demos.tfaboutviewereditor - WET vs wumbo


Demo uploaded by Trev 11 months ago

yayyay41510824pro vs noob vs hcaker
not micah1421414916Eugene Gripnasty
krakowski10520697minion's disciple
Nebula :3 -WET-6121315620a.t.
-WET- Emperor Prince141015131219Gordon Freakman
flaiR10715101219Evil Cactus
-WET- Pie72106150Sergeant Joker



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20240401-2115-koth_ashville_final1.dem00:03
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch00:05
[]: 00:08
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds00:49
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds01:06
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 147 seconds before using it02:48
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 105 seconds before using it02:50
-WET- Emperor Princewe are going to pause06:46
Saving ubercharge level for Sergeant Joker06:48
[Pause] Game was paused by -WET- Emperor Prince06:48
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!06:48
Saving ubercharge level for ✚PINKY✚06:48
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...08:17
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...08:17
Restoring ubercharge level for Sergeant Joker08:17
Restoring ubercharge level for ✚PINKY✚08:17
[Pause] Game is unpaused!08:17
-WET- Emperor Prince : are you good with our medic retrying08:17
*DEAD* Coolstuff : Polish White Boy.08:17
*DEAD* Coolstuff : Yeah thats fine08:17
a.t. : is he enabling hacks?08:17
Eugene Gripnasty : Sure08:17
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute08:17
a.t. : if so, then no08:17
flaiR : yes medic is enabling walls08:17
a.t. : then no08:17
Sergeant Joker : he's toggling medic hacks08:17
a.t. : no retry08:17
-WET- Emperor Prince : we are going to unpause08:17
-WET- Emperor Prince : r08:17
pro vs noob vs hcaker : prohjectile walhack08:17
Nebula :3 -WET- : arrow aimbot08:17
Evil Cactus : bro is getting them crossbow aimbots08:17
minion's disciple : ye08:17
Trev : need to get premium lmaobox08:17
Nebula :3 -WET- : magic bullet08:17
Gordon Freakman : whats my name08:17
Gordon Freakman : DUNKACCINO08:17
Trev : free one sucks rn08:17
Sergeant Joker : crossbow aimbot, walls, razorback hacks08:17
flaiR : medic is toggling infinite medi-beam range hack08:17
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by -WET- Emperor Prince...08:17
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...08:17
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...08:17
Evil Cactus : i like online gambling08:17
Evil Cactus : ???????08:17
Sergeant Joker : ????08:17
ianf526 : ping08:17
Bingleboberbebenboff : 700 ping med08:17
pro vs noob vs hcaker : gg08:17
Sergeant Joker : oh bruh08:17
Nebula :3 -WET- : look out our meds ping dawg08:17
Trev : playable08:17
a.t. : i only see 311 not 700 08:17
a.t. : idk tho08:17
Nebula :3 -WET- : ??????08:17
Sergeant Joker : I cant see ping lol08:17
Eugene Gripnasty : dang 08:17
Evil Cactus : yeah yeah thats what they all say08:17
Gordon Freakman : mwah haha my ddoss worked08:17
-WET- Pie : it was 700 ping08:17
Trev : pinky thinks 700ms ahead so its okay08:17
Sergeant Joker : ^08:17
flaiR : L + plundered + no wenches + marooned + you have scurvy08:17
*DEAD* Coolstuff : Thequirka Today at 4:35 PM how many loads can this guy take?08:17
a.t. : 85 ms : ✚PINKY✚08:17
Gordon Freakman : It never really mattered too much to me08:17
Gordon Freakman : That I was just too damn old to emcee08:17
Gordon Freakman : All that really matters is if your rhymes was ill08:17
Gordon Freakman : Girl, that's all that really mattered to me, oh baby08:17
a.t. : erm08:17
a.t. : 85 ms : ✚PINKY✚08:17
Evil Cactusbruh09:28
Evil Cactusare you flippin kidding me09:35
-WET- Emperor Princeengine pick?!?!? <309:43
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds09:50
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 34 seconds before using it10:23
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 128 seconds before using it10:25
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.5 seconds after spawning before healing10:57
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 66 seconds before using it13:04
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch13:07
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 16 seconds13:47
Evil Cactusif i dont get 68 acc at is gonna do inapropriate things to me13:57
pro vs noob vs hcaker.ss14:02
-WET- Emperor Princesay the n word14:05
Nebula :3 -WET-:?14:08
Gordon FreakmanNO14:09
flaiRteam fortress 2 2025 ending14:10
Nebula :3 -WET-:/14:10
Gordon Freakman!!!14:11
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds14:13
-WET- Piesay nice14:18
Nebula :3 -WET-nice14:29
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 92 seconds before using it15:13
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 62 seconds before using it15:15
Saving ubercharge level for ✚PINKY✚16:18
[Pause] Game was paused by Bingleboberbebenboff16:18
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!16:18
Saving ubercharge level for Sergeant Joker16:18
flaiR : guys my mom found the highlander love log in my room.28:23
✚PINKY✚ : hoh28:23
flaiR : what do.28:23
Sergeant Joker : ye worse case just ask nes lol28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 9 minutes28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : flair what is the 'Highlander Love Log?'28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : compmakarov28:23
flaiR : yes.28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : could you check our ringer out 28:23
Sergeant Joker : yes28:23
a.t. : he can play28:23
a.t. : casserole28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 10 minutes28:23
Sergeant Joker : we letting him ring28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : the big ten28:23
Gordon Freakman : these delays are worse than the subway28:23
Evil Cactus : i love following rgl rules28:23
Evil Cactus : not april fools28:23
flaiR : is he allowed to make macaroni salad during the match?28:23
Gordon Freakman : only if i can28:23
flaiR : deal.28:23
-WET- Pie : shut up you're vegan28:23
flaiR : stfu.28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : www.ugc.com28:23
Gordon Freakman : potatoes arent meat28:23
flaiR : tree bark is meat.28:23
flaiR : skin.28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : X28:23
a.t. : www.nebulafromWCB.net28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : real28:23
Gordon Freakman : im under your skin eating away28:23
Evil Cactus : bro does not have a website28:23
Gordon Freakman : peel me out28:23
flaiR : good.28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 11 minutes28:23
flaiR : please do it faster.28:23
a.t. : anyone here have schitzophrenia?28:23
flaiR : me28:23
Gordon Freakman : im munchin and crunchin28:23
Gordon Freakman : my mouths full28:23
a.t. : skitzofrenai28:23
flaiR : i'm out here eatin' coconut and almond chocolate.28:23
Sergeant Joker : approved in match comms unpause28:23
a.t. : how you know i've arrived in the vicinity:28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : we are unpausing28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : r28:23
Gordon Freakman : are yall munting28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : Ordering my LTG jersey rn28:23
a.t. : ken carson playing and bats surrounding me and shit28:23
Gordon Freakman : OH MY GOD28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : r?28:23
a.t. : r28:23
Gordon Freakman : FR28:23
Sergeant Joker : WE LOVE LTG WE LOVE LTG28:23
flaiR : currently ordering from temu.28:23
Evil Cactus : zoinks28:23
Coolstuff : r28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : Ordering my Froyotech b4nny Jersey28:23
Gordon Freakman : r28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : yeah you can call me a communist28:23
✚PINKY✚ : jeepers28:23
Trev : r28:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by -WET- Emperor Prince...28:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...28:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...28:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...28:23
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...28:23
Restoring ubercharge level for Sergeant Joker28:23
Restoring ubercharge level for ✚PINKY✚28:23
[Pause] Game is unpaused!28:23
a.t. : just start28:23
Evil Cactus : no i didnt28:23
Evil Cactus : ?????28:23
Sergeant Joker : ????28:23
Evil Cactus : ok pa28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : power loss28:23
Coolstuff : Again...28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : bingleboberbebenboff28:23
Evil Cactus : fool me once28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : scout 28:23
Sergeant Joker : bro there's no way28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : oh no....28:23
Bingleboberbebenboff : scout has no power28:23
Sergeant Joker : what is this luck28:23
a.t. : ok im gonna go get water then28:23
flaiR : it's called wet cardboard.28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : sorry about 2nd pause28:23
Gordon Freakman : our demos getting water28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : shoutout water28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : I need the strength of God to get through this shit28:23
Gordon Freakman : SERENITY NOW!28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : inshallah28:23
Evil Cactus : average moment for any team nebula is on28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : shoutout god28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : im talking a pisss28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : cactus, shut28:23
Evil Cactus : lmao28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : there he goes28:23
-WET- Pie : what timing to get a power loss in the middle of a match28:23
Sergeant Joker : -WET- Emperor Prince : im talking a pisss28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : how yall feel about green beans?28:23
Evil Cactus : what a coincidence man....28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : i secretly cut every power line in his area....28:23
Evil Cactus : yeah you the type of guy to like green beans28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : green bean cassarol is good 28:23
Sergeant Joker : nebula cactus told me you are a mega-bot28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : wait real?28:23
Gordon Freakman : he said really mean things about you28:23
Evil Cactus : joker is doing april fools28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : drunk driver ran into his power pole to his appartment28:23
Gordon Freakman : i am drunk drivers28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : can weget a ringer there power is not coming back someone drove into there power tower28:23
-WET- Pie : kill drunk drivers burn drunk drivers stab drunk drivers28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : it's the drunk crashers that give drunk drivers a bad name28:23
a.t. : im a drunk driver, now i have to blow in order to start me car28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : you know, 55% of fatal car crashes happened with sober people28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes28:23
Gordon Freakman : 75% of car crashes are caused by sober drivers28:23
Gordon Freakman : let that sink in28:23
Sergeant Joker : just ask someone from the WCB server28:23
Nebula :3 -WET- : yes28:23
a.t. : dude can we hurry this up?28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : dang :28:23
Evil Cactus : we got this fella named pops28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : ydoesnt pops paly main 6s28:23
-WET- Pie : actually, we're gonna ring James newlover28:23
Sergeant Joker : totally not a domestic terrorist btw28:23
flaiR : pops from regular show?28:23
a.t. : bc pops is bad?28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : we are asking subs 28:23
a.t. : thanks, ianf52628:23
Sergeant Joker : pops is uncletopia div28:23
flaiR : thanks obama for the drunk drivers in this country.28:23
-WET- Pie : This server has done nothing but bring me down as a person...28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes28:23
a.t. : 6 minute pause.....28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : this is erm.... getting political....28:23
*DEAD* ianf526 : man trust me we did not want our mains power do drop28:23
Gordon Freakman : erm... what the scout28:23
Sergeant Joker : silence wench28:23
flaiR : thanks trump and obama and bush and regan and ford for making drunk drivers great again.28:23
Sergeant Joker : eugnene be capping28:23
Coolstuff : 8v8 no sniper?28:23
Gordon Freakman : frfr28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : NO CAP28:23
pro vs noob vs hcaker : Lets Talk Political28:23
Sergeant Joker : 6v6 no sniper, no engy no pyro no spy no heavy?28:23
flaiR : 4s?28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : would you guys let a main scout play?28:23
Coolstuff : Trios?28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes28:23
Evil Cactus : mge?28:23
-WET- Emperor Prince : pert28:23
Evil Cactus : we all just 1v1 our class28:23
Coolstuff : Can we just spec instead?28:23
Evil Cactus : yall wanna just grab some beers28:23
flaiR : only if it's guiness.28:23
Coolstuff : Fr I would28:23
Coolstuff : In the RGL content house28:23
[Pause] Game has been paused for 8 minutes28:23
flaiR : drunk shoutcast for HL and 6s final.28:23
a.t. : pinky ness says hi28:23
Eugene Gripnasty : the goon cave....... awaits me.........28:23
flaiR : god i can't wait.28:23
✚PINKY✚ : hallloo28:23
✚PINKY✚ : hallo ness28:23
a.t. : he can't see that hes not in the game28:23
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 30 seconds before using it30:48
Evil Cactusengie gets the sniper pick?????!?!????31:56
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 43 seconds before using it32:33
Gordon Freakmangg32:53
Gordon Freakmangr32:56
Gordon Freakmanmb32:57
Evil Cactusghgh32:57
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.33:01
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.33:01
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload33:01
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.33:01
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...33:01