demos.tfaboutviewereditor #558313 - Nyxar vs RED


Demo uploaded by 9 months ago

Ornaus421235101 Corinthians 15:24-26
sirdagger507369beating up homeless 4 no reason
TopHatTyson208223Joseph Swashbuckle
GingerbuffMan #FixTF2037152ThatdudeBryceHarper
Objectively Afraid4011



Toggle Chat
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg00:05
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds00:22
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds00:46
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds01:07
[Pause] Game was paused by beating up homeless 4 no reason01:09
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!01:09
Saving ubercharge level for GingerbuffMan #FixTF201:09
Saving ubercharge level for ThatdudeBryceHarper01:09
Joseph Swashbuckle : can our sub hop in till our sniper comes back?01:31
1 Corinthians 15:24-26 : yo can our sub hop in until our sniper gets back?01:31
Sinamoh : no way01:31
Joseph Swashbuckle : ^01:31
ThatdudeBryceHarper : sniper sucked a fat one01:31
1 Corinthians 15:24-26 : our sniper is afk rn01:31
Sinamoh : u guys were serious01:31
beating up homeless 4 no reason : ?01:31
Sinamoh : ye01:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by 1 Corinthians 15:24-26...01:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...01:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...01:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...01:31
smokedandgroped : our sniper has gastric issues01:31
smokedandgroped : rn01:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...01:31
Restoring ubercharge level for GingerbuffMan #FixTF201:31
Restoring ubercharge level for ThatdudeBryceHarper01:31
[Pause] Game is unpaused!01:31
UwUwe're serious01:31
smokedandgropedhes shitting01:31
ThatdudeBryceHarperlike legit he's making me mad01:32
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!02:03
smokedandgropedrgl servers moment02:19
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!03:54
Ornausi didnt realize04:04
Ornausuntil i tried moving04:08
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing05:10
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.7 seconds after spawning before healing05:50
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg06:27
1 Corinthians 15:24-26so uhh... our coach just told us we were supposed to give you first point there06:44
1 Corinthians 15:24-26so we can play the rest of the map06:52
1 Corinthians 15:24-26yeah... sorry :/06:55
Sinamohcool stfu07:06
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 31 seconds07:07
ThatdudeBryceHarperthats not kosher07:14
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds07:25
beating up homeless 4 no reasonmuy bien07:27
Objectively Afraidthats not very pog :(07:28
beating up homeless 4 no reasonno habla englas07:38
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 83 seconds before using it08:05
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 75 seconds before using it08:22
Joseph Swashbuckleggs08:34
beating up homeless 4 no reasongg08:35
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.08:40
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload08:40
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.08:40
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...08:40