demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#987229) - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 5 years go

inna lft hl17520131125your cock. my ass. now.
ttv/Nhaaj1632321422Mr Jumbo Rat
BAT Vera10427181017Drawing your nude butthole
sheepy dog's hand202168725HaZz
RNTenant118146172Tonton Harambe



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WylennAre you?0:00
Mr Jumbo Rati am the king of all rats00:01
okYes, thank you for asking.00:01
sheepy dog's handns01:10
Garfbobhazz pipes01:13
ttv/Nhaajmy team didn't see me air shot u :(01:42
GarfbobI saw it01:49
ttv/Nhaajty ;w;01:56
RNTenantinna crashed.02:09
Wylennour engie disconnected :l02:15
RNTenantWas the first on the head?10:30
Garfbobupper body yeah10:42
Garfbobmining away13:40
Mr Jumbo Rat( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)14:03
Drawing your nude buttholejungkook car crash14:05
BAT Vera2 hp med17:21
your cock. my ass. now.jungkook car crash17:21
Drawing your nude buttholejungkook car crash17:26
Drawing your nude buttholedoofus17:29
sheepy dog's handondkaja: oops didnt mean to show you my massive cock17:39
Garfbobnice pipe sheepy17:44
sheepy dog's handty17:49
okit was pretty mediocre ngl17:55
ttv/NhaajTHE RAT KING20:39
Mr Jumbo Ratjumbo rat god of all rats20:53
RNTenant~We require a pause.23:14
RNTenantIs it ok?23:18
Mr Jumbo Ratroger roger23:20
[Pause] Game was paused by RNTenant23:22
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!23:22
aving ubercharge level for RNTenant23:22
aving ubercharge level for Tonton Harambe23:22
rawing your nude butthole : squigga23:22
PEC* Garfbob : I could fill in for your 6th if we could get the match going again23:22
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute23:22
PEC* Garfbob : or is your 6th coming soon?23:22
aZz : dont23:22
aZz : hes garbage23:22
PEC* Garfbob : hazz fears23:22
aZz : like23:22
onton Harambe : Hox : Country is on fire but Aussies still have time for TF223:22
aZz : mega garbo23:22
onton Harambe : Kroco : C'est passé comme des roulettes dans un facteur !23:22
heepy dog's hand : not sure how long 23:22
NTenant : They're not, I'm afraid. We're looking for a merc to play in their stead.23:22
NTenant : We apologize for this.23:22
onton Harambe : Kroco : C'est passé comme des roulettes dans un facteur !23:22
onton Harambe : Kroco : C'est passé comme des roulettes dans un facteur !23:22
rawing your nude butthole : dpm23:22
onton Harambe : Kroco : C'est passé comme des roulettes dans un facteur !23:22
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes23:22
PEC* Garfbob : our scout has to go soon could I just fill for you for the rest of the map?23:22
PEC* Garfbob : so we have time for process23:22
AT Vera : can we just do mp_winlimit 423:22
PEC* Garfbob : sure23:22
r Jumbo Rat : ocean man take me by the hand take me to the land that you understand23:22
r Jumbo Rat : ocean man23:22
AT Vera : its 6 minutes left23:22
onton Harambe : I have uber.23:22
NTenant : As do I.23:22
r Jumbo Rat : okey dokey23:22
k : Great23:22
aZz : cheers jeff23:22
onton Harambe : Last fighy so.23:22
our cock. my ass. now. : keep your chin up gamer, your astro a40s are falling off23:22
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Garfbob...23:22
rawing your nude butthole : cheers jeff23:22
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...23:22
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...23:22
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...23:22
PEC* Garfbob : do winlimit 423:22
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...23:22
k : Did you know that ketchup is voted the worst condiment because it throws games?23:22
estoring ubercharge level for RNTenant23:22
estoring ubercharge level for Tonton Harambe23:22
[Pause] Game is unpaused!23:22
RNTenantI need to get the RCON23:27
your cock. my ass. uh24:20
your cock. my ass. now.we doin winlimit or?24:26
HaZzMY LOGS24:27
okCan you mpwinlimit 4 bro24:30
RNTenantWe don't have the RCON24:42
Mr Jumbo Ratlol24:49
Garfbobeveryone go spec24:52
Drawing your nude buttholekill:kill25:00
HaZzok tonton25:10
Garfboblmao tonton25:11
Mr Jumbo Rattroll25:11
Mr Jumbo Rattroll25:13
Mr Jumbo Ratcut25:14
RNTenantTonton, make haste.25:15
Mr Jumbo Ratcuyt25:16
Mr Jumbo Ratvuy25:16