seconds05:31
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!05:40
feedmaster2001GOAT ENGI06:23
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 1, MIX 0.06:35
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!07:56
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.9 seconds after spawning before healing08:16
Domain Expanderneed sub???08:25
The Natascha Heavyhello hikaro XD08:38
feedmaster2001i love beefing08:46
Woodford NewtonUFCKING MOGLE08:47
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 32 seconds09:14
feedmaster2001mongoloid is racist 09:17
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!09:22
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 107 seconds before using it09:23
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.6 seconds after spawning before healing10:36
pas is a fatmagic wannabedammit11:03
Sa1d Mujah1d.gg11:17
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 1, MIX 1.11:19
feedmaster2001fking mongoloid....11:49
feedmaster2001hitreg pls wrok12:19
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.8 seconds after spawning before healing12:20
Sa1d Mujah1d.i did not mean to hit that14:16
Sa1d Mujah1d.but i will pretend i did14:19
baseball battrue..14:28
feedmaster2001feeding too much15:08
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!15:21
The Natascha Heavyahhahahahahahaa sry snowy15:25
Snowyit's okie lol15:32
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.5 seconds after spawning before healing15:39
Woodford Newtonsnowyyyy15:57
Woodford NewtonAHAH15:58
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds16:46
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 131 seconds before using it16:55
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 1, MIX 2.17:10
feedmaster2001content sub me17:39
feedmaster2001im lagging17:41
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.9 seconds after spawning before healing18:20
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 37 seconds19:12
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 65 seconds before using it19:30
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 97% uber20:29
Domain Expanderanyone in gnl need sub?22:54
Aswero21hmm you22:56
feedmaster2001me me22:59
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!23:12
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 1, MIX 3.23:26
feedmaster2001content you gotta carry now23:29
The Natascha Heavymvp sniper <324:45
pas is a fatmagic wannabeuh24:54
pas is a fatmagic wannabeme?24:56
pas is a fatmagic wannabenah24:58
Aswero21i got expanded26:11
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 16 seconds26:14
Aswero21my asshole in fact26:15
Domain Expanderi have online school whilelist playing scout26:19
Domain Expanderfor gnl26:23
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 38 seconds before using it26:52
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 60 seconds before using it26:55
The Natascha Heavyouch :p <328:20
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 50 seconds before using it29:15
Domain Expanderno vc moment29:52
Snowythen ask wtf29:58
Snowyyou joined without asking for vc30:06
Woodford Newtonstupid30:11
Domain Expanderhol on guys my teacher saying smt30:28
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 2, MIX 3.30:34
Aswero21what subject30:34
Domain Expanderliterature30:40
The Natascha Heavynatascha is broken30:41
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 14 seconds31:44
pas is a fatmagic wannabeI KNEW IT31:45
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 42 seconds before using it32:03
Woodford Newtonns33:00
Domain Expanderhol on guys33:02
Domain Expanderbrb33:04
pas is a fatmagic wannabethx33:08
Woodford Newtonkick the kid33:09
The Natascha Heavy1 hp :p33:11
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds33:23
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 36 seconds before using it33:54
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.6 seconds after spawning before healing35:29
The Natascha Heavyggwp <336:17
pas is a fatmagic wannabeggwp36:20
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.36:21
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.36:21
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...36:21