demos.tfaboutviewereditor - Orang vs jon?


Demo uploaded by speakers ツ 4 months ago

fox1952619622Dr. Underscore
Squiy122219318Bobby Ray
EVIL Coogikina21129513pickle



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241027-0135-pass_arena2_b14b.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
[CC] This server is running config: pt_pug00:05
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.00:20
[PASS-TV] RedCharge scored a goal. Tick: 123200:23
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.00:37
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore scored a goal assisted by RedCharge. Tick: 267700:45
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.00:59
[PASS-TV] fox intercepted pickle. Tick: 410801:06
[PASS-TV] fox scored a goal. Tick: 423501:08
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.01:22
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 557501:28
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!01:31
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.8 seconds after spawning before healing01:48
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted fox. Tick: 693901:49
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by pickle. Tick: 761301:59
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.02:13
[PASS-TV] RedCharge intercepted Squiy. Tick: 882602:17
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by RedCharge. Tick: 928402:24
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.02:38
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.5 seconds after spawning before healing02:47
[PASS-TV] EVIL Coogikina intercepted Dr. Underscore. Tick: 1106002:50
[PASS-TV] RedCharge intercepted EVIL Coogikina. Tick: 1129402:54
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob blocked pickle from scoring. Tick: 1160102:59
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.0 seconds after spawning before healing03:32
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob blocked Dr. Underscore from scoring. Tick: 1410503:36
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob stole from Dr. Underscore. Tick: 1447803:42
CoolPro56i say a video about this and i desperately watned to play, sad part is, it took me a while to figure out how to get into here04:01
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1693204:18
Bobby Rayare you in the discord?04:23
[PASS-TV] pickle handed off to RedCharge. Tick: 1761504:29
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob blocked RedCharge from scoring. Tick: 1768204:30
Bobby Rayyou need to be in spec right for now coolpro04:32
CoolPro56uhh thats the only way to get in bobby, so ya im in the discord04:51
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by Dr. Underscore. Tick: 2045505:11
[CC] This server is running config: pt_pug05:22
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.05:37
[PASS-TV] RedCharge intercepted fox. Tick: 123605:41
Bobby Rayif you want to play you need to join the 'waiting for PUG' vc05:41
CoolPro56my bad for clicking on random on accident, my tf2 is in russian 05:45
CoolPro56but im in spec05:56
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.3 seconds after spawning before healing05:57
Bobby Raysweet06:06
[PASS-TV] EVIL Coogikina intercepted pickle. Tick: 317706:10
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob scored a goal assisted by EVIL Coogikina. Tick: 360706:16
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.06:30
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob intercepted RedCharge. Tick: 480906:34
CoolPro56merasmus lines are so annoyinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg06:40
CoolPro56sorry im just correct06:52
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 611706:54
[PASS-TV] EVIL Coogikina blocked pickle from scoring. Tick: 658007:01
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted Squiy. Tick: 724507:11
[PASS-TV] Squiy blocked pickle from scoring. Tick: 873207:33
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted Squiy. Tick: 950707:45
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore scored a goal assisted by Bobby Ray. Tick: 984207:50
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.2 seconds after spawning before healing07:54
CoolPro56spec is honistly pretty good, just watching the ball08:02
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.08:04
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]yeye08:11
[PASS-TV] fox stole from pickle. Tick: 1131208:12
[PASS-TV] fox scored a goal assisted by GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob. Tick: 1142208:13
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]it's rlly interesting bc u see it move all across the map08:20
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.08:27
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]it's also rlly funny to imagine like... the ball having conciousness and this is just it's existance lol08:32
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1298208:37
[PASS-TV] RedCharge splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1428908:56
Bobby Rayffff09:21
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]CAN WE MAKE IT A THIRD?09:26
CoolPro56bouncy ball but its bounciest and the bouncers are nba athletes on steriods and crack09:47
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore scored a goal assisted by Bobby Ray. Tick: 1777409:49
[STV Stats] BLU spent 21.5 seconds after spawning before healing09:51
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.10:03
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by Dr. Underscore. Tick: 1909910:09
CoolPro56that point looked cheap10:19
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.10:23
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob. Tick: 2060610:31
[PASS-TV] GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob blocked RedCharge from scoring. Tick: 2139810:43
CoolPro562 passes and the point was taken, that definitely was cheap10:47
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted GARTENofCAVECAVEjabob. Tick: 2176010:48
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by RedCharge. Tick: 2183310:50
CoolPro56that wasnt tho10:55
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.11:04
[PASS-TV] Dr. Underscore scored a goal assisted by Bobby Ray. Tick: 2329011:11
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]WAIT WHAT11:15
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]WHAT WAS THAT11:16
Beeg Fat Goat [She/Her <3]WAIT11:17
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload11:22
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...11:22