demos.tfaboutviewereditor #550278 - BLU vs RED


Demo uploaded by 12 months ago

roll of the tung134402TBC | cringy
danmar33 of the foosb562415George
DragonForce-maxing1142710TBC | Backdraft
yeezy taught me702912TBC | Effion
behemoth223612TBC | Jookson
cheng422411TBC | cat
9gon Pepper052331TBC | Mist
9gon Discario1113506TBC | 333
9gon lemon703712TBC | Pablo



Toggle Chat
TBC | Misthad a built in emote0:00
TBC | cringyEffion: dude the sticky launcher reload is like sec00:15
TBC | cringysex*00:21
TBC | cringyi cant SPELL00:23
roll of the tungTBC | cringy : Effion: dude the sticky launcher reload is like sec00:30
TBC | cringymy career is over before it started00:36
Georgeroll of the tung : TBC | cringy : Effion: dude the sticky launcher reload is like sec00:39
[Pause] Game was paused by 9gon Pepper00:40
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!00:40
Saving ubercharge level for 9gon Pepper00:40
Saving ubercharge level for TBC | Mist00:40
DragonForce-maxing : roll of the tung : TBC | cringy : Effion: dude the sticky launcher reload is like sec00:40
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds00:40
behemoth : you could probably be a rapper00:40
danmar33 of the foosb : demo afk00:40
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 14 seconds00:40
9gon Pepper : demo afk lol00:40
TBC | cringy : what00:40
TBC | cringy : I Love Bugs and Critters00:40
TBC | cringy : This Div Is Full Of So Many Geniuses!00:40
behemoth : rappers cant spell right00:40
TBC | cringy : LOL00:40
roll of the tung : my demo shitting bro00:40
TBC | Pablo : lmao00:40
TBC | 333 : if effion could he would put his brain in the game to facefuck his stickybmomb launcher00:40
9gon Pepper : sorry00:40
TBC | cat : demo throwing00:40
DragonForce-maxing : ackerman: idk don't tell anyone but I stole half my binds00:40
TBC | cringy : LOL00:40
roll of the tung : TBC | cringy : Effion: dude the sticky launcher reload is like sec00:40
9gon Pepper : I believe it00:40
9gon lemon : YO?/00:40
behemoth : bind p 'say smoked'00:40
TBC | cringy : Truly Humble Under God00:40
TBC | cringy : Truly Humble Under God00:40
TBC | cat : now we know why its called the sticky..bomb launcher ...00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
TBC | Mist : We've had to keep this secret so long00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
George : I Love Bugs And Critters!00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
TBC | Mist : We had to reveal during Playoffs00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
George : I pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
DragonForce-maxing : Lou Gubrious: rose i dont think your relation to women is that of a heterosexual man00:40
TBC | cringy : Whats yall Opinion on Gobfull00:40
TBC | Pablo : Effion too distracted looking at his sticky launcher to see the gameplay bro.00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
George : hurry up and graduate00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute00:40
behemoth : i graduated now whar00:40
TBC | cringy : What if the scout was Black00:40
TBC | Pablo : Your demo taking a piss or something?00:40
TBC | cringy : Can someone Answer me00:40
TBC | cringy : Plz00:40
behemoth : our teamleader said 'if youre not here say something' and someone wasnt here but didnt say anything00:40
George : hol up gotta walk my pet alien from outer space00:40
TBC | Mist : Bros taking the browns to the superbowl rn00:40
DragonForce-maxing : ughhh00:40
9gon lemon : flarp00:40
DragonForce-maxing : *DEAD* scouty: ur a loser00:40
George : should i let my older sister play for me00:40
9gon lemon : yea00:40
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes00:40
behemoth : thats cheating00:40
DragonForce-maxing : no imma reflect airshot her too00:40
TBC | Mist : Would rgl know if you handed the keyboard to the older sibling?00:40
TBC | Jookson : are there slot machines on this map asking for a friend00:40
behemoth : dusterdan might know00:40
TBC | cringy : my lil bro was playing the whole szn00:40
TBC | Pablo : I couldn't even milk it, I forced IMMEDIATELLY! Clean up isle my logs!00:40
TBC | cringy : hews playing rn00:40
TBC | cringy : im just typing00:40
George : what if i gave b4nny my account to play offi and i just did comms00:40
George : how would rgl know00:40
TBC | cringy : Facts00:40
TBC | cringy : What if i was 2500:40
George : ^kill this dumbass00:40
9gon Pepper : unpausing now?00:40
DragonForce-maxing : about to unpause00:40
TBC | cringy : Ok ok ok ok00:40
TBC | Pablo : are we?00:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by 9gon Pepper...00:40
behemoth : 24 hour cinderella00:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...00:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...00:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...00:40
George : i unpaused everywhere00:40
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...00:40
Restoring ubercharge level for 9gon Pepper00:40
Restoring ubercharge level for TBC | Mist00:40
[Pause] Game is unpaused!00:40
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 15 seconds00:48
TBC | cringyCouldnt even Build uber to this.. I popped immediately!!! :joy: :joy:00:58
GeorgeI pledge of allegience to the bag that we obtain by selling that loud pack01:00
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 82 seconds before using it02:01
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 83 seconds before using it02:03
[STV Stats] BLU spent 17.2 seconds after spawning before healing03:46
roll of the tungdouble hole04:02
Georgelet me win this one i have a very rare form of cancer04:39
roll of the tungnah04:44
Georgeim playing from st jude hospital rn04:48
9gon lemonmake a wish rgl game04:51
roll of the tungboowomp04:53
TBC | cringyLol my solly is so dumb04:54
TBC | catim a make a wish kid let me win04:56
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.2 seconds after spawning before healing04:57
roll of the tungwish denied05:03
TBC | Pabloddot is a make a wish kid bro, let them win05:05
TBC | cringyMy teammates are Mentally Ill dude Let them win05:11
TBC | catim autistic you have to let me win or ill tell my mom05:12
TBC | PabloWell can they at least see b4nny?05:16
behemothyour mom isnt real05:17
TBC | catyea..05:22
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 25 seconds05:23
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 55 seconds before using it06:17
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 141 seconds before using it07:31
behemothddot cringy certified not fun havers08:19
yeezy taught meGG08:29
TBC | cringyidk whatu r talking abt08:29
TBC | MistGR08:33
Georgeadd up on passtime after bruh08:33
behemothyou guys shot me out of my taunt08:36
9gon Discariogr08:37
Georgesee my true form08:38
TBC | cringynuh uh08:39
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.08:43
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.08:43
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...08:43