demos.tfaboutviewereditor #571138 - bread vs smth


Demo uploaded by oog 11 days ago

shitter27112210915Sprite® 2 Liter
[Ghost] Machu14517221315the grunga;
Rhetorical Anarchist181179621Lk



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
the grunga;fart doodies00:01
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241001-1616-cp_process_f12.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg00:05
shitterglioblastoma gaming00:06
shitterB4NNY rolled WORST blunt EVER. FORCED to LEAVE RGL00:07
shitterb4nny has dementia in the nursing home, the nurse puts the IV in and he yells USE00:12
fleapertyour team hates you01:05
fleapertswear to god01:08
fleapertim so sorry01:18
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!02:17
Lktele down02:24
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!03:09
fleapertyour team hates you03:18
fleapertim so sorry03:19
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds03:40
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds03:40
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg03:40
the grunga;she wanna live this lifestyle04:30
the grunga;she wanna live this lifestyle04:36
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.8 seconds after spawning before healing04:39
the grunga;she ready04:39
the grunga;she ready04:40
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.3 seconds after spawning before healing05:38
[Ghost] Machutheory of radicaly06:12
the grunga;she ready06:16
the grunga;she ready06:17
shitteri did so much dmg to demo06:19
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 32 seconds07:28
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 118 seconds before using it08:30
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 141 seconds before using it09:49
shitteri got launched09:50
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!10:23
[STV Stats] RED spent 9.5 seconds after spawning before healing10:28
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.0 seconds after spawning before healing10:56
shitteru got pack12:46
shitteru bitch12:50
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.3 seconds after spawning before healing12:57
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.5 seconds after spawning before healing13:00
the grunga;wow i used the map tacrically13:01
[STV Stats] RED spent 24.1 seconds after spawning before healing14:07
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds15:04
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!17:02
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 187 seconds before using it17:06
the grunga;pLANT PLANT PLANT PLANT17:31
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds17:34
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds17:34
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg17:34
the grunga;T VICTORY!17:35
the grunga;they call me mr beef18:28
the grunga;they call me the cow18:36
the grunga;200 on demo oof20:17
the grunga;where did the combo go??21:27
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds21:30
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds21:30
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg21:30
fleaperthow the fuck did you see me26:02
the grunga;HAHAHA26:12
fleaperton my screen you were not even close to looking at nme26:13
the grunga;LMAO26:15
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds26:19
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds26:19
[CC] This server is running config: server.cfg26:19
mOon105 PING26:22
the grunga;what a game28:03
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.28:04
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload28:04
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.28:04
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...28:04