demos.tfaboutviewereditor #1418356 - nein vs kanye


Demo uploaded by 9 months ago

passtime Ronaldo3042610627Mela
aft place3153827623devoted



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
aft placetesting00:02
[]: Uploading demo auto-20240606-2134-pass_arena2_b12.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:03
passtime Ronaldo'mouse3' = '+attack3'00:04
passtime Ronaldonot working00:06
aft placedont spam it00:12
passtime Ronaldoim just pressing it 1nce00:17
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.00:20
aft placestop fighting00:30
passtime Ronaldooh00:33
passtime Ronaldookay.00:34
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted devoted. Tick: 224400:38
passtime Ronaldochill chill00:41
passtime Ronaldocalma00:41
passtime Ronaldou hear me?00:52
aft placeit worked00:54
[PASS-TV] Bo handed off to devoted. Tick: 339500:55
[PASS-TV] Mela blocked passtime Ronaldo from scoring. Tick: 419301:07
[PASS-TV] aft place intercepted Mela. Tick: 428601:09
[PASS-TV] Bo scored a goal assisted by devoted. Tick: 522101:23
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.01:37
[PASS-TV] devoted scored a goal. Tick: 682901:47
passtime RonaldoEZ01:53
passtime Ronaldowe call that a direct where im from01:58
passtime RonaldoOK,01:59
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.02:01
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo scored a goal. Tick: 805402:05
passtime Ronaldoportugal02:09
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.02:19
[PASS-TV] Mela blocked aft place from scoring. Tick: 970002:30
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo triggered "red_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 1082702:47
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo triggered "red_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 1237703:10
[PASS-TV] Mela intercepted aft place. Tick: 1300603:20
[PASS-TV] Bo scored a goal assisted by Mela. Tick: 1345203:26
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.03:40
[PASS-TV] Bo scored a goal. Tick: 1496103:49
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.04:03
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted devoted. Tick: 1668604:15
[PASS-TV] aft place scored a goal. Tick: 1956904:58
passtime Ronaldonice and slow backshots05:05
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.05:12
[PASS-TV] Bo triggered "blu_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 2420006:08
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted Bo. Tick: 2436206:10
[PASS-TV] aft place scored a goal assisted by passtime Ronaldo. Tick: 2468606:15
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.06:29
[PASS-TV] devoted triggered "blu_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 2610406:36
[PASS-TV] aft place intercepted Bo. Tick: 2691506:48
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo stole from devoted. Tick: 2740406:56
[PASS-TV] aft place scored a goal. Tick: 2925307:23
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.07:37
[PASS-TV] aft place blocked devoted from scoring. Tick: 3140807:56
aft placeur awful bro speed it up08:26
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo blocked devoted from scoring. Tick: 3372308:30
[PASS-TV] Bo blocked passtime Ronaldo from scoring. Tick: 3431608:39
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo blocked devoted from scoring. Tick: 3512408:51
[PASS-TV] Bo blocked aft place from scoring. Tick: 3729109:24
passtime RonaldoNOoob09:36
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted devoted. Tick: 4027010:09
aft placeam i missing the ball10:25
[PASS-TV] Bo scored a goal assisted by Mela. Tick: 4175010:31
[PASS] aft place: GLS 3, AST 0, SAV 1, INT 2, STL 010:31
[PASS] passtime Ronaldo: GLS 1, AST 1, SAV 2, INT 4, STL 110:31
[PASS] Mela: GLS 0, AST 2, SAV 2, INT 1, STL 010:31
[PASS] devoted: GLS 1, AST 1, SAV 0, INT 0, STL 010:31
[PASS] Bo: GLS 4, AST 0, SAV 2, INT 0, STL 010:31
passtime Ronaldou went for self pass nati?10:45
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.10:56
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo triggered "red_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 184711:08
[PASS-TV] aft place scored a goal assisted by passtime Ronaldo. Tick: 427611:45
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.11:59
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo triggered "red_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 767512:36
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted Mela. Tick: 927813:00
[PASS-TV] Mela blocked passtime Ronaldo from scoring. Tick: 952713:04
[PASS-TV] aft place scored a goal assisted by passtime Ronaldo. Tick: 1135413:31
aft placeam i missing the ball or just going for it too early13:38
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.13:45
[PASS-TV] devoted scored a goal. Tick: 1296713:55
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.14:09
[PASS-TV] Mela intercepted aft place. Tick: 1442914:17
[PASS-TV] devoted scored a goal assisted by Mela. Tick: 1482314:23
devotedGREEN FN14:27
Bogreen fn14:27
MelaGREEN FN14:28
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.14:37
[PASS-TV] devoted handed off to Bo. Tick: 1619614:44
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo stole from Bo. Tick: 1624214:44
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo blocked devoted from scoring. Tick: 1686114:54
[PASS-TV] devoted intercepted passtime Ronaldo. Tick: 1695214:55
[PASS-TV] devoted scored a goal assisted by Mela. Tick: 1705714:57
passtime Ronaldomissclicked bro15:00
MelaGREEN FN15:00
passtime Ronaldonoi way15:01
passtime Ronaldowhen u intercept15:07
passtime Ronaldou cant take dmg15:08
passtime Ronaldofor a bit15:09
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.15:11
[PASS-TV] aft place blocked devoted from scoring. Tick: 1833715:16
passtime Ronaldothat aint liberty launcher 15:35
[PASS-TV] devoted intercepted aft place. Tick: 1964115:35
passtime Ronaldosplash15:36
[PASS-TV] Bo scored a goal assisted by devoted. Tick: 1988615:39
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.15:53
[PASS-TV] devoted intercepted aft place. Tick: 2123115:59
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo intercepted devoted. Tick: 2165216:06
passtime Ronaldopass didnt shoot16:11
passtime Ronaldo unlucky16:12
[PASS-TV] aft place triggered "red_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 2251816:19
[PASS-TV] passtime Ronaldo scored a goal assisted by aft place. Tick: 2313816:28
passtime RonaldoNUKE !!!16:31
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.16:42
[PASS-TV] Mela blocked aft place from scoring. Tick: 2503116:56
[PASS-TV] Mela handed off to Bo. Tick: 2525317:00
[PASS-TV] devoted scored a goal assisted by Bo. Tick: 2572617:07
[PASS] aft place: GLS 2, AST 1, SAV 1, INT 0, STL 017:08
[PASS] passtime Ronaldo: GLS 1, AST 2, SAV 1, INT 2, STL 117:08
[PASS] Mela: GLS 0, AST 2, SAV 2, INT 1, STL 017:08
[PASS] devoted: GLS 4, AST 1, SAV 0, INT 3, STL 017:08
[PASS] Bo: GLS 1, AST 1, SAV 0, INT 0, STL 017:08
passtime Ronaldoluck luck luck17:15
aft placeis it fun mela17:16
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:18
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload17:18
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:18
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:18