demos.tfaboutviewereditor - PGL2 vs VGD


Demo uploaded by speakers ツ 8 months ago

PGL2 PND410013201dorito
PGL2 notkadenk426200YeetonmyFeet
PGL2 blake++201816typhoon
PGL2 Speakers10106023Noov Dinisnad



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[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.0:00
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.0:00
[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo match-20240403-0214-pass_ufo_a14.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
[PASS-TV] Noov Dinisnad stole from PGL2 PND4. Tick: 1943600:17
[PASS-TV] PGL2 PND4 stole from Noov Dinisnad. Tick: 1964100:21
PGL2 PND4Chill Out!00:32
PGL2 PND4We're trying to cook you noob00:45
[PASS-TV] Noov Dinisnad stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 2141300:47
PGL2 PND4Snood. Behave.00:58
PGL2 Speakersmake sure you have proper alias for cast btw01:07
[PASS-TV] Noov Dinisnad scored a goal. Tick: 2463301:35
[PASS-TV] Noov Dinisnad stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 2868602:36
[PASS-TV] Noov Dinisnad scored a goal. Tick: 2875802:37
danielthis isn't mge!02:39
PGL2 Speakersmake sure you guys have rgl aliases for cast02:45
PGL2 Speakersby the way02:47
YeetonmyFeetwait that02:56
[PASS-TV] PGL2 notkadenk scored a goal assisted by PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 3052403:04
PGL2 notkadenkcast wants to start 93003:24
[PASS-TV] typhoon intercepted PGL2 PND4. Tick: 3341703:47
[PASS-TV] typhoon scored a goal. Tick: 3372003:52
[PASS-TV] PGL2 PND4 scored a goal assisted by PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 3792704:55
[PASS-TV] Crutch stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 4127905:45
[PASS-TV] Crutch stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 4283006:08
[PASS-TV] Crutch scored a goal. Tick: 4297206:11
PGL2 PND4OMG Snood is gonna Win06:20
PGL2 SpeakersOmg.06:22
[PASS-TV] Crutch stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 4489006:39
[PASS-TV] PGL2 blake++ intercepted YeetonmyFeet. Tick: 4522206:44
[PASS-TV] Crutch stole from PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 4608506:57
[PASS-TV] PGL2 Speakers intercepted Crutch. Tick: 4674707:07
[PASS-TV] PGL2 PND4 stole from Crutch. Tick: 4756807:19
[PASS-TV] Crutch intercepted PGL2 Speakers. Tick: 4997207:56
[PASS-TV] PGL2 notkadenk intercepted typhoon. Tick: 5363108:50
[PASS-TV] Crutch intercepted PGL2 PND4. Tick: 5635409:31
[PASS-TV] Crutch scored a goal. Tick: 5646609:33
PGL2 PND4GG!09:37
PGL2 SpeakersGG!09:41
PGL2 Speakerswaiting on cast13:10
YeetonmyFeetwhere is garbo15:32
PGL2 Speakersthey're ready whenever we are19:02
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.19:15
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.19:15