demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Moarry 3 months ago

mk843439872373alto housemaid
but why?612737692075Mommy's Strongest Man
BrannMolvik(Norway)564940801837Krack Cobain
Moarry69155241223Don Pickles
55528hitbox necromancer



Toggle Chat
[SOAP] Your attacker had 90 health remaining.00:42
[SOAP] Your attacker had 114 health remaining.01:07
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.01:31
[SOAP] Your attacker had 200 health remaining.01:46
[SOAP] Your attacker had 13 health remaining.02:25
[SOAP] Your attacker had 138 health remaining.02:37
Xenagoslynn stickies02:48
Xenagosgonna kms02:50
[SOAP] Your attacker had 225 health remaining.03:02
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.03:27
[SOAP] Your attacker had 204 health remaining.03:39
[SOAP] Your attacker had 23 health remaining.04:36
[SOAP] Your attacker had 220 health remaining.04:47
[SOAP] Your attacker had 116 health remaining.05:10
[SOAP] Your attacker had 149 health remaining.05:50
[SOAP] Your attacker had 165 health remaining.05:56
Xenagosevery pyro shares 1 brain cell06:00
Spudi was playing buddy holly06:09
but why?:l06:18
Krack Cobaintol cafce06:34
[SOAP] Your attacker had 30 health remaining.06:48
[SOAP] Your attacker had 178 health remaining.07:04
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.07:11
[SOAP] Your attacker had 135 health remaining.07:56
[SOAP] Your attacker had 9 health remaining.07:58
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.08:10
[SOAP] Your attacker had 139 health remaining.08:20
[SOAP] Your attacker had 164 health remaining.08:34
but why?bigboobs like the cat?08:48
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.08:52
wheres my pda???no08:53
wheres my pda???like large badonkas08:56
[SOAP] Your attacker had 206 health remaining.09:04
but why?i wanted to see the cat :(09:05
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.09:11
boogie bomb survivorhis name is big boobs look him up in google images09:16
Spuddo NOT look that up09:22
BigBoobsreal and true09:24
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.09:24
Spudworst mistake of my life09:26
[SOAP] Your attacker had 156 health remaining.09:43
n.w.a.r.l.its 85009:48
dzcreeperbunch of colourists on our roster09:50 going to kill myself09:51
boogie bomb survivoraiga get yr noob as ofg red09:57
BigBoobspreach brother10:01
[SOAP] Your attacker had 97 health remaining.10:03
hitbox necromanceru feared a scout 10:09
mkyeah it was me10:22
boogie bomb survivorwhi gives a shit10:23
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.10:24
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.10:24
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.10:28
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.10:28
boogie bomb survivorbro10:29 way10:30 fuckiung way10:32
mkeple got third in invite brotha10:39
Krack Cobainhes putting his socks on hold on guys10:42
mkno ones gonna learn anything10:44
hitbox necromancerwho care10:46
mkobv u too if u brining it up10:55
BigBoobsoh yeah? i just chugged a beer and im cracking another10:58
BigBoobswe all accomplsihed things11:01
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.11:06
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.11:07
BigBoobsquit yappin11:08
n.w.a.r.l.praise the lord11:09
dzcreeper[P-REC] Recording...11:11
boogie bomb survivor[P-REC] Recording...11:11
mk[P-REC] Recording...11:11
Xenagos[P-REC] Recording...11:11
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)[P-REC] Recording...11:11
Empyrean[P-REC] brought out da pink lamborghini11:11
Krack Cobaindawg what 13:18
boogie bomb survivor:313:22
Krack CobainI WAS STUCK15:46
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)rip15:52
n.w.a.r.l.cross map heavy duel goes hard16:21
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)dz should i play that more conservative?17:27
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.29:42
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.29:42
dzcreeper[P-REC] Stop record.29:42
mk[P-REC] Stop record.29:42
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)[P-REC] Stop record.29:42
Xenagos[P-REC] Stop record.29:42
Empyrean[P-REC] stop! hammer time.29:42
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...29:42
boogie bomb survivor[P-REC] Stop record.29:42
Xenagosno logs29:54
[SOAP] Your attacker had 175 health remaining.30:04
Mommy's Strongest Man!log30:09
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.30:12
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: !log30:14
boogie bomb survivor.ss30:15
wheres my pda???!log30:17
boogie bomb survivor.ss30:20
Krack Cobain.ss30:22
[SOAP] Your attacker had 79 health remaining.31:02
[SOAP] Your attacker had 300 health remaining.31:06
mkwanna upward31:39
Xenagosmr molvik32:24
Xenagoscan you bounce on moarry more32:44
BrannMolvik(Norway)A bit unused to my calls maybe too33:10
BrannMolvik(Norway)so close to turning when I called it a few times33:19
Xenagossniper mains only know look forward, not listen to comms, never turn for spy, blame team mates33:40
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.33:54
mkeet hot chip and lie33:55
wheres my pda???throw bleed, eat hot chip and lie34:03
mkhey man34:08
[SOAP] Your attacker had 125 health remaining.34:11
mkwithout bleed im nothing34:13
wheres my pda???me 234:19
n.w.a.r.l.throw bleed, eat crit ball and die34:27
mkive been tryna only use it on this map for koth tho34:32
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)any sniper born after 1999 dont listen to comms, shoot on they sniper, eat hot beam, and die.34:33
mkash and proot pistol mode34:36
mkwinger on proot is kinda bis34:40
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.34:42
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.34:42
[AFK] WARNING! These players are AFK:34:43
[AFK] - BrannMolvik(Norway)34:43
wheres my pda???oo34:44
wheres my pda???winger proo34:47
boogie bomb survivor[P-REC] Recording...34:47
dzcreeper[P-REC] Recording...34:47
mk[P-REC] Recording...34:47
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)[P-REC] Recording...34:47
Xenagos[P-REC] Recording...34:47
Empyrean[P-REC] brought out da pink lamborghini34:47
XenagosXenagos doesn't know how to play pyro, all they know is spy check when spy dead, miss reflect, det jump into enemy combo34:52
n.w.a.r.l.August 12 2036 the heat death of the universe34:59
Xenagoslets go35:56
Don Pickleshey man36:05
jimsgimswhere is your buff36:38
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)whoops41:56
Krack Cobainlol44:54
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)'heavy is in our main'...45:01 way...45:32
dzcreeperyou guys are still calling obvious and useless stuff47:07
Mommy's Strongest Man!log49:45
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.49:51
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.49:51
dzcreeper[P-REC] Stop record.49:51
boogie bomb survivor[P-REC] Stop record.49:51
mk[P-REC] Stop record.49:51
Chug Jug Addict (1 month clean)[P-REC] Stop record.49:51
Xenagos[P-REC] Stop record.49:51
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...49:51
Empyrean[P-REC] stop! hammer time.49:51