demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#314568) - wede vs estoy


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

Damon Albarn | bball.tf582275672964estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRad
buud672360582171Largo Slapovis



Toggle Chat
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds02:29
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds06:55
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds09:43
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds10:04
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds10:47
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds12:07
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds12:41
Damon Albarn | bball.tfgg13:50
estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRadgg13:51
Largo Slapovisgg13:52
estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRadwe are very content with 714:03
estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRadwe thought the most we'd get was like. 214:07
Damon Albarn | bball.tfsorry for the binds, it's my mouse14:08
estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRadi see14:11
Largo Slapovisyeah fun game14:17
Damon Albarn | bball.tfHunnyBunny: And I swear to god I will slay you like a dragon if you make that a bind14:21
Damon Albarn | bball.tfBurns: I should really make a bind to apologize for my binds14:23
estoy hoopin' ᵐᶜRadsorry i left my binds in css14:33