demos.tfaboutviewereditor #545323 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 1 years go

TF2Center atreat lft1051212310☼ gamble
ConcernedMom16291243Cookie Dough
برای قورمه سبزی ز96171046bug maniac jeffrey
frellow yupartian268210116Squiddysquibbles



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برای قورمه سبزی زcuz ghormeh sabzi is life00:07
Silvergimme some Qurme sabzy 02:35
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.2 seconds after spawning before healing02:59
برای قورمه سبزی زim so bad04:38
Silverdont worry04:48
[STV Stats] RED spent 14.0 seconds after spawning before healing05:30
TF2Center atreat lftur the weiner07:44
☼ gamblepootis07:48
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!08:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.1 seconds after spawning before healing09:29
Cookie Doughget rid of his doms09:37
☼ gamble!rep me09:45
azrTF2Center atreat lft defeated ☼ gamble in a duel because ☼ gamble changed teams.09:49
azrTF2Center atreat lft defeated ☼ gamble in a duel because ☼ gamble changed teams.09:50
azrTF2Center atreat lft defeated ☼ gamble in a duel because ☼ gamble changed teams.09:52
bug maniac jeffrey...09:55
azrTF2Center atreat lft defeated ☼ gamble in a duel because ☼ gamble changed teams.09:55
kuzoTF2Center atreat lft defeated ☼ gamble in a duel because ☼ gamble changed teams.10:10
ConcernedMom1!rep me10:12
برای قورمه سبزی زare you killing10:13
برای قورمه سبزی زplease dont kill10:15
برای قورمه سبزی زpleae dont 10:16
برای قورمه سبزی زPLEASE DONT10:18
azrim not10:19
TF2Center atreat lftrep ur w.e10:24
bug maniac jeffrey!rep me11:12
Cookie Dough!rep me11:17
برای قورمه سبزی زso smart11:21
Silverwhy you love qurme sabzy so much11:33
Silverits just11:37
برای قورمه سبزی زits the best food in world11:41
Silversome vegetables and meat11:43
Silverkhob pas11:56
Silverke intor11:58
Silveri love kabab12:15
Silverbtw i should tell you im 12:25
برای قورمه سبزی زlets go12:55
Silverim good bro15:34
Silveris canada good for iranians15:46
برای قورمه سبزی زprob idk im half, dad is from tehran15:59
برای قورمه سبزی زlots of iranians in ontario16:05
برای قورمه سبزی زtoronto 16:07
برای قورمه سبزی زrichmond hill is basically iran enclave16:15
Silveryour mom is not iranian?16:16
برای قورمه سبزی زnah16:19
Silverso you are half irani16:27
برای قورمه سبزی زye16:29
Silverhalf canada16:31
برای قورمه سبزی زno she from carribean16:35
Silveryou are muslim ?16:56
برای قورمه سبزی زnope, my dad is pretty against islam lol bc of what happened... .. .. .17:10
Silverdamn 17:17
Silveri think your grandpa and grandma might have been muslim17:47
برای قورمه سبزی زyeah his parents were hella conservative muslim17:56
برای قورمه سبزی زmost of his family are except for one of his brothers18:01
برای قورمه سبزی زhe and him are both pretty cynical towards all religion18:14
Silverso you christian or something18:32
برای قورمه سبزی زzoroastrian18:42
Silverwhat about your dad18:52
برای قورمه سبزی زyea19:02
Silverwell i hope you dont lose your faith on God19:22
Silvercan you speak persian19:35
برای قورمه سبزی زnot fluent but im learning19:43
Silverok mate i go22:04
Silvercya later ;)22:08
برای قورمه سبزی زbye bye :D22:11
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.22:38
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.22:38
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...22:38