
Matcha Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 28 days ago

SNS Enjoyer271121181746aightshou
It's not like you to say sorry291323241314DILF repellent
Hugh Janus291426231520conma
ARISSS15102122733basic bitches
RunDomRun2161811134Dropping State of Mind



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Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[Matcha] Please make sure your POV is being recorded, Good luck and have fun!00:05
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 0, RED 0.00:05
[Matcha] 30:00 remaining; starting round 1.00:05
ROBOTAIM who art in hellarisss — 1/12/25, 8:33 PM@ROBOTAIM guys get some good sleep atleast 7-8 hrs staycalm atall times control uremotions hit a gym00:09
SNS Enjoyer?00:26
SNS Enjoyerbruh00:34
aightshouicl my team pmo01:26
Dropping State of MindlMFGAOdw01:30
Dropping State of MindHIOW01:38
Dropping State of Mindicl my maincaller pmo02:07
basic bitches^02:12
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds02:14
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 0, RED 1.02:14
[Matcha] 27:50 remaining; starting round 2.02:14
aightshouicl my internet provider pmo02:15
ROBOTAIM who art in hellscout caught in house02:48
aightshouMY PING ON A GOOD TEAM WHEN THE 20003:03
aightshouStop Ddos.04:05
DILF repellentWTF04:23
DILF repellentdude04:24
ROBOTAIM who art in hellgood uber04:25
DILF repellentnice uber04:25
DILF repellentCHAIR ur the worst04:32
aightshouICL MY TEAM SO PMO04:35
It's not like you to say sorryfk04:37
ROBOTAIM who art in hellntntntnt04:41
It's not like you to say sorryim playing medic now bro04:44
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:44
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, RED 1.04:44
[Matcha] 25:20 remaining; starting round 3.04:44
It's not like you to say sorrychill lax04:45
ROBOTAIM who art in hellbeast mode !05:25
aightshouim crahsing out05:25
ROBOTAIM who art in hellLOL06:23
SNS EnjoyerWTF06:29
SNS EnjoyerLMAO06:33
basic bitchesi made it ad06:33
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.7 seconds after spawning before healing06:48
Anti-BeamLOL CHAIR08:02
It's not like you to say sorryi cannot play DM anymore im actually a medic main08:12
Anti-BeamHe pulled out a big cock against your ass08:15
It's not like you to say sorryhe did08:19
Anti-Beamthats why you got meatshotted08:29
ROBOTAIM who art in hellwtfff08:39
basic bitcheslmao08:42
DILF repellentwtf09:32
ROBOTAIM who art in hellbeast.10:36
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!11:02
Dropping State of Mindits even my pscout11:12
Dropping State of Mindgg11:13
aightshoui did not see sniper\11:18
aightshouplus noone spotted him11:25
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.2 seconds after spawning before healing11:28
basic bitchesgrrr sniper11:32
basic bitchesgrrr11:33
aightshouyour discord and my pocket soldiers mental pmo11:33
Dropping State of Mindmy dc broken still11:58
[STV Stats] RED spent 23.4 seconds after spawning before healing12:25
APVCso close13:32
Hugh Janusi saw the vision13:43
SNS EnjoyerWTF13:47
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds14:38
It's not like you to say sorrymy pay from playing medic for bcol15:46
It's not like you to say sorrythoughts aion?15:50
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds16:06
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 2, RED 1.16:06
[Matcha] 13:58 remaining; starting round 4.16:06
ROBOTAIM who art in hellwtf this kaidus rollout this guy aura farming16:31
SNS Enjoyer?16:52
aightshousybau bro16:55
ROBOTAIM who art in hellntntntntnt17:45
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.5 seconds after spawning before healing17:46
ROBOTAIM who art in hellAURA18:36
It's not like you to say sorryshit game18:40
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds20:16
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, RED 1.20:16
[Matcha] 09:48 remaining; starting round 5.20:16
aightshouMY MEDIC20:44
aightshouI GET SPAMMED BY 9 CLASSES20:55
basic bitchesi might have fed22:23
stubbyyyow im sorry guys22:40
SNS Enjoyeru are banned22:44
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds22:46
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, RED 2.22:46
[Matcha] 07:18 remaining; starting round 6.22:46
stubbyybut i have shitty internet rn22:46
stubbyylike i fucking dced on our scrim22:54
SNS Enjoyeru banned22:59
SNS Enjoyer10 weeks23:05
stubbyyyeah shut up troller23:06
stubbyyi dont care23:09
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!23:52
ROBOTAIM who art in hellgood bomb23:54
basic bitchesnice 6 man sacc24:00
It's not like you to say sorryindeed24:07
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.7 seconds after spawning before healing24:10
Dropping State of Mind.ss24:14
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 15 seconds25:18
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 35 seconds before using it25:53
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 36 seconds before using it25:53
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 56 seconds before using it27:53
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds28:02
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 4, RED 2.28:02
[Matcha] 02:02 remaining; starting round 7.28:02
ROBOTAIM who art in hellaura rollout28:18
SNS Enjoyerlmao doku29:07
[STV Stats] BLU spent 12.5 seconds after spawning before healing29:38
It's not like you to say sorrystubby you taking the spot 2nd map?29:46
It's not like you to say sorrywait he not here29:51
SNS Enjoyergee gee ez30:07
basic bitches.ss30:08
[Matcha] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[Matcha] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[ProperPregame] Existing class limits have been saved and will be restored on match start.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14