demos.tfaboutviewereditor #579880 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Arie - 1 months ago

sundress funeral108193858737esog
catgirlcore (laptop arc)541363581138Saph



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[CC] This server is running config: rgl_pt_push00:05
catgirlcore (laptop arc)gl00:08
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.00:20
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal assisted by esog. Tick: 182300:32
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.00:46
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 intercepted Closed.. Tick: 386801:03
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal. Tick: 433601:10
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.01:24
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal. Tick: 556001:28
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.01:42
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from Closed.. Tick: 827902:09
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from Joeiscool124. Tick: 849202:12
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) blocked AvidJelqer from scoring. Tick: 861702:14
[PASS-TV] Saph blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 1113002:51
[PASS-TV] Saph blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1231303:09
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal assisted by esog. Tick: 1393103:33
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.03:48
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from AvidJelqer. Tick: 1502803:50
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 1679104:16
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1754004:28
[PASS-TV] mangeHD scored a goal assisted by catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 1948304:57
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.05:11
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked esog from scoring. Tick: 2131705:24
[PASS-TV] esog blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 2598106:34
[PASS-TV] mangeHD intercepted Saph. Tick: 2759306:58
[PASS-TV] mangeHD triggered "red_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 2778307:01
[PASS-TV] esog blocked catgirlcore (laptop arc) from scoring. Tick: 3041207:41
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 3142207:56
[PASS-TV] mangeHD intercepted AvidJelqer. Tick: 3235808:10
[PASS-TV] mangeHD scored a goal. Tick: 3259508:13
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.08:28
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from Joeiscool124. Tick: 3357708:28
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted esog. Tick: 3414308:37
[PASS-TV] esog blocked catgirlcore (laptop arc) from scoring. Tick: 3495408:49
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal assisted by esog. Tick: 3666709:15
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.09:29
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal. Tick: 3788209:33
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_pt_push09:43
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.09:58
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 128310:03
Saph!rcon mp_winlimit 310:05
[PASS-TV] Saph splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 194410:13
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal assisted by sundress funeral. Tick: 241410:20
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.10:34
[PASS-TV] esog blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 470210:54
[PASS-TV] esog intercepted Joeiscool124. Tick: 556111:07
[PASS-TV] mangeHD triggered "red_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 652911:21
[PASS-TV] Closed. intercepted mangeHD. Tick: 667011:23
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted Closed.. Tick: 679911:25
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from mangeHD. Tick: 734611:34
[PASS-TV] Closed. blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1013912:15
[PASS-TV] Closed. stole from catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 1070012:24
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from mangeHD. Tick: 1194012:42
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked AvidJelqer from scoring. Tick: 1211112:45
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted Saph. Tick: 1284012:56
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) intercepted esog. Tick: 1428313:18
[PASS-TV] Saph intercepted sundress funeral. Tick: 1624813:47
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from Saph. Tick: 1689313:57
[PASS-TV] esog blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 1885414:26
[PASS-TV] Closed. triggered "blu_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 1945014:35
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted Closed.. Tick: 1960814:37
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral scored a goal. Tick: 1974114:39
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.14:54
[PASS-TV] Saph scored a goal assisted by AvidJelqer. Tick: 2120615:01
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.15:16
[PASS-TV] esog blocked catgirlcore (laptop arc) from scoring. Tick: 2333415:33
[PASS-TV] mangeHD intercepted Saph. Tick: 2414315:46
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) scored a goal assisted by mangeHD. Tick: 2454115:51
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.16:06
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Saph. Tick: 2644916:20
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.16:34
[PASS-TV] mangeHD intercepted esog. Tick: 2785816:41
[PASS-TV] esog blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 2879516:55
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from esog. Tick: 2893216:57
[PASS-TV] Closed. blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 2915017:01
[PASS-TV] esog triggered "blu_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 3118517:31
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal. Tick: 3155217:37
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.17:51
[PASS-TV] mangeHD splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 3275617:55
[PASS-TV] Closed. intercepted sundress funeral. Tick: 3361018:08
[PASS-TV] esog handed off to Saph. Tick: 3433218:18
[PASS-TV] Saph scored a goal assisted by esog. Tick: 3443618:20
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.18:34
[PASS-TV] Closed. blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 3789519:12
[PASS-TV] esog blocked sundress funeral from scoring. Tick: 4043319:50
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 4150520:06
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_pt_push20:16
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.20:31
[PASS-TV] mangeHD stole from AvidJelqer. Tick: 114820:33
[PASS-TV] Closed. scored a goal. Tick: 235720:51
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.21:05
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted AvidJelqer. Tick: 459721:25
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) stole from AvidJelqer. Tick: 536821:36
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) scored a goal assisted by mangeHD. Tick: 551321:39
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.21:53
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral blocked AvidJelqer from scoring. Tick: 717822:04
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 846322:23
[PASS-TV] mangeHD blocked esog from scoring. Tick: 1107823:02
[PASS-TV] Saph blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1158723:10
[PASS-TV] Saph blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1203323:16
[PASS-TV] Saph triggered "blu_catapult2" with the jack. Tick: 1223723:19
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1495024:00
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted esog. Tick: 1521724:04
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) scored a goal assisted by Joeiscool124. Tick: 1663824:26
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.24:40
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral scored a goal assisted by catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 1857724:55
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.25:09
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) blocked Closed. from scoring. Tick: 2219825:49
[PASS-TV] Closed. intercepted sundress funeral. Tick: 2291726:00
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) intercepted Closed.. Tick: 2330526:06
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 2396326:15
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral scored a goal assisted by Joeiscool124. Tick: 2552426:39
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.26:53
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal. Tick: 2747427:08
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_pt_push27:19
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.27:34
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) intercepted Closed.. Tick: 131527:38
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal assisted by catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 156627:42
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.0 seconds after spawning before healing27:53
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.27:56
[PASS-TV] Closed. intercepted Joeiscool124. Tick: 384328:16
[PASS-TV] Closed. blocked catgirlcore (laptop arc) from scoring. Tick: 502728:34
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 581528:46
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.29:00
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 751629:11
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.29:25
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 898429:33
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.29:47
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.4 seconds after spawning before healing29:55
[PASS-TV] Saph splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1102830:04
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal. Tick: 1175030:15
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.8 seconds after spawning before healing30:25
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.30:29
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 1323630:37
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.30:51
[PASS-TV] esog intercepted Joeiscool124. Tick: 1448030:56
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 1685931:31
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_pt_push31:42
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.31:57
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 166232:07
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) scored a goal assisted by Joeiscool124. Tick: 289432:25
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.32:39
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 intercepted Saph. Tick: 429732:46
[PASS-TV] mangeHD scored a goal assisted by Joeiscool124. Tick: 472232:53
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.33:07
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted esog. Tick: 594533:11
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.2 seconds after spawning before healing33:11
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted AvidJelqer. Tick: 686633:25
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from Joeiscool124. Tick: 734433:32
[STV Stats] BLU spent 17.5 seconds after spawning before healing34:00
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) scored a goal assisted by mangeHD. Tick: 974434:08
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.34:22
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.8 seconds after spawning before healing34:24
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1133934:32
[PASS-TV] esog splashed the ball to save it. Tick: 1239134:48
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from esog. Tick: 1249734:49
[PASS-TV] Saph blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1261534:51
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal assisted by sundress funeral. Tick: 1331335:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.9 seconds after spawning before healing35:07
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the lower spawnpoint.35:16
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 1463735:21
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from catgirlcore (laptop arc). Tick: 1559935:36
[PASS-TV] catgirlcore (laptop arc) blocked esog from scoring. Tick: 1638635:48
[PASS-TV] esog blocked Joeiscool124 from scoring. Tick: 1722036:00
[PASS-TV] esog scored a goal assisted by Closed.. Tick: 1858236:21
[PASS-TV] passtime_ball spawned from the upper spawnpoint.36:35
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 stole from Closed.. Tick: 1964136:37
[PASS-TV] AvidJelqer stole from Joeiscool124. Tick: 1978836:39
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 intercepted Saph. Tick: 2105436:58
[PASS-TV] Closed. blocked catgirlcore (laptop arc) from scoring. Tick: 2180737:09
[PASS-TV] sundress funeral intercepted Closed.. Tick: 2200637:12
[PASS-TV] Joeiscool124 scored a goal assisted by sundress funeral. Tick: 2233337:17
mangeHDGG WP37:24
catgirlcore (laptop arc)ggs37:27
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.37:28
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload37:28
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.37:28
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...37:28