
🌭 The Hotdog Stand - LETSGO vs LOL


Demo uploaded by shelz0r 1 months ago

🌭 neil13925111721peaches
🌭 Rixarlin2181991327Bloomston
certified freak 24/72233221526Mama Doo-Wop
Strange Diplomat1631717531danger close one man army
🌭 shelz0r0171611172Tuna



Toggle Chat
[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 95% uber06:38
Strange Diplomat?09:33
Tuna'It is a midfight, so its pretty much just a whole massive orgy' - Rape Juice, 206910:07
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 21 seconds13:06
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 123 seconds before using it14:39
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 112 seconds before using it14:58
danger close one man army?14:59
Tuna'We're kind of molesting each other right now' -PooT, 201715:01
Tuna'I thought Highlander was a map' -Lt. Applejuice, 201715:08
certified freak 24/7?15:29
certified freak 24/7?18:03
certified freak 24/7LOL18:04
Tuna'I don't really know what a ringer is, I see it more as a sub but I like being a ringer' -Lt. Applejuice, 201718:12
[STV Stats] BLU spent 33.1 seconds after spawning before healing21:17
Strange Diplomat?22:05
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds22:11
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!22:20
🌭 Rixarlinomg22:40
Strange DiplomatOMG22:41
certified freak 24/7erm22:42
certified freak 24/7what22:42
certified freak 24/7what just happened22:45
Tuna'Where's your midget?' -Poot, 201722:58
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 95% uber24:50
certified freak 24/7ok25:37
🌭 Rixarlinimagine25:39
certified freak 24/7ns25:39
Tuna'He literaly just turned into Hitler' -Poot, 201725:40
danger close one man armyty25:41
Tuna'Why is my pee so gloopy and translucent?' -Kon, 201725:51
certified freak 24/7????27:12
danger close one man army?27:20
mac_cheesewall ahck27:24
danger close one man armyOMG27:32
danger close one man armymy son27:38
certified freak 24/72 spies on ad?????28:48
🌭 Rixarlinour demo fears smh29:54
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14