
Train - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Rorek 4 years go

Stephen Plonski esq971420210snow
billie eilish226111849only pros can crouch jump
the june goon12548615tposing analyst
ZzZ soap12688413Girl with a Pearl Earring
ZzZ | Punny #FPS761281117Jt
Let Them Eat Cake0931076i want a funny name but i dont
ZzZ | MANA- _-TEA252114140eku952
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTW140161919guys i have more twizzlers



Toggle Chat
the june goon!log0:00
ZzZ soapexplain obaama mouse0:00
i want a funny name but i dont wirele0:00
i want a funny name but i dont ss0:00
ZzZ soapha0:00
Jtethan! no!0:00
Get in the FUCKING robot Shinjia mouse that is seems good on the surface, but is actually shit0:00
Get in the FUCKING robot Shinjimy G703 is not shit0:00
ZzZ soaptrump mouse0:00
Get in the FUCKING robot ShinjiEXACTLY0:00
snowG502> G7020:00
Let Them Eat CakePunny: Sin burn can cause a headache and other achy or unwell feelings.0:00
eku952Ghost mouse0:00
Get in the FUCKING robot ShinjiHEIL GHOSTLER0:00
guys i have more twizzlersGive me sheckles0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWIm actually0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWRetarded0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWJust decloaked0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWOff a cliff0:00
Let Them Eat Cakeoh no I dropped0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWbad med0:00
i want a funny name but i dont obama drop0:00
Girl with a Pearl Earringpush up push up0:00
ZzZ | SSaiyanFTWhi0:00
only pros can crouch jumpsup0:00
tposing analysti was stabtricke0:00
Jtgg all0:00
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...0:00