demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#893949) - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 5 years go

what is sleep20381727fart boy
davaj ustroem skandal85219522Pauthen
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo103174836profix
Just'in * F4.exe72235419bio
Oh shit, I'm sorry!52235181Du luktar
Mr. CacTus5322



Toggle Chat
what is sleep!rep me01:11
B34T_TR4KKeRnad s[;ash d.g killrf ,r yesy01:11
profixghet fucked nerds lol01:34
B34T_TR4KKeR;p; i', drnk andi can still out dmg yanoobas01:58
B34T_TR4KKeRoutplated 02:30
B34T_TR4KKeRlol noob02:36
B34T_TR4KKeRprofit thatr u have good tean02:45
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooono wonder youre losing03:07
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooour medic is typing while alive03:13
B34T_TR4KKeRstfu broooooooooooooooooooooooooo03:21
Mr. CacTusxD03:27
Mr. CacTusthis is nic03:31
Mr. CacTusnice03:36
Oh shit, I'm sorry!can you play the game ??03:38
B34T_TR4KKeRi 'm03:44
B34T_TR4KKeRi try at least03:56
B34T_TR4KKeRuntil i can drin again04:05
Oh shit, I'm sorry!v04:30
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo!rep our med06:22
B34T_TR4KKeR;ast ga,e i tpp driml tp do anyhinfg06:34
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooodo you not realise06:59
Mr. CacTusin my team06:59
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooothat your medic07:01
Mr. CacTuseveryone is afk07:02
Oh shit, I'm sorry!!rep our med07:03
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooois standing stil07:04
B34T_TR4KKeRyhat moment when kids report u cuz of a game07:04
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooafk07:06
Mr. CacTusand hate everyone everyone07:08
verdun!rep their med07:09
B34T_TR4KKeRmovng afk07:16
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo!rep our med07:16
Mr. CacTuspls07:23
B34T_TR4KKeRthat moment when u can't kill shit and report07:31
Oh shit, I'm sorry!med is just afk07:33
fart boygrow up07:45
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooohow am i supose to kill without heals????????????????????????????????????????????????07:55
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooim not fuckign clockwork08:00
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooolmao08:00
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo!rep our med08:14
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooffs rep him alreayd08:16
Oh shit, I'm sorry!!rep our med08:25
Mr. CacTus!rep our medic08:35
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooty08:39
B34T_TR4KKeRkids mat at lobby game xD08:47
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooou cant even type properly08:56
Mr. CacTusjust play08:56
B34T_TR4KKeRu repped me09:00
Just'in * F4.exestop drink before play tf209:03
B34T_TR4KKeRcuz i dink i go out not like u fat ass sitting on a game 24/709:17
Mr. CacTuspls09:24
Mr. CacTusplay medú09:26
Mr. CacTusI love etc09:30
B34T_TR4KKeRu reped me09:31
Mr. CacTusplay09:32
B34T_TR4KKeRso stfu09:36
Oh shit, I'm sorry!I think our med has been standing still more than actually moving09:50
B34T_TR4KKeRi don't need to do shit now09:50
B34T_TR4KKeRi think i did more thab u10:00
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo^10:00
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooosure u did10:08
B34T_TR4KKeRrep me cuz u can't do shit without 30% heals10:28
Oh shit, I'm sorry!this is the saddest lobby i've seen10:57
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooosame11:02
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooootbh11:04
Mr. CacTusokey med, what is your problem?11:06
fart boyyeah why are u being lame11:14
Mr. CacTusits a fucking game11:24
Mr. CacTusthis is tf211:27
Mr. CacTusthe most shit game ever I seen11:32
B34T_TR4KKeRi have with u guys that think play a tf2c lobby and winning give u a prize of 100000000000000 million euros11:38
Oh shit, I'm sorry!lmao11:39
Oh shit, I'm sorry!no11:47
Pauthen!rep their medic11:51
Oh shit, I'm sorry!we play tf2c to play the game bud11:55
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooo^11:58
B34T_TR4KKeRplay casual12:00
Oh shit, I'm sorry!and to practice12:02
Mr. CacTus1 hp12:02
Mr. CacTus:c12:04
B34T_TR4KKeRand stop being salty kids12:09
Oh shit, I'm sorry!stop playing tf2c then12:19
its 5/20 brooooooooooooooooooooplease learn how to type12:22
its 5/20 broooooooooooooooooooothen tell us what to do :)12:25
B34T_TR4KKeRless lobbies than me and tells me what to do xD12:32
Mr. CacTusokey then :D12:36
profixlobbies played does not equal skill or knowledge12:53
B34T_TR4KKeRhe tells me not to play13:04
Oh shit, I'm sorry!you have more lobbies than me and I can tell all of them were ruined by you13:04
Oh shit, I'm sorry!and im 100% better than you byd13:16
Mr. CacTusthis lobby13:17
fart boyur literally the only one who thinks this is funny13:19
Mr. CacTusis a laugh13:19
B34T_TR4KKeRbut can't do shit if a med is noton his ass 24.613:20