demos.tfaboutviewereditor #581201 - RED vs hate


Demo uploaded by Arie - 1 months ago

grandes naturales301427231223sw4gm.
MIttens. (elo 1)332022211143DECLINED$BAG$
Goddess of war29924241523total eclipse of the heart
drink man irl3372321927BMW M4 Competition G82
15fps damage sponge207361334Boring And Green



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250201-0156-cp_snakewater_final1.dem00:03
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_scrim00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
MIttens. (elo 1)LLOl00:15
15fps damage sponge!extend00:54
Goddess of warfake weapon01:03
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.8 seconds after spawning before healing01:03
Goddess of warLOL01:49
MIttens. (elo 1)EZ01:50
Goddess of waranyone wanna trade?01:55
15fps damage spongeGobfull : comp is a waste of ******* time01:59
sw4gm.what r u trading02:05
BMW M4 Competition G82any traders02:08
RTK3 ref02:20
Goddess of waris anyone else rubber banding because of this DOG SHIT SERVER02:26
15fps damage spongei have 5 fps regardless02:35
grandes naturalesskill issue02:38
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.2 seconds after spawning before healing03:16
Goddess of warbro03:46
cardinalu wouldve killed me04:09
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.9 seconds after spawning before healing05:03
cardinaldogwatter nice 6 shot05:35
Boring And GreenWE HAVE TELEPORTERS05:51
15fps damage spongeas per rgl rules, you must join within the 15 minutes we have generous allotted to you before we must report a forced forfeit.06:23
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.8 seconds after spawning before healing06:40
Boring And GreenEVERYTHING LEVEL 306:58
Goddess of warwe are 5v607:24
cardinalno way07:27
cardinalthats insane07:30
cardinallike backtrack bc 15 fps thats insane07:39
[STV Stats] RED spent 16.5 seconds after spawning before healing07:53
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 33 seconds08:59
MIttens. (elo 1)dude every shot was eitehr 70 or 009:54
cardinalu guys are so bad on ur team10:18
Goddess of wardont be mean10:21
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_scrim10:22
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds10:22
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds10:22
cardinalur teasm szer10:22
cardinallock in10:23
MIttens. (elo 1)be fucking nice10:23
Boring And Greenshut the hell up pussy10:26
15fps damage spongewe have an afk10:27
MIttens. (elo 1)OMG11:05
cardinali arrowed u11:08
total eclipse of the heartCheap Chick-Fil-A sandwiches at
Boring And Greenwere cooking11:11
MIttens. (elo 1)ikr11:13
15fps damage spongecan i have some chicken11:23
total eclipse of the heartI have psychic powers (◣_◢)11:29
Boring And Greenguys why am i on the enemy team11:58
Boring And Greenwhats happenign12:02
cardinalLFG UR DOGSHIT12:04
total eclipse of the heartI have psychic powers (◣_◢)12:06
MIttens. (elo 1)DUUUUDe12:07
Boring And Greenwhere are you12:07
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds12:09
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds12:09
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_scrim12:09
15fps damage spongego on the other team green12:11
Boring And Greentwas an accident12:35
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.8 seconds after spawning before healing13:07
[STV Stats] RED spent 17.8 seconds after spawning before healing13:19
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds14:05
MIttens. (elo 1)LMFAO15:06
grandes naturalesWHY IS THAT THERE15:15
cardinallegit fooled me i thought it was queez15:18
Boring And Greendid the sentry kill u15:28
Goddess of warmy engi is a paid actor15:34
BMW M4 Competition G82rolled lowkey15:37
Goddess of warhwo much did you guys pay them15:38
MIttens. (elo 1)ur stupid15:40
BMW M4 Competition G82pure skillful15:40
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.1 seconds after spawning before healing16:03
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 98% uber16:34
sw4gm.installing kovaks tn16:35
cardinalI KILLED BINDED????16:43
total eclipse of the heartI AM THE ONE16:46
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!17:14
grandes naturalesbrb crying17:20
Goddess of warrelax my scarab left me17:40
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.4 seconds after spawning before healing17:41
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.9 seconds after spawning before healing17:42
Goddess of waranyone wanna trade?18:15
BMW M4 Competition G82what we trading18:21
15fps damage spongeez18:22
Boring And Greeni wanna have sex with you but whats happening why is my playermodel red but hud blue18:22
grandes naturalesI only date women who can beat me in mge18:30
cardinalzer u had my back19:00
cardinaltoo bad u suck ass19:03
Boring And Greeni am a woman who can lose to you in mge19:04
15fps damage spongeGobfull : comp is a waste of ******* time19:12
BMW M4 Competition G82bea19:20
BMW M4 Competition G82cooked19:21
drink man irlur mom19:24
drink man irlin my dms19:29
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!19:30
BMW M4 Competition G82mom19:33
BMW M4 Competition G82dead19:34
total eclipse of the heartflare gun'd19:43
[STV Stats] RED spent 18.0 seconds after spawning before healing20:03
15fps damage spongeas per rgl rules, you must join within the 15 minutes we have generous allotted to you before we must report a forced forfeit.20:07
total eclipse of the heartI have psychic powers (◣_◢)21:58
grandes naturalesnerf medic22:07
BMW M4 Competition G82yall are bums22:36
grandes naturalesyes22:38
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds22:39
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds22:39
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_6s_5cp_scrim22:39
Boring And Greenget wrecked losers22:48
Goddess of waranyone wanna trade?22:52
grandes naturalescan we votekick out bottomscore23:44
grandes naturalesor can you take him and have 723:50
BMW M4 Competition G82pausing23:53
Goddess of warserver deid24:04
cardinalmy dpm is gonna be insane24:57
Boring And Greenscorch shot pyro with a pocket med25:23
sw4gm.bottom text25:25
grandes naturales25:28
drink man irlI LVOE DRINKING25:34
Goddess of warim flares25:36
MIttens. (elo 1)WTF25:49
MIttens. (elo 1)nil is eto strafing26:05
[STV Stats] RED spent 18.8 seconds after spawning before healing26:07
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 98% uber26:35
grandes naturalesno idea what that means but i am yeah26:43
sw4gm.can u winlim26:46
cardinalwinlimit 9:3026:47
[STV Stats] RED spent 17.5 seconds after spawning before healing26:53
grandes naturalesno we have to win 3 rounds26:54
cardinalwinlimit now26:58
15fps damage spongeWINLIMIT 9926:58
BMW M4 Competition G82wasnt even a crit you dumb27:07
BMW M4 Competition G82no taunt blyat27:14
total eclipse of the heartwinlim or leave27:33
cardinallike that arrow zer?27:37
drink man irlim shaking it so crazy27:38
Goddess of warits our server....27:40
15fps damage spongewe choose 12v1227:41
cardinalwinlimit PLEASE27:46
drink man irlcan we go ashville next27:47
total eclipse of the heart2-0 btw27:49
grandes naturalesI HATE LOCH27:52
grandes naturalesI'm going to play etf227:58
[STV Stats] BLU spent 15.6 seconds after spawning before healing28:06
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.28:15
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.28:15
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...28:15