
Matcha Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 17 days ago

stubbyy4532113214Reverie's edge
🐰 abit of zoe5112317415sarc
181513Driver from the Movie Driver



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250308-1247-cp_snakewater_final1.dem00:03
[Matcha] Please make sure your POV is being recorded, Good luck and have fun!00:05
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 0, RED 0.00:05
[Matcha] Starting round 1.00:05
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:07
Driver from the Movie Driver?00:30
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.8 seconds after spawning before healing01:08
Driver from the Movie DriverREVERIE'S EDGE01:10
Driver from the Movie DriverCome01:11
Driver from the Movie Driver?01:41
[STV Stats] BLU spent 23.2 seconds after spawning before healing01:51
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.9 seconds after spawning before healing03:17
[STV Stats] BLU spent 16.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:23
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!04:36
[STV Stats] BLU spent 15.5 seconds after spawning before healing04:54
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.3 seconds after spawning before healing05:09
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.2 seconds after spawning before healing05:34
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.1 seconds after spawning before healing06:20
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.2 seconds after spawning before healing07:36
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.7 seconds after spawning before healing10:05
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, RED 0.10:24
[Matcha] Starting round 2.10:24
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.5 seconds after spawning before healing12:41
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.1 seconds after spawning before healing13:09
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.2 seconds after spawning before healing13:21
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!14:28
[STV Stats] BLU spent 27.3 seconds after spawning before healing15:02
Driver from the Movie Driver?16:58
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.6 seconds after spawning before healing17:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.4 seconds after spawning before healing17:40
Driver from the Movie Driver...18:31
Driver from the Movie Driver!votemenu18:38
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, RED 1.18:39
[Matcha] Starting round 3.18:39
[Matcha] "Driver from the Movie Driver" started a vote to kick "Reverie's edge".18:42
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.18:43
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.18:43
17nice tier6 smurf vs tier118:44
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.18:44
[Matcha] Vote cast for No.18:45
Driver from the Movie Driverkick18:49
Driver from the Movie Driverkick18:49
Driver from the Movie Driver!votemenu18:53
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.18:56
Driver from the Movie Driver!cancelvote19:02
[Matcha] Vote failed. Received: "4" Required: "6"19:12
Driver from the Movie Driver!votemenu19:15
[Matcha] "Driver from the Movie Driver" started a vote to change the map to "cp_gullywash_f9".19:17
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:18
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:19
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:20
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:20
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:20
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:26
[Matcha] Vote cast for Yes.19:34
Reverie's edge!add19:36
[Matcha] Vote passed.19:48
[SM] ADMIN: Changing map to cp_gullywash_f9...19:48
[Wait for STV] Changing map to cp_gullywash_f9 in 90 seconds...19:51
🐰 abit of zoe!admin20:00
stubbyyscarrlyl are you here20:00
[SM] ADMIN: Changing map to cp_gullywash_f9...20:03
stubbyyi think i need to signout gnl20:05