demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#303947) - BLU vs own


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

Flashey.13109844[reserve shooter] nucket
Scratchh.dd8481306[reserve shooter] spaghetti
oomfuyu.dd7681067[reserve shooter] Trevor
brandon.dd12959113[reserve shooter] Joey Lemons
men will be man3451028[reserve shooter] nurkz
gadget master, master of gadget605661[reverse shooter] Snaa
gobitoe195551[reserve shooter] revenge
avrillavignelover99.dd20166013[reserve shooter] tua
Matty♡.dd7191117[reserve shooter] Stardust!



Toggle Chat
avrillavignelover99.ddwhat about you!!!00:03
[reserve shooter] spaghettiinnocence is pretty good man00:03
avrillavignelover99.ddyeah not bad00:07
Flashey.i love avrilllavigne00:31
[reserve shooter] spaghettiyou have the motor skills of a dead turtle -Wall 00:37
[reserve shooter] spaghettiYou are ass mcshit at this videogame -Micahlele 00:40
avrillavignelover99.ddyou virgin, you wouldn't understand that bronies have to stay together /)00:42
[reserve shooter] spaghettiyou pee sitting down, stop focusing me -Micahlele. 00:43
avrillavignelover99.ddyou virgin, you wouldn't understand that bronies have to stay together /)00:43
[reserve shooter] spaghettiIts okay that you're all trash. It's called trash can, not trash cannot. -Aad 00:45
avrillavignelover99.ddhi im piney wanna cuddle as sigalan00:45
gadget master, master of gadgeti also love bainca00:46
avrillavignelover99.dd+rep my profile if you have time :)00:48
[reserve shooter] spaghettitell them they are pathetic -Wall 00:49
[reserve shooter] spaghettiyour mom liked my instagram post from two years ago -Aad 00:52
[reserve shooter] spaghettiImagine what would happen if I wasn't using a controller. 00:55
[reserve shooter] spaghettiOk Boomer -Ava 00:59
[reserve shooter] spaghettiI'm owning on my 2007 Acer Laptop! 01:01
gadget master, master of gadgetgogo gadget i fucked your mom01:10
Scratchh.ddan ava quote huh01:10
[reserve shooter] Trevorglhf'01:11
men will be manrofl my aimbot is off and im actually playing without a monitor via a complex system of morse code and ech0location01:11
[reserve shooter] Trevorplease do not throw01:15
[reserve shooter] spaghettii hit the crossbeam02:24
[reserve shooter] Stardust!what makes me a good engineer?03:17
Matty♡.ddIs your spy afk?05:47
[reserve shooter] Stardust!trying to fix my mic05:52
[reserve shooter] Stardust!or i was05:57
Matty♡.ddOh oki!06:05
[reserve shooter] spaghettiCONGRATULATIONS06:30
Scratchh.ddBrits vote in Favor of holding 1st06:35
men will be manbritain wins again06:45
[reserve shooter] Trevorlmao06:48
Scratchh.dd(TEAM) men will be man : [P-REC] i want widowmaker to shove her fat cock up my ass and dominate me like the little sissy bitch06:51
Scratchh.ddprec bind06:59
gobitoeE_Leet gaming strikes again07:04
gobitoeE_Leet gaming strikes again07:05
gobitoeE_Leet gaming strikes again07:06
Scratchh.ddworst game eever08:19
gadget master, master of gadgetimma cry08:21
Scratchh.ddholy fuckign shit08:21
Scratchh.ddwhy do we play comp08:25
[reserve shooter] spaghettii kept hitting edges08:28
Scratchh.ddi got reload bugged08:29
[reserve shooter] spaghettilol10:03
[reserve shooter] spaghettii had no idea he was there10:07
[reserve shooter] Trevoryes10:45
[reserve shooter] tuaty11:40