
Mommy Men Checking In | HL Scrim - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Taiga 3 months ago

[Ringer] Nagaiki no Kamisama91014111523Townze
big hat451313812Apple Zoo
Mommy's Strongest Man97115927Crump.THUG
wheres my pda???9584125kho
cardnyals in the nyatican03123200Mikhail
hitbox necromancer1122116316Pupper



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[Ringer] Nagaiki no KamisamaYou're walking unrevved00:03
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 38 seconds before using it01:35
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.2 seconds after spawning before healing01:57
Crump.THUGmikal sway02:50
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 13 seconds02:53
[STV Stats] RED spent 9.5 seconds after spawning before healing05:38
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.3 seconds after spawning before healing07:41
[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 98% uber08:37
[STV Stats] RED spent 11.0 seconds after spawning before healing08:59
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 62 seconds before using it09:17
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 26 seconds11:14
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 58 seconds before using it11:27
Crump.THUGthat is actually crazy12:46
wheres my pda???yeehaw12:54
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 38 seconds before using it13:16
cardnyals in the nyaticanur so fucking bad lmao14:03
big hat:(14:10
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.7 seconds after spawning before healing14:17
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.16:20
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.16:20
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.16:20
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...16:20