demos.tfaboutviewereditor - terra vs sixes


Demo uploaded by speakers ツ 3 months ago

Teed Snood but close up2533527636Squiy
Haggan02715923Bobby Ray
Coogikie851920932gleeble sneeble?
the snack,curry2152617716pickle



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20241203-2046-pass_arena2_b14b.dem00:03
[CC] This server is running config: pt_pug00:05
dimandos48we have 4 demo00:10
[]: No demo uploaded00:16
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.00:20
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 scored a goal. Tick: 117500:22
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.00:36
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal. Tick: 244000:41
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.00:55
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 352600:57
Haggan[S] Rare Shine Twisted Topper (95) + ProKS Collectors Loch-n-Load (90). Add me for offers and negotiation.01:21
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? handed off to Bobby Ray. Tick: 540701:26
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 623501:38
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 647301:42
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal. Tick: 689701:48
Hagganmy pc is dying rn hol up01:48
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.02:02
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 intercepted Bobby Ray. Tick: 845602:11
dimandos48did I disconnecy02:20
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 904602:20
[PASS-TV] Haggan splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 966102:29
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.4 seconds after spawning before healing02:37
[PASS-TV] Squiy splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1088102:48
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray intercepted Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 1098402:49
[PASS-TV] pickle handed off to gleeble sneeble?. Tick: 1311803:21
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal. Tick: 1417703:37
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.03:51
[PASS-TV] Haggan blocked Squiy from scoring. Tick: 1621504:08
[PASS-TV] Squiy intercepted Haggan. Tick: 1646504:11
[PASS-TV] Haggan blocked pickle from scoring. Tick: 1678404:16
dimandos48dude 04:31
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? scored a goal assisted by pickle. Tick: 1824204:38
Hagganhello my fucking pc04:38
gleeble sneeble?fail04:42
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.04:52
dimandos48bro 04:56
dimandos48shut up05:00
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1990705:03
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 2068005:15
dimandos48god help me05:28
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a deathbomb. Tick: 2177405:31
[CC] This server is running config: pt_pug05:41
dimandos48our team is all crashing out of the game05:46
dimandos482 fps05:47
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.05:56
Haggancoog is subbing in06:01
Hagganits literally unplayable for me rn06:07
Hagganidk why06:11
[PASS-TV] Squiy handed off to Bobby Ray. Tick: 208106:12
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.0 seconds after spawning before healing06:20
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 blocked pickle from scoring. Tick: 286006:24
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 344206:33
gleeble sneeble?Mine06:45
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 scored a goal assisted by Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 517506:59
dimandos48no need07:04
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.07:13
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by gleeble sneeble?. Tick: 675207:22
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.07:37
[PASS-TV] Squiy scored a goal. Tick: 916407:59
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.1 seconds after spawning before healing08:01
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.08:13
[PASS-TV] Teed Snood but close up scored a goal assisted by the snack,curry. Tick: 1086008:24
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.08:38
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 scored a goal assisted by Coogikie. Tick: 1218508:44
dimandos48oil up08:46
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.08:58
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 handed off to Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 1361509:05
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray blocked Teed Snood but close up from scoring. Tick: 1372509:07
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry stole from Squiy. Tick: 1403509:12
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry scored a goal assisted by Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 1432809:16
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.09:30
[PASS-TV] Teed Snood but close up stole from Bobby Ray. Tick: 1561209:35
[PASS-TV] Teed Snood but close up scored a goal. Tick: 1579709:38
Teed Snood but close upTEE HEE09:40
[CC] This server is running config: pt_pug09:48
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.10:03
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 stole from Squiy. Tick: 152210:11
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? intercepted Teed Snood but close up. Tick: 233910:23
dimandos48pickle you are so evil10:40
[PASS-TV] pickle scored a goal. Tick: 427010:52
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.11:07
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 scored a goal assisted by Coogikie. Tick: 558411:12
dimandos48no airshot11:16
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.0 seconds after spawning before healing11:24
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.11:26
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 stole from Bobby Ray. Tick: 695211:33
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 triggered "blu_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 706311:34
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry scored a goal assisted by Coogikie. Tick: 821111:52
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.12:06
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray blocked dimandos48 from scoring. Tick: 969212:14
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry intercepted Bobby Ray. Tick: 994912:18
dimandos48DUDE 12:19
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray blocked the snack,curry from scoring. Tick: 1009212:20
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray triggered "blu_catapult1" with the jack. Tick: 1026212:22
[PASS-TV] Squiy intercepted Coogikie. Tick: 1137912:39
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by gleeble sneeble?. Tick: 1179812:45
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.12:59
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray blocked Teed Snood but close up from scoring. Tick: 1322913:07
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 intercepted gleeble sneeble?. Tick: 1400213:18
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 stole from Bobby Ray. Tick: 1423213:22
gleeble sneeble?i'm throwing!13:24
[PASS-TV] Teed Snood but close up scored a goal assisted by the snack,curry. Tick: 1500613:33
Teed Snood but close upTEEH E13:37
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.13:48
[PASS-TV] Coogikie splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1617913:51
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? scored a goal assisted by Squiy. Tick: 1646513:55
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.14:09
[PASS-TV] the snack,curry scored a goal assisted by dimandos48. Tick: 1844314:25
dimandos48classic Russian14:32
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.0 seconds after spawning before healing14:32
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.14:39
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? blocked the snack,curry from scoring. Tick: 2009614:50
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 intercepted gleeble sneeble?. Tick: 2117315:06
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? scored a goal assisted by Bobby Ray. Tick: 2312115:35
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.15:49
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 blocked Bobby Ray from scoring. Tick: 2495916:03
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.5 seconds after spawning before healing16:12
[PASS-TV] gleeble sneeble? blocked the snack,curry from scoring. Tick: 2595816:18
[PASS-TV] dimandos48 stole from pickle. Tick: 2641516:25
[PASS-TV] Bobby Ray scored a goal assisted by pickle. Tick: 2853116:56
the snack,curryggs17:00
Bobby Raygg17:03
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload17:07
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:07