demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#317410) - fang vs XXX


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

nine lives131152039blackpanthafan311
im da SCP1751721417Raid
SHRIMP35111025115cooked snail
WTF ? look114810171Apple Zoo



Toggle Chat
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
[Pause] Game was paused by =(^x^)=00:10
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!00:10
aving ubercharge level for Apple Zoo00:10
aving ubercharge level for WTF ? look00:10
(^x^)= : demo afk lol00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ooked snail : Selling multiple Killsteak Kits and a strange pro ks botkiller scattergun! Open to all offers, send me a trade ^^00:10
ine lives : we were not actually ready00:10
aphtali : not again00:10
enkins : ssorry!00:10
azor : how are all of you00:10
ooked snail : tactical pause00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
pple Zoo : can u guys go ez on me cuz im a HL player00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
aphtali : you guys are so genuine im actually crying rn00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
azor : how was everyones day00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
enkins : ok a little jumpy!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
(^x^)= : I'm 5'700:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : [SM] You're flooding the server!00:10
pple Zoo : can u guys go ez on me? im a HL player..00:10
m da SCP : im high lol (shaman)00:10
(^x^)= : Lol 00:10
aphtali : pausechamp00:10
enkins : can u sign my proifile00:10
TF ? look : i got a little sprite in me im a little Cookie00:10
azor : im a highlander player00:10
(^x^)= : Just relax ok Highlander or not00:10
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute00:10
aphtali : i like your eyeballs <300:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Wrong bind00:10
ooked snail : I main nr12's00:10
ooked snail : I main nr12's00:10
ooked snail : I main nr12's00:10
ooked snail : I main nr12's00:10
(^x^)= : Highlander is fine, what's wrong with it?00:10
pple Zoo : ive never played 6s in my life can u srsly go ez00:10
enkins : gay tranny00:10
(^x^)= : I'm a spy main00:10
ooked snail : bANNED00:10
pple Zoo : i got rolled last scrim and my team hates me00:10
aphtali : baNNED00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
(^x^)= : I dabble in pyro though00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by =(^x^)=...00:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...00:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...00:10
enkins : `o`00:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...00:10
(^x^)= : 1000:10
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...00:10
estoring ubercharge level for Apple Zoo00:10
estoring ubercharge level for WTF ? look00:10
[Pause] Game is unpaused!00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
lackpanthafan311 : Morning. Any abusive, homophobic, or transphobic language directed at my team will be forwarded to UGC or RGL admins.00:10
enkins : its 9:36 pM00:10
TF ? look : Transphobie00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
lackpanthafan311 : ringer is our word, you can say ringga00:10
aphtali : we all transphobes i knew it 0_000:10
m da SCP : ready?00:10
aphtali : ye00:10
(^x^)= : UNPAUSE IN 500:10
Naphtalii hate my team18:38
Naphtalii hate them all18:48
=(^x^)=Med keep sniping19:06
Naphtalimed said f23:57
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.23:59
SHRIMPmed afk?23:59