| Haywyre haywyre joined team Spectators 1연승 | 00:07 |
| Haywyre haywyre joined team BLU 1연승 | 00:11 |
| ChoWon C h 0 W 0 n joined team RED 1연승 | 01:34 |
| ChoWon C h 0 W 0 n joined team Spectators 1연승 | 01:53 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 1:0 RED, timeleft: 27:36 | 02:28 |
| FFA500skyzz skyzz lft div 3 scout <STEAM_0:0:66091942> connected from HK 0연승 | 04:00 |
| skyzz skyzz lft div 3 scout joined team Spectators 0연승 | 04:11 |
| FFA500skyzz skyzz lft div 3 scout <STEAM_0:0:66091942> disconnected Disconnect by user. 0연승 | 04:31 |
| 800080상우 땅우 <STEAM_0:0:65095348> connected from KR 0연승 | 05:26 |
| 상우 땅우 joined team Spectators 0연승 | 06:19 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 1:1 RED, timeleft: 23:20 | 06:44 |
| FFA500H3KF h3kf <STEAM_0:1:505063004> connected from KR 3연패 | 11:04 |
| H3KF h3kf joined team Spectators 3연패 | 11:09 |
| 산을오르는거북이 <STEAM_0:1:185974680> disconnected You are not in the server's whitelist 0연승 | 11:14 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 2:1 RED, timeleft: 18:16 | 11:48 |
| 산을오르는거북이 <STEAM_0:1:185974680> disconnected You are not in the server's whitelist 0연승 | 12:50 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 2:2 RED, timeleft: 16:27 | 13:38 |
| 800080상우 땅우 <STEAM_0:0:65095348> disconnected Disconnect by user. 0연승 | 16:40 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 3:2 RED, timeleft: 13:03 | 17:01 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 4:2 RED, timeleft: 09:29 | 20:35 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 4:3 RED, timeleft: 06:47 | 23:17 |
| [Server] Current score: BLU 4:4 RED, timeleft: 04:40 | 25:24 |