demos.tfaboutviewereditor #554308 - GOONRS vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 11 months ago

Barvey Hirdman4297614curbbitter300
Princess Trashcan0779100Avi ♥



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[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
plank77bluestar sexier00:06
GoldenboiSwaggaloud and clear00:46
plank77Good miciohpone00:53
high ass dawgPlayer by the name of 'Mela' is PWNing00:57
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!01:08
plank77senile demoman01:14
[STV Stats] RED spent 21.1 seconds after spawning before healing01:18
plank77forgets he have stickies01:22
plank77im getting on that husky pov01:34
GoldenboiSwaggagoat pov01:40
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.5 seconds after spawning before healing01:41
plank77type shi01:44
high ass dawgima take a piss rq, that cool?01:59
GoldenboiSwaggastay dog02:08
high ass dawg? watch your mouth pig02:15
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 22 seconds02:41
GoldenboiSwaggathis sentry is the most newcomer shit i ever seen04:41
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 210 seconds before using it06:11
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg06:24
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds06:24
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds06:24
high ass dawgy'all fw skibidi?06:56
plank77typpe shi06:59
high ass dawgI dabble07:12
high ass dawgonce in a blue moon07:15
high ass dawgOr a red moon07:18
plank77or a white moon )07:24
GoldenboiSwaggano discrimnate07:28
plank77or ablack moon07:32
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 10 seconds07:33
high ass dawgi thought spec chat is only visable to spectators07:43
high ass dawgMb fool07:46
GoldenboiSwaggacurbitter sens might be in the negatives08:11
high ass dawgrekt08:22
plank77hes skipping pixels08:31
GoldenboiSwaggau alreaey have the cap lil bro09:40
high ass dawgbro these newgen effects are crazy09:58
high ass dawgwtf is a frozen icefall10:02
plank77where is Burning flame and sunbeam ?10:12
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 182 seconds before using it10:18
GoldenboiSwaggain your next crate10:21
high ass dawgback in my days we had rusty bolts and flies10:21
high ass dawgnow they have galaxies10:27
high ass dawgwiki waka whaaat10:31
plank77retake like cs210:46
high ass dawgx)10:50
high ass dawgbro10:55
high ass dawglook aflann10:58
high ass dawg3 unusuals11:00
high ass dawgits fucking insane11:03
high ass dawghe has unusual rack too11:12
high ass dawgand good effects on the others11:16
GoldenboiSwaggahe has conquered tf2 trading11:28
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 39 seconds11:29
GoldenboiSwagganow hes looking to expand his domain to 6s11:34
high ass dawgwhen i get my first paycheck im wasting it all on tf2 pixels11:46
plank77strange unu nuts n bolts11:48
high ass dawgon a cool ass hat12:11
high ass dawgzamn12:13
GoldenboiSwaggadont get your hopes up buddy12:26
GoldenboiSwaggayou can maybe buy a tour of duty ticket with ur bulgarian paycheck12:41
high ass dawgwherea re you from piggy12:53
GoldenboiSwaggaim a royal where im from13:10
high ass dawgyou're a jester13:17
high ass dawgall life13:20
GoldenboiSwaggathey call me GoldenboiSwagga in my home country13:24
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds13:28
GoldenboiSwaggaits a reference to the swag i got on me13:40
high ass dawgthey call you gay retard in your home country13:45
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!13:51
plank77What country?13:56
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!14:10
GoldenboiSwaggaim king of that14:12
plank77yoo wtf14:14
plank77do @ .all14:19
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing14:22
plank77without the sapce and .14:22
high ass dawghow? show me14:31
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.1 seconds after spawning before healing14:35
plank77if u use @ before a mesage it sends to admins14:57
GoldenboiSwaggathanks for advice15:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.8 seconds after spawning before healing15:16
high ass dawgI might have to report this 'GoldenboiSwagga' for his idiotic comments15:21
plank77hello withgod.16:11
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 26 seconds16:13
high ass dawg0.99 declined at Apple16:25
high ass dawgi dont have enough to pay for my icloud16:31
high ass dawgis it over16:36
plank77Maybe GoldenboiSwagga's comments werent so idiotic16:43
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 48 seconds before using it17:02
GoldenboiSwaggawhich tourist did u steal the apple device from17:02
high ass dawgHis idiocy has no correlation to my financial situation.17:04
plank77husky great self control17:08
high ass dawgRhyme intended17:12
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 118 seconds before using it17:37
high ass dawgUnluck17:48
plank77did u get ur apple device from ur side hustle17:49
plank77selling fake man united jerseys on the street17:58
high ass dawgA magician does not tell his secrets18:01
high ass dawgI am not romanian18:07
plank77skibidi beam18:31
plank77y'all hear that too right18:34
high ass dawgYES18:40
GoldenboiSwaggajust keep your beam on me18:46
high ass dawgi wasn't gonna say nothin but...18:47
GoldenboiSwaggabrainrot 3 year old18:52
high ass dawggolden boi doesn't get it18:53
plank77just skibidi beam on me18:55
high ass dawgloser18:56
GoldenboiSwaggathats a fire callout tho19:12
high ass dawgany girls here that fw losers?19:14
plank77skibidi beam19:17
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 33 seconds before using it19:20
plank77aw hell naw19:21
plank77have u not learnt from anna19:24
high ass dawgI wouldn't be your type then. B)19:29
GoldenboiSwagganot anna...19:30
plank77control yourself brotha19:31
plank77sheesh that goes kinda brazy19:40
high ass dawgAppreciated.19:46
plank77Much obliged.19:52
GoldenboiSwaggaWe should make a podcast19:57
high ass dawgGoldenboiSwagga what u know about the Anna chronicles19:59
plank77demo det ours?20:01
plank77what is irishman saying20:04
GoldenboiSwaggaAbsolutely nothing!20:07
plank77truee goldenboiswagga20:10
high ass dawgit was dark times20:12
high ass dawga pod would go cray20:18
high ass dawgspit wisdom on the regular20:23
GoldenboiSwaggatell me about the anna chronicles20:23
plank77preso are u explaining ur anna adventures mid scrim20:24
high ass dawgwe met on reddit20:33
plank77I never knew of this..20:42
high ass dawgyes20:42
high ass dawgsome fresh lore20:47
[STV Stats] BLU spent 17.5 seconds after spawning before healing20:56
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing20:59
high ass dawgshe said she only fw nerdy white boys21:07
high ass dawgbut like that was 90% of her friends21:14
high ass dawgsus no ?21:16
plank77and that waslike 80% of her fiiend group21:17
high ass dawggimme ur thoughts21:20
GoldenboiSwaggawhats next21:29
high ass dawgshe had bpd21:38
GoldenboiSwaggawhat did u expect21:44
high ass dawgwell she still has it i imagine21:46
plank77it was over from the start21:46
high ass dawgthis is bad right21:55
GoldenboiSwaggawhat were her personalities like22:13
high ass dawgbut i wasn't one to judge22:13
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds22:14
GoldenboiSwaggawhat was the diff22:15
high ass dawgwrong mental illness22:22
high ass dawgthis one is just like22:25
high ass dawgidk crazy mood swings and insanity22:35
high ass dawgI regret complimenting her ever23:01
high ass dawgYou ever get that feeling23:05
high ass dawgi should just like men23:14
plank77Type shi23:18
GoldenboiSwaggawhat evil shit did she do 23:27
high ass dawgconstant arguing over retarded shit 23:35
high ass dawgand then blames me 23:39
high ass dawgBRO23:41
high ass dawgomg23:42
high ass dawgim getting heated23:45
high ass dawgtell me why she'd always say 'this is what it FEELS like' and im like... but this is not what's happening at all24:03
GoldenboiSwaggalazypurple viewer24:15
high ass dawgIDGAF BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH, feelings are not logical24:18
high ass dawgLOL24:19
high ass dawgidk i was too bulgarian24:26
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 155 seconds before using it24:28
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 141 seconds before using it24:35
high ass dawgbulgarians are usually colder24:40
Avi ♥gg24:44
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds24:48
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds24:48
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg24:48
high ass dawgima take a leak24:51
plank77no way they dropped a round to goldenstaff24:52
GoldenboiSwaggathe pot has stopped stirring25:09
plank77its crazy how they used to 5-025:19
plank77now theyre almost losing25:24
GoldenboiSwaggano spiny to carry unfortunately25:35
plank77and no cubic25:43
plank77just dragging the team down25:48
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 14 seconds26:11
plank77aflann going for smth brazy26:22
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!26:32
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 63 seconds before using it26:42
plank77erm.. awkward..26:43
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.6 seconds after spawning before healing26:58
high ass dawgdid y'all ever get beat when you were little 27:22
plank77from time to time27:27
high ass dawgbro from the ages of 1-10 it was a bad t ime for young preso27:41
plank77how bad27:58
GoldenboiSwaggaplanning on beating your kids?28:05
high ass dawgthere's been blood28:11
high ass dawgfuck no28:13
plank77like revenge28:15
plank77type beat28:16
GoldenboiSwaggatype shi28:19
high ass dawgim not tryna make them go through what i went through28:20
GoldenboiSwaggahow u gonna get out your frustrations then28:40
high ass dawggoor aim red team! :D28:41
GoldenboiSwaggaif u cant hit your family28:43
high ass dawgwanking28:47
plank77hit the wife not the kids28:49
high ass dawghit the gym28:55
high ass dawginstea28:57
high ass dawgim not frustrated it's like engraved into my brain i think29:09
GoldenboiSwaggawhat is engraved29:18
high ass dawgchildhood29:37
GoldenboiSwaggawhat if you order something on uber eats30:03
GoldenboiSwaggaand it arrives broken n shit30:08
Avi ♥real30:10
high ass dawgif you were animals what animal would you be 30:12
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14