Demo uploaded by Eve 4 years go
Name | K | A | D | D | A | K | Name | ||||
dead_- | 31 | 10 | 17 | 23 | 12 | 30 | lettuce.larry.420 | ||||
GreenSpy1 | 21 | 6 | 30 | 16 | 16 | 27 | she belongs to the streets 🙏 | ||||
ᵉᵈᵒ | 23 | 4 | 23 | 27 | 13 | 17 | croissant.camren55 | ||||
Hermione Granger | 29 | 4 | 20 | 21 | 6 | 37 | habibi hammood | ||||
iroh | 19 | 7 | 26 | 18 | 5 | 20 | Spaghetti Sam the Demoman | ||||
Bombing in 3 | 0 | 10 | 17 | 18 | 10 | 2 | lasagne.lucas1998 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 03:42 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 03:44 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 03:48 |
GreenSpy1 | 03:55 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 06:27 |
ᵉᵈᵒ | 07:04 |
dead_- | 07:09 |
croissant.camren55 | 07:14 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 07:17 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 07:19 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 09:11 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 09:58 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 10:01 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 10:03 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 11:25 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 11:27 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 11:33 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 11:38 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 12:03 |
Bombing in 3 | 12:43 |
Spaghetti Sam the Demoman | 12:48 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 13:07 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 13:10 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 16:13 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 16:16 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 16:45 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 16:47 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 16:48 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 17:52 |
iroh | 18:18 |
croissant.camren55 | 18:22 |
iroh | 18:25 |
iroh | 18:25 |
Bombing in 3 | 18:28 |
croissant.camren55 | 18:28 |
ᵉᵈᵒ | 18:36 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 18:43 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 18:44 |
Hermione Granger | 19:40 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 19:40 |
croissant.camren55 | 19:45 |
Hermione Granger | 19:49 |
habibi hammood | 20:11 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 20:16 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 20:18 |
habibi hammood | 20:30 |
croissant.camren55 | 20:32 |
Hermione Granger | 20:33 |
lasagne.lucas1998 | 20:37 |
she belongs to the streets 🙏 | 20:42 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 21:01 |
Hermione Granger | 21:25 |
lasagne.lucas1998 | 21:34 |
croissant.camren55 | 21:42 |
croissant.camren55 | 21:48 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 22:17 |
Hermione Granger | 22:26 |
Spaghetti Sam the Demoman | 22:33 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 24:02 |
Spaghetti Sam the Demoman | 24:04 |
dead_- | 24:35 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 24:53 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 24:55 |
Hermione Granger | 25:12 |
she belongs to the streets 🙏 | 25:59 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 26:06 |
habibi hammood | 27:36 |
ᵉᵈᵒ | 27:48 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 28:31 |
lettuce.larry.420 | 28:34 |
she belongs to the streets 🙏 | 29:10 |
lasagne.lucas1998 | 30:06 |
30:08 |