demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#292038) - pcb vs ahaha


Demo uploaded by 5 years go

smoker of the markiplier strain2631213713Papa Peach
Mr. Z195151156Soala
hands are cold ummm hot coco21881721SpiderJew
aunt kasper0174545Chad 420 lftgbt
clanta.lgbt18311748BM Engie Drive
11113Bon Qui Qui



Toggle Chat
M Engie Drive : Your team need's more practice.0:00
Chad 420 lftgbthi acclaim0:00
SNACK ATTACKhi dave0:00
Chad 420 lftgbt;30:00
SNACK ATTACKim subbing in!0:00
Chad 420 lftgbt:D0:00
clanta.lgbtgonna cry middie? you'll never be prem with a cock like that0:00
Chad 420 lftgbtim more of a power top0:00
smoker of the markiplier strainboof me0:00
hands are cold ummm hot coco!rtd0:00
[Pause] Game was paused by ducki0:00
aving ubercharge level for aunt kasper0:00
aving ubercharge level for Skorp0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
ucki : heavy crashed0:00
owerpuker : our heavy crashed0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
EAD* Vohh : k0:00
ucki : my b dude0:00
M Engie Drive : j4mes b0nd the g0d : bugette0:00
M Engie Drive : p0:00
EAD* Vohh : it is common decency to inform for a pause0:00
EAD* Vohh : before you pause0:00
on Qui Qui : shut up vohh0:00
moker of the markiplier strain : chilllll0:00
owerpuker : !log0:00 : that is very true good sir0:00
moker of the markiplier strain : !log0:00
r. Z : it's also common decency to not impersonate other players :)0:00
hrek : he is spitting straight facts0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute0:00
korp : Voh go eat a bean sprout wrap or something0:00
EAD* Vohh : I am not impersonating 0:00
apa Peach : bro you got power puker on your team0:00
EAD* Vohh : I am Capatal V0:00
EAD* Vohh : therfore I am worse0:00
moker of the markiplier strain : you are noob :30:00
ucki : Capatal?0:00
EAD* Vohh : I also english goodly0:00
apa Peach : hows yalls days going?0:00
owerpuker : good 0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes0:00
ucki : please let us win so we have a chance for playoffs0:00
M Engie Drive : t0:00
piderJew : yo0:00
r. Z : I had to punish two kids for Public Displays of Affection 0:00
ucki : you are literally safe0:00
owerpuker : I think I'm gonna play invite spy crab next week0:00
korp : ok0:00
r. Z : it was gross0:00
ucki : sounds good0:00
hrek : lmao0:00
owerpuker : instead of with this team0:00
r. Z : I don't wanna see fucking hand holding in my school0:00
owerpuker : lmao0:00
ucki : LOL0:00
hrek : lmaooooooooooooooooo0:00
M Engie Drive : Our team need's more practice.0:00
M Engie Drive : Our team need's more practice.0:00
M Engie Drive : Your team need's more practice.0:00
r. Z : wrote them up and got them ISS'd0:00
owerpuker : bruhhhhhhhhh0:00
ucki : ISS for 6 days0:00
ucki : hell yeah0:00
hrek : no ZEXUAL ZELATIONS0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes0:00
owerpuker : mr z I'd love to have you as my match teacher 0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
owerpuker : math0:00
owerpuker : fuck0:00 : hes on crack0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
owerpuker : yes0:00
unt kasper : you have no idea0:00
owerpuker : I am0:00
ucki : chad #oncrach0:00
r. Z : he's not okay normally but yea he's fine, just restarting0:00
ucki : #oncrack0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00 : hes on joe0:00
r. Z : this is the midgame piss adrenaline I'm experiencing0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00 : damn0:00
hrek : it be like dat0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
ucki : unpausing0:00
owerpuker : unpausing0:00
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes0:00
-- Malformed utf8 --0:00
M Engie Drive : are you unpausing?0:00
EAD* Soala : .<.0:00
ucki : fuck0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by aunt kasper...0:00
[Pause] Game was paused by clanta.lgbt0:00
aving ubercharge level for aunt kasper0:00
aving ubercharge level for Skorp0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...0:00
owerpuker : ?????0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...0:00
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...0:00
estoring ubercharge level for aunt kasper0:00
estoring ubercharge level for Skorp0:00
[Pause] Game is unpaused!0:00
duckiit didnt work when i unpaused0:00
Chad 420 lftgbthow dod u not die noob0:00
Chad 420 lftgbtyo wanna try my off brand juul0:00