demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#290001) - 0.83 vs Birb


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

galaxy(ringing)405881556reason im freezin at 80 degrees
John Paul Fuckin' Jones53101052980reigh
kingfin16088917100top tier uwuer
Violent PaciFist144187213Witch Queen Remedy
Forty-Bot623100Train Tracks
-WET- TheKiwi9983734Juniperberries



Toggle Chat
Witch Queen Remedyggs0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesoh u regen0:00
Juniperberriesim wanted for tax fraud and war crimes0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesns0:00
-WET- TheKiwity0:00
-WET- TheKiwi:D0:00
kingfinwhat div are u guys0:00
top tier uwuer^0:00
galaxy(ringing)0.83 is the best open team0:00
Juniperberriesim nuts0:00
John Paul Fuckin' Jonesneed us to leave0:00
galaxy(ringing)WAIT HOLD ON0:00
John Paul Fuckin' Joneswe will go0:00
Juniperberriesalright yall gotta skiddadle0:00
John Paul Fuckin' Jonesgl hf0:00
reighyes please0:00
galaxy(ringing)wait hold on0:00
galaxy(ringing)wait hold on0:00
galaxy(ringing)are we scrimming you0:00
galaxy(ringing)im ringing rn0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesk-cin point haha funny pun0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesno0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesNO FUCKING WAY SAXOPHONE?0:00
saxophoneyo rjval :)0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesWHATS POPPIN SAX0:00
saxophoneay bro0:00
Juniperberriessup other medic0:00
Juniperberriesnice socks0:00
.83 |「Suilla」thank0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreessax i accidentally left the pug group does it still exist0:00
Juniperberriessick licks0:00
Juniperberriesnice heart0:00
JuniperberriesNICE FRAG0:00
Juniperberriesomg u like foxes too???0:00
k-cinhey guys sorry to hear that you're not feeling great0:00
k-cintoday was the only day we could play0:00
.83 |「Suilla」hell yeah0:00
Juniperberriesi looooove foxes!!!0:00
reighihaven't slept in over 30 hours and im nauseous0:00
reighim at my prime.0:00
cardinallmao i have not slept ever0:00
cardinali am 1 second old0:00
.83 |「Suilla」you like film photography? certified psychopath0:00
.83 |「Suilla」you're crazy0:00
Juniperberriesi know, its a money sink, but it's so much fun0:00
cardinalsuilaa = photographer0:00
.83 |「Suilla」I use a DSLR lol0:00
JuniperberriesSLR is life0:00
cardinali prefer music0:00
.83 |「Suilla」my dad is a huge slr nerd and has like 25 of them0:00
Juniperberriesi love ur dad already0:00
top tier uwuerholy shit you're so laggy0:00
Juniperberriesi dont have neough0:00
cardinali have $$$0:00
.83 |「Suilla」what's your favorite subject to shoot?0:00
Juniperberrieswhatever i think looks pretty, but my favourite is probably landscape stuff0:00
cardinaldamn ok0:00
cardinali prefer 0:00
.83 |「Suilla」i do macro0:00
Juniperberries:o interesting!0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreeshey can we ring asher but he only uses the pistol0:00
.83 |「Suilla」and wildlife, if they behave lol0:00
cardinal:) i have never seen a womon0:00
Juniperberriesone day i'll find a fox in the wild here and ill take the best possible pictures of them possible0:00
cardinalfoxes taste p good ngl0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreeswoah buddy0:00
Juniperberriesthey're stinky0:00
cardinalgeckos to0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesi will shatter ur shins like balsa wood for harming geckos0:00
top tier uwuer^0:00
top tier uwuerplease don't hurt geckos0:00
cardinalbalsa wood is still strong0:00
cardinali carve lures out of it0:00
Juniperberriesi like salsa wood0:00
Juniperberriesthe pepper gives it a kick10:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesI can break balsa wood easier than bone0:00
cardinalalso they were not geckos they were iguanes0:00
cardinalgood white meat0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesu are the upper class0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesu are the enemy0:00
Juniperberrieseat the rich0:00
cardinalgive me elo by invading my 1 percent house0:00
saxophonewhere ur 6 at0:00
.83 |「Suilla」where's the guillotine0:00
cardinalwheres the anime0:00
cardinalgive it0:00
cardinali need to burn it0:00
cardinalall the anime0:00
Juniperberriesi have a guillotine for pyro0:00
Paperi inhale at least 5 packs of anime a day0:00
cardinali will run at speed 7 to get the anime0:00
Ardiwhere are your players0:00
Ardiwhere is your last player0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degrees
k-cinare yall gonna be streaming it?0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesI'm not joey but here's the info0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesyeah0:00
k-cinwith a delay?0:00
cardinalplayer does not exist in rgl tho0:00
cardinaldid i copy wrong0:00
cardinaltam i dumb0:00
Ardithat guy is above sliver0:00
Ardihe's 4-0 in sliver0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreeshe wont play his main0:00
Ardinah fam0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesracism0:00
cardinaldamn you really terying to say that shit0:00
Train Tracksi hadnt seen his exp yet, so i didnt see it0:00
.83 |「Suilla」racism?!?!? reported0:00
top tier uwuer(=´ᆺ`❀=)0:00
cardinalwe saw him in dm server0:00
the jose.martinez experiencehi0:00
Ardihe's way above open lmao0:00
the jose.martinez experiencewho me0:00
Ardiyeah fam0:00
cardinalwho me?0:00
the jose.martinez experiencei dont play this class i promise0:00
Ardinah we're not allowing someone that is above open ring0:00
Ardihe's 4-0 in sliver0:00
the jose.martinez experiencealright good luck dudes0:00
cardinalreasonable skill level cant be denied0:00
cardinalthats above open0:00
cardinalnot reasonablew0:00
Ardiyall need to get another ringer0:00
cardinalwe can wait0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesyeah im tryna get one homie0:00
k-cinwe dont mind waiting 0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreessax just @everyone in tomato pugs and we roulette a player to ring0:00
saxophonejust get young man0:00
saxophonehes always open to play :)0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesI'll fucking take young man0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesbut i dont have him added0:00
saxophonehe always wants to play :)0:00
saxophonehes not on :(0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesfuck0:00
saxophoneHOLD ON0:00
k-cinwait hes on0:00
saxophoneHE GOT ON0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesYES0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesWE HAVE YOUNG MAN0:00
cardinalWE FEAR0:00
saxophonegive discord invite pls :)0:00
saxophonemy steam is broken0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degrees
reason im freezin at 80 degreessend it to our boy0:00
cardinalYOUNG MAN0:00
cardinalALL HAIL0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesMY LEADER JUST BANNED YOUNG MAN0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesIM GONNA QUIT THE TEAM0:00
Ardiwait did he really0:00
cardinalis your leader not even playing0:00
Paperthe who the fuck will...?????0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesno it's train tracks0:00
cardinalthen hwy he ban0:00
Ardiyou guys need a ringer to play0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesi know0:00
Juniperberrieswe are getting one...0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesI want young man0:00
cardinalyoung man is invite level0:00
cardinaland we let you0:00
cardinaland you banned him??!?!?!?0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesi know bro0:00
saxophonesounds like a you problem ...0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesit's ridiculous0:00
cardinalik right0:00
cardinalliteral 1 ms reaction time perfect flicks0:00
cardinaljust cheating except irl0:00
cardinalhe is a literal god0:00
cardinalhe got creative mod0:00
saxophonedo you mean cheating like how your dad cheated on your mom with me ???0:00
Paperbro stop0:00
Juniperberriesim doin ur mom0:00
cardinalbro i have two dads...0:00
ArdiBRO WHAT0:00
saxophoneyour dad cute lol :)))))0:00
cardinal:)))) thanks but it was me0:00
saxophonewait shit0:00
saxophoneplease caster0:00
cardinaloh sir just a penny0:00
cardinalplease caster buyt my candles0:00
Ardiyo yall gotta get a guy0:00
Ardiit's 9:500:00
.83 |「Suilla」young man vs us 6, playing on your behalf0:00
cardinalif you got young man it would be 11v6 since he is a full invite 6s team0:00
Ardihe roaster in froyo he got insta banned cause of his game0:00
cardinalfroyo roaster road young man0:00
Ardiask galaxy to irng0:00
Paperyou could ring boodabob0:00
Paperwait nvm0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degrees
reason im freezin at 80 degreesis geasley ok0:00
Ardithat works0:00
cardinalhe get thumb up0:00
Ardiit's wrong0:00
top tier uwuer(=´ᆺ`❀=)0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesis the config good now0:00
geasleyhave a good fight lads0:00
.83 |「Suilla」<30:00
geasley<3 ~~~0:00
cardinalgl hf0:00
geasley*Uwah* D-don't frag me too h-hard. ~~~0:00
cardinalim so hard jesus0:00
cardinalalright on a serious note0:00
.83 |「Suilla」my peepee made white.0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesmine only makes red0:00
.83 |「Suilla」oh0:00
Paperbut you're on blu0:00
Ardican yall ready0:00
.83 |「Suilla」haha that's kinda quirky though :flushed:0:00
Juniperberrieschill ...0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degrees:shades:0:00
Ardiit's been half an hour @_@0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesif u let us ring death0:00
cardinal@___@ i have no nose0:00
Juniperberries=@____@= im a cat0:00
cardinali mean he was 4/0 silver so idk0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesbro I'm better than death lmfao0:00
cardinalthan be on a 4/0 silver team0:00
reason im freezin at 80 degreesI'm on the team0:00