demos.tfaboutviewereditor #564955 - BLU vs RED


Demo uploaded by Wicked 7 months ago

>> Thomas422123221025jeff
CSn| HumFreY00119319soala
P&S Cristanc993041519819the lebron james of missing
P&S MOGGLORD8681469Rene
Phaze55142840728Sandwich #freakmode
SUPER CHIMP APE38132810610animis
CSn| Xavibite00224103turt
CSn| Der Krieger1050013269Davidredface
>> BRADLEY50843328beep boop i hate spy mains
P&S Eugene Gripnasty51616
cSn| jpuck001
CSn| cheetaz15015



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo match-20240805-2007-pl_swiftwater_final1.dem00:03
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: !log00:04
CSn| Aero.ss00:05
[]: STV available at:
CSn| randy!log00:07
>> BRADLEYggs gl on ur match00:15
CSn| Aeroyou too 00:18
CSn| randygg <300:19
Phazegl guys00:19
CSn| Xavibitety ty00:21
CSn| Lia_Reinyou too00:21
CSn| Xavibite.ss00:27
the lebron james of missingim lebron james and im here to miss03:30
CSn| cheetazFIGHT ME03:58
CSn| cheetazDONT FEAR04:02
CSn| cheetazggs guys, gl04:08
Cloudyno u04:12
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.07:25
P&S Eugene Gripnastyhold on team 10:30
P&S Eugene GripnastyGetting on my minecraft server10:43
P&S Eugene Gripnastyfarming on my alts10:48
P&S Eugene GripnastyThe spectrum shit ain't easy10:58
P&S Eugene Gripnastyhave you guys been playing deadlock11:56
the lebron james of missingim already banned 12:02
the lebron james of missing/j 12:07
the lebron james of missingdeadlock i liked so far12:14
P&S Eugene Gripnastyhow was your pregame14:51
the lebron james of missingi cried 14:56
soalawe won 3:015:01
jeffgreat, aidan was there15:04
animisyeah banny gave us a map talk15:25
P&S Cristanc99its b4nny you imbecile15:38
animiszsdfrhsfgdtgfjhrksNLFGKJH SU15:46
P&S Eugene GripnastyJUMPBUG15:47
P&S Eugene GripnastySoala16:10
P&S Eugene Gripnastyyou know the several JB setups16:18
soalatheres jbs on this map?16:30
P&S Eugene Gripnastyyeah16:33
P&S Eugene Gripnastythere is 216:36
soalanah i dont16:36
P&S Eugene Gripnastythey are funny ones16:42
P&S Eugene Gripnastyone is a ceiling smash16:56
soalaceiling smash jb market garden to drop the med17:10
P&S Eugene Gripnastyhave you still been jumping17:29
Phaze5 jumpbug market garden17:40
soalai jump every once and a while17:48
P&S Eugene Gripnastyjump_crunch b517:50
soalaive not been playing for points or anything for like 3~ years17:59
Phazei beat my awful record on ionizer the other day18:02
Phazeit went from 4 hours to 118:07
bus.Sandwichwe will bus quick18:08
CloudyI am still a tier 0 jumper :D18:19
P&S Eugene Gripnastywhat happened to your pyro?18:20
P&S Eugene Gripnastymain pyro18:35
bus.soalai could probably still beat some low t6/t7 maps but anything harder probably not18:41
bus.turtwe sent him to go live on a farm18:46
the lebron james of missingim on main pyro what does this say about mew 18:48
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.19:04
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.19:04