demos.tfaboutviewereditor #579328 - buRg vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Arie - 7 days ago

grunt171022111346Smokey disguised as Gonzo
eoka earl121291488Paladin
bambu :d1613013632freaky mob



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[SOAP] Soap DM unloaded.0:00
[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250110-1936-koth_product_final.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro00:05
freaky mobHJAJAAAJAJAJAJ00:48
Smokey disguised as Gonzomerde02:49
bambu :dez02:53
Smokey disguised as Gonzocalete02:56
freaky mobjajajaaj02:57
bambu :dhahahaha02:59
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.4 seconds after spawning before healing04:26
Smokey disguised as Gonzonoob down04:26
freaky mobtoxic!04:35
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:37
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro04:37
bigweezerfani may have fead05:10
Smokey disguised as GonzoLOL05:13
Smokey disguised as GonzoNOOB DOWN05:14
bambu :dwho u05:23
Smokey disguised as Gonzotu papi05:43
freaky mobBAMBU TU PAPI05:52
bigweezerfanwrong config06:32
Smokey disguised as Gonzomerde06:53
bambu :d {07:03
freaky mobXD07:09
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!07:52
bambu :dme dejaron 08:03
bambu :dno fue mi culpa08:06
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.9 seconds after spawning before healing08:16
freaky mobxd08:34
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!09:00
Smokey disguised as Gonzouna momento09:27
freaky mobXD09:52
_.spectre._that's crazy.09:53
bambu :dme deje10:19
freaky mobyo se10:21
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds10:24
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro10:24
Smokey disguised as Gonzobambu 10:24
Smokey disguised as Gonzor u like AIIIII mi CULOOOO10:30
bambu :dhola10:31
Smokey disguised as Gonzofrom tha backshttter10:37
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing11:10
Smokey disguised as GonzoAII ME CULOOO11:19
bambu :dme deje11:19
bambu :dmanco11:21
Smokey disguised as Gonzo- Bamubu11:21
bambu :dque coas11:27
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 35 seconds before using it13:28
bambu :d 13:41
bambu :dping lag13:45
bambu :dddint coutn13:47
Smokey disguised as Gonzocalete cutie13:56
Smokey disguised as Gonzomadre14:35
Smokey disguised as Gonzospectre mge lat0r14:48
Smokey disguised as Gonzo>14:52
bambu :dgonzo14:58
Smokey disguised as Gonzosi15:01
bambu :dcomo estas15:05
Smokey disguised as Gonzofine15:08
_.spectre._lol mge??15:09
bigweezerfanwinlim? 15:13
_.spectre._I haven't played mge in years15:15
bambu :dlol mge??15:15
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds15:16
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro15:16
Smokey disguised as Gonzomge nino15:18
eoka earlnino?15:30
eoka earlyou know lettuce 15:33
Smokey disguised as Gonzopince...16:46
Smokey disguised as Gonzofollador16:53
bambu :dstill my childs16:56
Smokey disguised as Gonzou kno?16:56
sm0keymy demo16:57
bambu :dbbys16:58
bambu :du guys dying to a am player omg17:06
freaky mobnc*17:11
Smokey disguised as Gonzocope17:12
bambu :dthat bad17:16
Smokey disguised as Gonzogg17:19
[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.2 seconds after spawning before healing17:20
sm0keycrashing out in chat i see17:42
bambu :dsdas17:56
[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.8 seconds after spawning before healing17:58
bambu :d 18:02
on66butter knife18:05
Smokey disguised as GonzoJAJAJ18:09
bambu :dlol fun18:12
bambu :d 19:09
freaky mobXD19:11
bambu :dno conto19:12
bambu :dno te vi19:14
freaky mobXD19:16
Smokey disguised as Gonzocalete19:18
bambu :d:v19:20
freaky mobcallete19:26
on66noty dead19:50
Smokey disguised as GonzoGMGG19:58
Smokey disguised as GonzoPQP20:02
freaky mobty20:22
freaky mobL*20:27
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.8 seconds after spawning before healing20:39
bigweezerfanwinlim ? 21:16
on66u can winlim21:18
freaky mob1 more21:19
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds21:22
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_match_pro21:22
on66nah next map honestly21:25
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.21:37
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.21:37
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...21:37