demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#281656) - RED vs YOWWWW


Demo uploaded by non_ai 4 years go

yunoo12481649sleepy #
Raid1631014211LFT fluffy brain stab
Neck201081223chocolate b4nny



Toggle Chat
Raidyou fear0:00
sleepdeprivedyes shoot med0:00
buntwait pause0:00
trout.boyour scout died0:00
smithersidk man0:00
sleepdeprivedFROYO b4nny : rup you virgins, neets, degens, trump supporters.0:00
[Pause] Game was paused by non_ai0:00
aving ubercharge level for non_ai0:00
aving ubercharge level for trout.boy0:00
mithers : thx0:00
unoo : UNDERSTOOD,0:00
unt : rip sorry0:00
aid : Hi, sigafoo here, from siga6s, and I'm here to tell you that you are sigabanned0:00
unt : you are sigastupid0:00
unoo : Dude thats rude.0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
unoo : brb going to take a masturbation break but ill probably still get more points than my shit team0:00
unt : like sigafoo??0:00
leepdeprived : what comedians am I seeing?0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
leepdeprived : this is just.... pure comedy ladies and gentlemen 0:00
rout.boy : his power went out 0:00
rout.boy : F0:00
unt : bruh0:00
on_ai : oof0:00
unoo : u guys want me to play for you.0:00
unt : sad gamer moment0:00
leepdeprived : hes bad0:00
eck : please take him0:00
leepdeprived : you can have him0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes0:00
unoo : true0:00
on_ai : Just wanted to let you know, you can pause it too0:00
on_ai : you type 'pause' in the console0:00
unt : im mad0:00
unoo : pause0:00
unt : thats not an item0:00
mithers : poop 0:00
mithers : ubruh0:00
unt : are you guys getting a ringer or is his power back0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : it was a flicker0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : hes joining0:00
unoo : u guys wanna ring this guy named yunoo0:00
unoo : hes pretty good tbh.0:00
mithers : he is joining back 0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
mithers : we will tell you when to unpause 0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unt : uh0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unt : this compliments the music we're listening to0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Neck: you syrup intaking nerd0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Fun fact: chickens don't have anuses, vaginas, or a penis but just one hole for everything called the cloaca so if an egg got stuck in the cloaca the chicken would fill with its own urine and feces and it would die.0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unoo : Canada > USA btw0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
aid : STOP SMAP PLZ0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
unoo : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC and RGL admins0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
EAD* sleepy # : that shit was bananas0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unt : STOP0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
rout.boy : Cha-Cha real smooth0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
unt : BRUH0:00
eck : im gonna say the N word0:00
unt : ty0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
mithers : You can unpause now0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
FT fluffy brain stab : suicide is bad ass0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
unt : tell us when hes on retrieving server info0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by non_ai...0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
[Pause] Game was paused by Neck0:00
aving ubercharge level for non_ai0:00
aving ubercharge level for trout.boy0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
leepdeprived : you are really funny0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Neck...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...0:00
estoring ubercharge level for non_ai0:00
estoring ubercharge level for trout.boy0:00
[Pause] Game is unpaused!0:00
sleepy #dude bro0:00
LFT fluffy brain stabyeah questionable0:00
smithersbruh moment0:00
sleepy #gg0:00