
Coach's - MPREG vs $N2


Demo uploaded by lunar 7 days ago

Sampha Mentee7731313Afilthymeme
lev6411606no more horsing around
[MPREG] Coach1161622mPREG Dax
Coach Jam3241057murder guy
TheGamingFungus136812411happy fun highlander
Roll.cfg1935590[MPREG] ☂Bliffenstimmers☂
sata andagi5341335kawaiicakes
consume2817025 hr highlander gullywash pug



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250318-0244-pl_vigil_rc10.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:04
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch00:05
Sampha MenteeLOLOLOL00:06
Sampha MenteeHAHAHAHA00:08
grimblerno time for a team map talk?00:13
Deathbycoachinganyone know how the seagulls game is going?00:20
Sampha Mentee^00:22
sata andagisrry my team have bm (bad manners if u didnt know the lingo)00:27
mPREG Daxhow many times do i have to say 'WHEN WE SAY LEAVE, YOU NEED TO LEAVE'00:28
Roll.cfgphil can be my heavy anyday00:33
Sampha Menteeyea tell us man00:34
mPREG Daxits like beating a dead retarded horse00:36
Sampha Menteewe need to know00:36
TheGamingFungusi get it00:38
sata andagimaybe megaphone diff00:40
murder guyits okay grimbler i already won a div on my main and im sure you still wont this season00:47
Sampha Menteewanna vent? my disc is 'm4ys1e' 00:52
sata andagiwow mean00:55
mPREG Daxamongus00:56
Roll.cfgheavy main00:57
Roll.cfgvery hard01:02
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 182 seconds before using it03:21
mPREG Dax'can we walk this hill'03:51
Sampha Menteetell us man03:59
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!04:01
Sampha Menteewho wnana suck my dick04:44
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 10 seconds05:37
Sampha Menteebottom scoring :sob:07:23
[CC] This server is running config: rgl_HL_stopwatch07:24
[MPREG] Coachrq07:25
Sampha Menteeur ass bro07:25
TheGamingFungusbe kind and loving07:34
Deathbycoachingbe nice noobs07:37
Roll.cfgi fuck with the drop from redroom heavy07:37
Roll.cfgu sarced the fuck out of me07:42
Roll.cfgno lie07:43
murder guypredator theory07:49
Sampha Menteewpuldnt scare m,e i would die but fearlessly die.07:57
TheGamingFungusmove like a predator.07:59
murder guy:true:08:11
happy fun highlander.ss08:16
Sampha Mentee1440x1080 predator visionw08:21
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds08:24
mPREG Dax100 x 20008:29
murder guy2160x200008:30
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 111 seconds before using it10:15
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 187 seconds before using it10:47
happy fun highlander?11:34
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!11:48
Sampha Menteeyo its ad11:52
kawaiicakesthis is an FF lol12:10
mPREG Daxyeah but every other time it was ad guess what happened12:12
mPREG Dax.ss12:17
[STV Stats] RED spent 16.3 seconds after spawning before healing12:21
TheGamingFungusi tell my med lets use over hill12:26
TheGamingFungushe counts down instead of using12:29
TheGamingFungusbeast mode12:31
murder guyi see your12:33
sata andagi?X?XD?DX?XD?XD?DX12:38
mPREG Daxyeah well when i say 'can we walk over hill' fucking nobody says anything12:39
grimblerblaming teamates12:46
mPREG Daxthen i say 'can i get my scout on hill' and HE doesnt say anything12:49
mPREG Daxthen my med dies AGAIN13:02
mPREG Daxmany such cases13:04
Sampha MenteeGG13:06
murder guygg other heavy13:11
Coach Jamgg13:13
consumenotice how your demo typed the whole game and didn't do anything13:13
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.13:14
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.13:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.13:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...13:14