demos.tfaboutviewereditor #571104 - OFFICE vs reM


Demo uploaded by 11 days ago

ms gorg421121224reM mkii
Samantha90147712reM pooter
banan3114967reM parks
Halcyon81127714reM vidhan
aeremox62134320reM synthril
moobloom0513180reM qtkq



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
Samanthagl 00:01
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241001-2054-koth_product_final.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro00:05
Running Improved Match Timer.00:05
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 28 seconds02:44
bananns whoever that was02:54
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 70 seconds before using it03:26
dailychiefers #2x2ty03:44
bananTHAT SURF?03:49
banancrazy med03:52
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 41 seconds before using it04:36
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:51
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro04:51
Round win limit will be reduced in 25 minutes.05:04
idkhonestlysowhy are yall running b4nny config in scrims05:18
reM pooterwhy wouldnt we?05:35
idkhonestlysobecause theres a scrim comfig lmao05:48
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds07:19
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro07:19
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds08:57
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro08:57
Round win limit will be reduced in 20 minutes.10:04
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds11:44
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro11:44
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.6 seconds after spawning before healing12:50
Samanthagg 13:22
ms gorggg13:23
reM synthrilggs13:25
reM parksgg13:25
reM vidhangg13:26
reM qtkqgg\13:26
reM pooterggs13:27
reM mkiigg13:27
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.13:32
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload13:32
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.13:33
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...13:33