
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment Enterprises - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Plinko 1 years go

[ham] sui1028321MARIOPARTYDSFAN
Gen is cheating2492724127[ham] Catalyxx
[ham] syphu008221517WIPkl | Drozos
[ham] WoHBilly39728
[ham] jirard.Flyntcreeper2008003



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[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.9 seconds after spawning before healing01:39
[ham] syphuthey all left :(02:16
[ham] Catalyxxbungorf02:50
Bungorfill stay red02:53
[ham] Catalyxxgotcha02:55
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 34 seconds before using it05:59
Gen is cheating:>07:57
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.5 seconds after spawning before healing09:43
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!10:54
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing12:55
[ham] WoHBillygabriel you should play demo on your demo 13:00
[ham] WoHBillyjesus13:01
[ham] WoHBillyr_drawviewmodel13:45
Gen is cheatingnoooooooo16:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 28.1 seconds after spawning before healing17:26
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.4 seconds after spawning before healing17:55
[STV Stats] BLU spent 15.0 seconds after spawning before healing19:28
[STV Stats] RED spent 42.2 seconds after spawning before healing20:33
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.2 seconds after spawning before healing20:47
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.3 seconds after spawning before healing21:22
[STV Stats] BLU spent 25.4 seconds after spawning before healing25:48
Bungorfcatalyxx want to switch26:44
[ham] Catalyxxi think im heading out lolol26:49
Bungorfah have a good one then26:59
[ham] Catalyxxyessir27:13
[ham] Catalyxxggs27:14
[ham] WoHBillyno rockets28:05
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 33 seconds before using it29:25
Gen is cheatinghahaahah30:04
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:14
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14