
Matcha Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 7 months ago

Kha1252626112Medic rapist
laper :)195242548one guy vs the world
Mosigana151216101030spinach (old wireless mouse)
spoyo2191531236eng neer
med c010188170kayajam



Toggle Chat
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 0, RED 0.00:05
Heisenburgercan yall hear me?00:06
one guy vs the worldim so fast00:38
med cwow01:34
one guy vs the worldඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!02:35
Medic rapistfucking niggers02:37
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.6 seconds after spawning before healing02:42
med clook in the mirror buddy02:45
Medic rapistomw to master beggars in 6s03:39
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 35 seconds04:26
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 48 seconds before using it04:29
Do0mheavy too op >:(05:15
Medic rapistkha is a better demo than sniper05:26
Medic rapiststop being such a fucking braindead retard and rearrange your team roles05:40
laper :)lalalala05:53
med clalaaa05:55
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 1, RED 0.05:57
Khamy sync...06:19
[STV Stats] RED spent 10.9 seconds after spawning before healing06:48
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 48 seconds before using it07:43
Khamfw heavy fulltime07:47
Medic rapistgo pyro07:55
Medic rapistor sniper07:57
Medic rapistkha for veems?08:09
Medic rapistif you're complaining about heavy08:14
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.9 seconds after spawning before healing09:15
Do0mW H A T09:41
Medic rapistparachute is banned09:42
Medic rapistunlucky09:44
Do0mOH MY GOD09:44
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.3 seconds after spawning before healing09:56
one guy vs the worldLOL10:09
Medic rapistmosi on pyro instead of kha?10:20
Medic rapistI can give you guys veems for kha10:30
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 2, RED 0.10:33
Medic rapistteams are unbalanced10:36
[Matcha] "Kha" started a vote to kick "one guy vs the world".10:39
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.10:41
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.10:41
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.10:42
Khaguys 410:43
Medic rapistLOL10:50
Khawrong guy10:55
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.10:55
[Matcha] Vote passed.10:55
[SM] ADMIN: Kicked one guy vs the world10:55
[Matcha] "Medic rapist" started a vote to kick "Kha".11:07
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:07
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:09
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:09
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:09
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:09
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:09
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:10
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:11
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:13
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:14
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:26
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "4" Required: "8"11:26
[Matcha] "Medic rapist" started a vote to kick "Kha".11:29
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:30
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:30
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:32
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.11:36
Khamb aurthur11:44
one guy vs the worldWTF BRO11:51
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.0 seconds after spawning before healing11:55
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "3" Required: "8"11:59
[Matcha] "Medic rapist" started a vote to kick "Kha".12:01
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:02
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:03
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:03
one guy vs the worldno aura solly moment12:05
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:06
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:14
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "4" Required: "8"12:14
eng neerKHA12:20
eng neerIM THROWING12:25
Do0mn1 mosig12:26
one guy vs the worldez12:27
[Matcha] "Medic rapist" started a vote to kick "Kha".12:30
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:31
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:32
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:32
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:32
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:32
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:33
Khaso yummers12:34
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:36
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "3" Required: "8"12:36
spinach (old wireless mouse)stop calling votekicks12:37
[Matcha] "Medic rapist" started a vote to kick "Do0m".12:38
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.12:39
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:39
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:39
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:40
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:41
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:41
Medic rapist512:44
Medic rapist512:45
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.12:45
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "1" Required: "8"13:08
Do0mso sorry13:23
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.5 seconds after spawning before healing14:51
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.7 seconds after spawning before healing15:09
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.6 seconds after spawning before healing16:49
one guy vs the worldඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!17:11
Medic rapistez17:26
[Matcha] Current score: BLU 3, RED 0.17:31
one guy vs the worldඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!! ඞ!? LOL!18:11
one guy vs the worldWQTF19:12
one guy vs the worldWQTAWFWAFAWFAW19:14
one guy vs the worldWAAAAAAAA19:16
[STV Stats] RED spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing19:34
one guy vs the worldwtf19:43
one guy vs the worldCILPERD20:27
one guy vs the world*CILPED20:30
one guy vs the worldrn20:32
Medic rapistLOL20:52
one guy vs the worldDEAD Apricot.™ : this dog fucker21:01
one guy vs the worldkha i luv u 21:13
spinach (old wireless mouse)oh fk21:22
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!21:48
one guy vs the worldim the best21:56
one guy vs the worldlook at my name first22:01
[Matcha] Plugins reloaded.22:57
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload22:57
[Matcha] Soap DM loaded.22:57
[ProperPregame] Existing class limits have been saved and will be restored on match start.22:57
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...22:57