demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#279363) - SLIGHT vs PENIS


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

SLIGHT BlacksmithGames1761923912sleepdeprived
burger king mcbugget1481710626Horiuchi
SLIGHT Maxx1481914520Diavolo
SLIGHT meep2k19422141016Feel the bern
SLIGHT agricartel169121188Bagel!
SLIGHT Fuzzycoco111811161audino
El Hermano1962118324Trash Man
SLIGHT Vruk();1901920020Doppler Effect



Toggle Chat
sleepdeprivedyou like penis and ballse?0:00
burger king mcbuggetglhf0:00
burger king mcbuggetit's an ok meme0:00
burger king mcbuggetbut not exquisite0:00
SLIGHT meep2kthey always say 'ok retard' but they never say 'are you ok, retard.'0:00
audinoi need to take a pis0:00
audinocan you pause0:00
[Pause] Game was paused by IM A RINGER DENY ME0:00
aving ubercharge level for audino0:00
aving ubercharge level for SLIGHT Fuzzycoco0:00
oriuchi : piss0:00
EAD* sleepdeprived : DA90SHDA0:00
udino : brb0:00
LIGHT meep2k : what0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : bruh0:00
EAD* sleepdeprived : OMFG 0:00
urger king mcbugget : oh my god0:00
EAD* sleepdeprived : @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT meep2k : Leave Panhandling to the Homeless and show others you can afford food to eat! Join the Ham Mafia!0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : cringe0:00
iavolo : OMG0:00
LIGHT Maxx : piss your pants0:00
LIGHT meep2k : piss0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : cringe0:00
iavolo : audino is CRINGE0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : too cringe0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : wtf0:00
urger king mcbugget : red0:00
LIGHT Vruk(); : warcrimes are coming0:00
urger king mcbugget : ring me med0:00
oriuchi : piss your pants retard0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : hahhahah0:00
LIGHT Maxx : audino needs a piss jug0:00
EAD* sleepdeprived : this is why i left, and now im ringing 0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
EAD* sleepdeprived : IM CRYING 0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : first restart then pp0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : wow0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
urger king mcbugget : Rsccman: shit on peoples fucks0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Maxx : same0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
M A RINGER DENY ME : type 'quit smoking' in console to prevent lung cancer0:00
urger king mcbugget : If a cat could speak english, would it be speaking cat speak or human speak0:00
rash Man : delete sys 32 for free unus0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute0:00
oriuchi : quit gaming opression0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by IM A RINGER DENY ME...0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...0:00
LIGHT Sperrie : shmoke0:00
LIGHT Fuzzycoco : I litterally just made this so I can spam it during pause0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...0:00
urger king mcbugget : that was a fast piss0:00
estoring ubercharge level for audino0:00
estoring ubercharge level for SLIGHT Fuzzycoco0:00
[Pause] Game is unpaused!0:00
SLIGHT Sperrieshmock0:00
SLIGHT Maxxtype unbind all in consol to get a bigger pp0:00
burger king mcbuggetdelivery diovanna0:00
audinoomg 0:00
audinowhite obama0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();OwO?0:00
burger king mcbugget( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)0:00
burger king mcbuggetoh my0:00
Doppler Effectreee0:00
SLIGHT meep2ki feed others because i don't feed myself0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();bruh lmao0:00
burger king mcbuggetok0:00
SLIGHT meep2kI feed the enemy because I don't feed myself.0:00
burger king mcbuggetFUCK0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();bruh0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();wtf0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();LOL0:00
SLIGHT Maxxgh0:00
SLIGHT meep2kgr0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();gh0:00
burger king mcbuggetthe only way we can push is by deathballing0:00
burger king mcbuggetoh my god0:00
Trash Mandied to fucking iron bomber rollers0:00
Trash Mancringe0:00
burger king mcbuggetindeed0:00
burger king mcbuggetwhy0:00
sleepdeprivedi surfed rollercoaster and thats what got me off0:00
SLIGHT meep2ki ran out of ammo because i wasn't able to grab a pack0:00
burger king mcbugget...0:00
SLIGHT Vruk();gg0:00
SLIGHT meep2kgg0:00
Trash Mangg0:00