demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by twerkin to gospel music 4 months ago

Low Impact Player321442381239BTS | LazyPurple
Axel2420234068BTS | Bumbler
Your Loyal Familiar431124281555BTS | Neat
cripple46152530819BTS | Justyn (FUNKe)
JimmyHat121029321013BTS | Nat1110
Dude Named Bob15381612410BTS | Kalaner
Brook6544345236BTS | sat
Spooky Ghost2502446225BTS | Salty Phish



Toggle Chat
BTS | satyea i like pancake00:02
cripplechicken and waffles00:10
:Dandy Bellybuttoni like kwispy waffl00:11
crippleare crazy00:13
BTS | sati love chicken and waffles00:18
cripplei miss them sm00:19
cripplewe don't have them often here00:22
cripplecause it's canada and canada sucks00:26
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds00:28
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds00:38
BTS | LazyPurplesomeone hacked my account and put keys in it00:47
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds00:52
BTS | LazyPurpleholding these for a friend00:55
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds00:55
BTS | LazyPurplenever seen these01:00
cripplewiterally team fowtwess 2 time :)01:04
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:05
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:06
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:08
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:19
BTS | Nat1110brother01:25
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:29
BTS | Nat1110I love that name for the fists01:31
:Dandy Bellybutton(PARTY) :Dandy Bellybutton: i have not tried chimken and waffl01:36
cripplety someone did it for me01:39
:Dandy Bellybuttoni sent it in the wrong chat oops01:40
cripplebut he forgot to sign it rofl01:42
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:43
Your Loyal Familiar0 Bitches 0 Showers01:50
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds01:54
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:13
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:13
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:15
BTS | Salty PhishHUGE FIND02:22
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:23
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:33
BTS | KalanerWE WINGIN it boys02:33
BTS | LazyPurpletriple winger find is INSANE02:40
crippleshe wing on my er until i02:49
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:52
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds02:57
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds03:00
BTS | LazyPurplewinger? i've never even met this woman!03:04
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds03:21
Axelwinger? i barely know her!03:24
BTS | LazyPurplewinger? winger!03:32
cripplequestion for yall03:41
BTS | Neatmight have an answer03:47
:Dandy Bellybuttonmight? :(03:53
Your Loyal Familiar10 more minutes03:56
crippleinfinite bacon but no games or infinite games but no games03:57
BTS | Kalanertell ur sniper to disable his spinbot03:57
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch04:03
BTS | Neatinfinite games04:04
BTS | Neatno games04:07
BTS | Neatwin win04:08
cripplethats fucked up04:16
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:21
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:22
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:33
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:34
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:34
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:47
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds04:51
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds06:30
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds07:31
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds07:54
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds08:03
Your Loyal Familiargr08:37
BTS | LazyPurplegr08:40
:Dandy Bellybuttongee are08:45
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch08:46
:Dandy Bellybuttonar?08:47
[SM] Map will change after one more round08:53
[SM] Map will change after one more round08:53
BTS | NeatG08:56
[SM] Map will change after one more round08:57
[SM] Map will change after one more round08:58
BTS | NeatR09:00
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:02
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:03
:Dandy Bellybuttonarg matey09:04
cripplepootis pow09:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:11
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:13
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:24
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:28
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:40
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:42
[SM] Map will change after one more round09:55
[SM] Map will change after one more round10:04
[SM] Map will change after one more round10:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round10:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round10:35
[SM] Map will change after one more round10:35
BTS | LazyPurpleyou have to be kidding10:54
[SM] Map will change after one more round11:03
[SM] Map will change after one more round11:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round11:18
[SM] Map will change after one more round11:27
[LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: !log12:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round12:20
[SM] Map will change after one more round12:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round12:25
Your Loyal Familiargg12:58
[SM] Map will change after one more round13:08
[SM] Map will change after one more round13:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round13:09
Your Loyal FamiliarGG13:18
[SM] Map will change after one more round13:19
BTS | LazyPurplegg13:21
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.13:27
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload13:27
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...13:27
[]: Demo recording completed13:27
[SM] Map will change after one more round13:27
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: !log13:29
[]: Uploading demo match-20241125-2045-cp_steel_f12.dem13:30
[]: 13:37
Spooky Ghost!log13:38
BTS | Neatmed restarting pc13:42
Your Loyal Familiar15 minutes13:49
BTS | sat!log13:51
:Dandy Bellybutton!log13:53
BTS | Bumbler.ss13:53
BTS | Salty Phish.ss14:23
BTS | Salty Phish.ss14:29
Brookthat med shot in hell was kinda crazy14:35
[RGLQoL] STV finished. It is now safe to changelevel.15:02
[SM] Map will change after one more round15:23
[SM] Map will change after one more round15:24
[SM] Map will change after one more round15:52
BTS | Salty Phish.ss16:13
BTS | sat!log16:16
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:17
crippledo yall like video games16:20
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:23
BTS | Twoboldplayin em16:26
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:26
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:28
Brookmy life is like a video game16:34
BTS | Nat1110I don't play video games no more16:34
cripplethat doesnt answer if u like them or not16:35
BTS | Nat1110never played video games16:39
BTS | Twoboldi love them16:41
crippleyou could hate video games and play video games16:43
BTS | Bumblerthis map is a moooooovie16:45
[SM] Map will change after one more round16:45
BTS | Twoboldits an issue really16:45
:Dandy Bellybuttoncan we talk about food again :D16:47
BTS | Neatme sniper16:48
crippledude i want a fuckin reuben sandwich16:56
:Dandy Bellybuttonwhat kind of chocolate do we like16:57
BTS | Neati kinda want a bowl of jajangmyeon again17:13
crippletteobokki goes crazy17:29
crippleis that how u spell it17:32
Axelthis is for garfield truthers17:33
Your Loyal Familiar^17:38
[SM] Map will change after one more round17:39
BTS | Neatuhhh close i think it's actually only one t17:40
Axelall nermalites be scared17:42
BTS | Neatlemme check17:43
:Dandy Bellybuttonwe dont like chocate apparently :(17:44
crippledandy dark chocolate17:54
:Dandy Bellybuttoni think korean in english is like borked because they dont have a solid way of translating it17:59
BTS | Neatnah you got it right18:01
BTS | Neat2 t's18:02
:Dandy Bellybuttonso there are like inconsistencies?18:04
BTS | Kalanersprite18:07
BTS | Neatyea18:07
[]: Demo recording completed18:41
JimmyHati tried to help by having u land on me18:43
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241125-2055-cp_steel_f12.dem18:44
[SM] Map will change after one more round18:45
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch18:46
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds18:48
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds18:48
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds18:49
[]: 18:49
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds18:50
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds18:58
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:10
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:11
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:21
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:33
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:43
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:45
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds19:47
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:04
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:13
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:17
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:17
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:23
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:35
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:36
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds20:42
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds21:55
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds22:26
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds22:29
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds22:33
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds22:35
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:40
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:41
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:42
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:44
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:53
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds23:58
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds24:21
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds24:38
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds24:42
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:01
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:09
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:42
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:51
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:55
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:56
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds25:57
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds26:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds26:30
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds27:18
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds27:45
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds27:49
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:29
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:31
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:32
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:33
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:34
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:35
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:41
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:44
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:49
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds28:51
Your Loyal Familiargr29:01
BTS | NeatGR29:05
[SM] Map will change after one more round29:09
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch29:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round29:15
[SM] Map will change after one more round29:17
[SM] Map will change after one more round29:29
[SM] Map will change after one more round29:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round30:01
Your Loyal FamiliarI got big dog status, it ain't no secret30:04
[SM] Map will change after one more round30:06
:Dandy Bellybutton[D|Youkai] Lumia : does wet dandy smell like wet dog???30:08
[SM] Map will change after one more round31:25
[SM] Map will change after one more round31:40
[LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: !log31:54
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:08
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:11
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:33
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:47
[SM] Map will change after one more round32:51
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:14
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:19
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:35
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:36
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:37
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:44
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:49
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:50
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:51
[SM] Map will change after one more round33:57
[SM] Map will change after one more round34:17
[SM] Map will change after one more round34:20
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:03
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:03
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:07
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:08
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:10
BTS | LazyPurpleno way that wasnt 3 no regs35:11
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:14
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:49
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:49
[SM] Map will change after one more round35:55
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:00
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:04
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:05
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:06
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:35
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:40
[SM] Map will change after one more round36:53
[SM] Map will change after one more round37:16
[SM] Map will change after one more round37:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round37:33
[SM] Map will change after one more round37:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:00
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:00
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:01
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:05
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:06
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:11
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:13
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:13
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:19
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:33
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:36
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:37
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:38
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:40
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:40
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:41
[SM] Map will change after one more round38:43
[SM] Map will change after one more round39:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round39:22
BTS | LazyPurplegg39:25
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.39:31
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload39:31
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...39:31
[]: Demo recording completed39:31
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: !log39:33
[]: Uploading demo match-20241125-2100-cp_steel_f12.dem39:34
BTS | sat!log39:37
:Dandy Bellybutton!log39:41
[SM] Map will change after one more round39:42
[]: 39:44
BTS | Neat!log39:46
BTS | Salty Phish.ss39:50
BTS | Justyn (FUNKe)!LOG40:00
[SM] Map will change after one more round40:03
BTS | Bumbler.ss40:09
BTS | Salty Phish.ss40:13
BTS | Neatyou can kill me from jfk40:32
BTS | Neatmy name is reagan40:34
Brookget in the car40:40
BTS | Neat:(40:43
[SM] Map will change after one more round41:07
BTS | sat!log41:12
BTS | Bumbler.ss41:17
BTS | Twobold.ss41:34
[SM] Map will change after one more round41:48
[SM] Map will change after one more round41:51
BTS | Twobold.ss42:06
[SM] Map will change after one more round42:18
[SM] Map will change after one more round42:24
BTS | Salty Phish.ss42:24
BTS | Bumbler.ss42:25
BTS | Neat.ss42:25
[SM] Map will change after one more round42:28
BTS | Nat1110.ss42:28
BTS | sat.ss42:28
BTS | Justyn (FUNKe)!log42:29
[SM] Map will change after one more round42:29
[SM] Map will change after one more round42:42
[]: Demo recording completed42:53
BTS | satHUGE42:55
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241125-2121-cp_steel_f12.dem42:56
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch42:59
[]: 43:01
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:05
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:09
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:11
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:24
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:24
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:32
Brookheavy feet43:32
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:35
BTS | Kalanerfeet??43:38
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:43
BTS | LazyPurplethat ain fulco43:43
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:53
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds43:54
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds44:35
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds44:36
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds44:37
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds44:44
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds44:46
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:12
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:16
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:17
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:21
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:23
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds45:24
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds47:57
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds47:58
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:02
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:04
BTS | Twoboldmy dog nuidged my arm48:05
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:06
BTS | Twoboldim so mad48:08
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:09
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:11
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:17
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds48:25
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds49:10
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds49:28
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds49:58
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds50:35
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds50:36
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds50:39
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds50:41
[SM] Map will change after 2 more rounds50:43
Your Loyal FamiliarGG51:07
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:09
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:13
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch51:15
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:16
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:22
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:24
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:30
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:31
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:33
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:35
[SM] Map will change after one more round51:36
cripplepootis pow51:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round52:02
[SM] Map will change after one more round52:02
[SM] Map will change after one more round52:08
[SM] Map will change after one more round52:10
[SM] Map will change after one more round52:11
[SM] Map will change after one more round53:18
[LogsTF] To see the stats from the previous rounds, type: !log54:56
[SM] Map will change after one more round54:57
[SM] Map will change after one more round54:58
[SM] Map will change after one more round54:59
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:01
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:04
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:12
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:13
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:15
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:22
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:23
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:32
[SM] Map will change after one more round55:45
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:14
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:20
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:23
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:31
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:35
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:36
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:42
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:46
[SM] Map will change after one more round56:58
[SM] Map will change after one more round57:02
[SM] Map will change after one more round57:37
[SM] Map will change after one more round57:39
[SM] Map will change after one more round57:43
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:18
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:21
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:23
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:23
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:25
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:29
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:36
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:40
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:41
[SM] Map will change after one more round58:42
Your Loyal Familiargg59:12
[SM] Map will change after one more round59:12
BTS | LazyPurpleggwp59:16
BTS | satggwp59:19
:Dandy Bellybuttongeegee59:21
BTS | Neatgg59:22
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.59:29
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload59:29
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...59:30
[]: Demo recording completed59:30
[]: Uploading demo match-20241125-2124-cp_steel_f12.dem59:33
Brookpissin time59:34
[LogsTF] Logs were uploaded to:
[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: !log59:34
BTS | Bumbler.ss59:34
BTS | Justyn (FUNKe)!log59:38
BTS | Twobold.ss59:39
[]: 59:41
BTS | satbrook nice shots man01:00:39
BTS | Neat.ss01:00:43
BTS | sat.ss01:00:46
Spooky Ghost!log01:00:46
BTS | satthanks dad01:02:27
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_koth01:02:29