demos.tfaboutviewereditor #1471527 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Matek 17 days ago

preso662191127ФЁДОР ГОМОУБЕЖИЩ
Late1742221516tf2 Ben Mee
Nati Noot1951718622yingus 愚蠢的游戏
funk da trigonometria3111714313Jaegerbot
Aguakate1802210182No Irish, no Irish, no Irish



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preso!rape you00:01
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds00:05
yingus 愚蠢的游戏yhahahahaa00:59
yingus 愚蠢的游戏hahahahaha00:59
yingus 愚蠢的游戏hahahahaha01:00
presowasn't that funny01:05
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10801:25
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds01:54
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10801:57
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10802:52
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds03:15
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10803:41
Aguakate2 DIRECT ROCKETS03:57
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!04:03
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.0 seconds after spawning before healing04:34
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10805:08
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10806:44
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10807:20
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10808:23
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10809:23
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds09:38
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10810:31
[STV Stats] RED spent 18.0 seconds after spawning before healing11:19
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10811:36
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10811:50
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.7 seconds after spawning before healing12:19
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10812:24
[STV Stats] BLU spent 18.9 seconds after spawning before healing12:39
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10813:20
Matekur gonna have to get off sniper mate14:30
yingus 愚蠢的游戏u lot are playing like its offi14:30
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds14:40
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10815:27
funk da trigonometriauber 808 (crashout)15:40
funk da trigonometrialmk15:46
presoOk.. i think we got put in a spliffs XD15:49
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.3 seconds after spawning before healing15:58
yingus 愚蠢的游戏if i got u in my 3.5 i'd just get rid16:19
funk da trigonometriaOk16:32
Matekget off sniper or I'll kick u16:33
[STV Stats] RED spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing16:44
yingus 愚蠢的游戏pedo16:46
yingus 愚蠢的游戏not u the other guy16:54
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10816:56
yingus 愚蠢的游戏anytime17:02
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10817:58
Overrode round timer time to 300 seconds18:36
Nati NootOMG19:09
Jaegerbotsniper is sniper19:16
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10819:28
Aguakatewhy u crying19:56
[STV Stats] RED spent 30.8 seconds after spawning before healing20:41
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10820:54
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 42 seconds before using it20:54
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10821:25
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishuber 10821:51
funk da trigonometriaGG22:00
No Irish, no Irish, no Irishgggggg22:02
Aguakatecty bby cry22:05
yingus 愚蠢的游戏cty22:09
yingus 愚蠢的游戏ts22:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...22:16
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.22:16
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.22:16