demos.tfaboutviewereditor #9037 - BLU vs Otter


Demo uploaded by 2 months ago

prime norbit115167915perc 10
prime Styxs1171261313CH
jel qing dynasty88127328omni
prime kbn54168828zinsh
prime jupyter6310599sea dog style
penal kurtolony11283200perc 50



Toggle Chat
[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.0:00
[ProperPregame] Class limits restored.0:00
spellcasterrip nobo00:20
spellcasterslow rollout00:23
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 17 seconds00:24
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds00:59
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 44 seconds before using it01:28
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds02:47
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 124 seconds before using it03:03
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 14 seconds08:28
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing09:52
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.6 seconds after spawning before healing11:51
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.1 seconds after spawning before healing12:37
perc 10WTF12:56
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 117 seconds before using it13:20
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!14:35
[Pause] Game was paused by jel qing dynasty14:35
Saving ubercharge level for penal kurtolony14:35
Saving ubercharge level for perc 5014:35
perc 50 : ye :)15:47
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by jel qing dynasty...15:47
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...15:47
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...15:47
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...15:47
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...15:47
Restoring ubercharge level for perc 5015:47
Restoring ubercharge level for penal kurtolony15:47
[Pause] Game is unpaused!15:47
omni : so he was doing a silent15:47
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 28 seconds15:47
sea dog style : what up15:47
spellcaster : the roof :D15:47
prime norbit : the sky :D15:47
perc 10 : no way15:47
perc 50 : all ok?15:47
perc 10 : actual?15:47
choc cock : kurt is giga gaming in the voice chat15:47
choc cock : we can hear him touching his skin15:47
jel qing dynasty : rdy?15:47
spellcaster : shut up choc cock15:47
omni : is he doing a silent15:47
prime norbit : choc cock15:47
jel qing dynasty : he just had keyboard spammy mic15:47
jel qing dynasty : we fixed all good15:47
spellcaster : our med has starcraft 2 apm15:47
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute15:47
jel qing dynasty : rdy?15:47
omni : r15:47
sea dog style : aye15:47
capy : r15:47
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 19 seconds15:53
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 156 seconds before using it18:22
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 158 seconds before using it18:24
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.20:28
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload20:28
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.20:29
[ProperPregame] Existing class limits have been saved and will be restored on match start.20:29
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...20:29