demos.tfaboutviewereditor #554308 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 11 months ago

Barvey Hirdman6361008curbbitter300
Princess Trashcan067930Avi ♥



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
GoldenboiSwaggalets get this game rollin!0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20240426-2007-cp_process_f12.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
Barvey Hirdmani meant you're not real, man but sure00:04
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg00:05
high ass dawgi'm an illusion00:14
high ass dawgI've seen popular gamer 'b4nny' vincent play on this map00:31
high ass dawgHeh, granted00:42
plank77good one Bro00:49
high ass dawgCheers mate00:53
high ass dawgy'all fw tropical fruits?01:07
plank77cyrus just gave them backshots on 2nd01:08
plank77y'all fw capri suns?01:13
high ass dawgyeah01:16
high ass dawgCLOSE01:26
high ass dawgBut not quite close enough : d01:37
high ass dawg?01:46
high ass dawgbro02:05
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!02:08
high ass dawgorange juice with pulp or without02:14
high ass dawgfor me 02:15
plank77You always pop that uber !02:16
high ass dawgwith02:17
GoldenboiSwaggapeso would u use uber there02:17
plank77Bluestar is not one to mess around02:19
Bluestarhappeh bawb02:21
plank77pulp enjoyers are actual subhuman02:26
plank77You always pop that uber !02:32
high ass dawgYeah this is why you die alone02:34
high ass dawgNp02:35
GoldenboiSwaggapulp is small particles of fruit?02:38
high ass dawgyes02:42
GoldenboiSwaggaannoying to drink02:49
plank77Yeah annd you are little dog Who cant afford 0.9902:49
plank77and im rich King who affords 0.9902:55
high ass dawgthere's levels to it02:58
high ass dawglot or little pulp03:01
plank77So.. pulp or no pulp argument is settled 03:01
high ass dawgthere is a blance03:03
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 50 seconds before using it03:04
high ass dawgno you are idiotic child03:10
plank7718 year old that en joys pulp03:17
plank77Whats wrong with u03:23
GoldenboiSwaggavery large sign of homosexuality03:32
GoldenboiSwaggathere are plenty studies done on it03:36
high ass dawg16 year old that still drinks no pulp03:36
plank77Saw it on buzzfeed03:41
high ass dawgdo u need breast feeding still ?03:41
plank77u dont ?03:46
plank77yeah thought so03:53
GoldenboiSwaggathats why you 150cm preso03:54
high ass dawgfy im such a good friend04:01
plank77while im chugging milk ur chugging pulp04:03
high ass dawgi ignore all urges to make jokes04:05
high ass dawgAnd you still insult me04:16
high ass dawgim not 15004:19
plank77bro im a good friend04:26
GoldenboiSwaggahigher or lower04:27
high ass dawghigher obvs04:32
plank77but pulp enrages me04:32
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:33
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:33
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg04:33
high ass dawghigher 04:43
GoldenboiSwaggathis guy is capping04:48
high ass dawgthat's not even tall??04:55
high ass dawg162 is lower than average what05:04
GoldenboiSwaggawhats your player card look like05:22
high ass dawgI don't get your chungus reference05:33
plank77ur stats05:41
GoldenboiSwagga150cm 90iq 50kg05:46
plank77dobby from hary poter05:51
high ass dawgur 90 iq /06:00
high ass dawg?06:02
high ass dawgor just example06:07
high ass dawgi never done an iq test06:11
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds06:33
high ass dawgno ik id do good cuz in uk when u go to new school they make u do them and i always got placed in the highest classes06:35
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!06:44
plank77im the highest in the room xD06:46
high ass dawgbut its boring so i never did them in my time06:48
GoldenboiSwaggau dont do iq tests in british schools06:50
high ass dawgstraight up!06:51
GoldenboiSwaggawha are u on about06:53
plank77did u guys know i was gifted in kindergarten07:11
high ass dawgin sweeden do you build furniture for ur exams07:12
plank77i could do like mental math07:17
plank77with 4 digit numbers07:19
GoldenboiSwaggai cured cancer in ninth grade bozo07:29
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!07:33
high ass dawgcancer smurfing on noobs and dropping uber LOL07:43
high ass dawgso disgusting07:47
high ass dawghe dedded 08:04
plank77i asked to play08:09
high ass dawghededdedagen08:09
plank77i want to try out my jumper shotty idea08:24
GoldenboiSwaggaright click is crazy08:26
high ass dawg200 hrs 75 fov btw08:33
GoldenboiSwaggaawe hell08:38
high ass dawgLOL08:40
plank77i think it'd lowkey be better than stock on 100 ping08:41
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds08:53
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds08:53
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg08:53
plank77med on bone saw09:03
plank77Who said this?10:02 reminder that at 930 theres a different team with a different connect10:08
high ass dawgCheers mate, appreciate the reminder.10:32
plank77Bro think he on the team10:39
Valkyrieez backcap11:37
high ass dawggoor11:42
Otter | Free The SeaWAHT11:43
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds11:49
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds11:49
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg11:49
GoldenboiSwaggacurbbitter whats ur sensitivity and dpi12:02
Mela69 42012:06
high ass dawgLOL 12:09
plank77200 20012:09
high ass dawg:|12:12
plank77OKAY THATS DANK 12:14
high ass dawgwould u rather drown to death or burn to death12:44
high ass dawgdrown i think12:48
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.0 seconds after spawning before healing12:51
GoldenboiSwaggadrown easy12:51
plank77yo wait12:54
plank77would u rather die to a crocodile or die to a shark13:01
high ass dawgprolly shark13:09
high ass dawgseems like it would kill u faster13:12
curbbitter300my dpi and sen is whatever im conf with13:14
high ass dawgcroc would eat u slowly13:20
GoldenboiSwaggagangsta asf13:23
plank77i dunno13:24
plank77cus croc would drown u13:27
high ass dawgclutch uber13:30
plank77so like hes just sorta biting u13:31
plank77like holding u in his mouth till u drown13:37
high ass dawgLOL?13:45
GoldenboiSwaggacrocodiles spin around with prey in mouth13:46
GoldenboiSwaggabut sharks go crazy side to side13:52
high ass dawgdid u see that heavy13:53
plank77sharks would like bite on of ur legs off or smth14:07
plank77imagine the pain bro14:09
GoldenboiSwaggaplace ur head inside the mouth14:15
high ass dawgthey pull u down14:17
plank77how would u do that14:21
iiMapleStixcan yall rcon change winlimit14:24
high ass dawglike legs first but then they eat ur belly 14:26
high ass dawgu just bleed out14:29
plank77after their team leaves14:45
GoldenboiSwaggasharks could for sure bite ur head off14:46
GoldenboiSwaggaidk about crocs14:48
Melaok :314:52
high ass dawgcrocs could too14:55
plank77crocs could but they dont i think14:55
plank77ive heard they just bite u and drown u15:07
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 96% uber15:07
plank77then feast15:09
high ass dawghappy birthday to you15:19
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.15:29
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload15:29
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.15:29
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...15:29