demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#329280) - niger vs RED


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

league is better731031111fishee
rash cream4110463Flakket
Solar End3794614BioHelix
Freddy Freaker2110444MiiiKe
CrashPro0473172epic keanu chungus from redit
Is a scammer.306608will smith



Toggle Chat
epic keanu chungus from redithfhf00:02
Jizzlebeast mode team name00:09
epic keanu chungus from reditfunny00:10
league is betterwhoops00:11
ExpectNeogod damnit00:23
league is betterwuz good?00:23
Freddy Freakeryall drink milk with or without the rocks00:48
Is a scammer.with the rocks00:56
Freddy Freakergood00:58
will smithwhole milk00:58
will smithvitamin c01:05
will smithd01:07
Freddy Freakerthe rocks add crunch01:08
Is a scammer.vitman d01:12
Is a scammer.for dick01:14
Is a scammer.someone make a hentai out of vitmans01:21
league is bettergg01:25
league is better:D01:27
felixshgg wp02:01
felixshwe lost02:02
will smithI JUST WANT KILLS FUCK 02:27
league is betterEATNSOGDF D{Jkp;]03:28
league is betterwe lost :D\03:31
league is betterHJAHAA03:33
will smithNOT YET03:35
epic keanu chungus from reditreddit moment05:54
will smithjf;LJA:LFJ:LAJFLAF05:57
CrashProcan we pause06:05
epic keanu chungus from redityes06:07
[Pause] Game was paused by epic keanu chungus from redit06:08
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!06:08
aving ubercharge level for CrashPro06:08
aving ubercharge level for epic keanu chungus from redit06:08
ill smith : sure06:08
eague is better : wut hapnd06:08
izzle : :306:08
eague is better : :-D06:08
s a scammer. : ZA WARUDO06:08
xpectNeo : we had a pc melt06:08
pic keanu chungus from redit : pain.06:08
eague is better : freddy freaker inting06:08
eague is better : 2 pts06:08
eague is better : :/06:08
eague is better : 5k hrs06:08
eague is better : :/06:08
elixsh : gg wp06:08
s a scammer. : XD06:08
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute06:08
elixsh : wp we lost because we have 2 dumb gooks06:08
elixsh : im asian i can say it06:08
s a scammer. : meanie06:08
ishee : ?06:08
otwet : is your player rejoining06:08
rashPro : bruh06:08
s a scammer. : look dude I cannot stab06:08
elixsh : yes06:08
olar End : yes06:08
elixsh : h eis06:08
ill smith : u are losing bc u said the n word06:08
ishee : so06:08
elixsh : friends in the group06:08
ill smith : will smith disapproves06:08
elixsh : na te06:08
elixsh : n a t e06:08
ishee : the ping was the problem all along...06:08
elixsh : nat e06:08
elixsh : n ate06:08
pic keanu chungus from redit : PING DISAD06:08
ash cream : na06:08
xpectNeo : my ping doesnt matter to me06:08
elixsh : na t eeeeeeeee06:08
ash cream : t e06:08
pic keanu chungus from redit : cap and cope06:08
eague is better : nate06:08
elixsh : na t e06:08
eague is better : n a t e06:08
otwet : ok we need to unpause for him to join06:08
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes06:08
eague is better : n a t e06:08
xpectNeo : all that matters is that we all have an average same ping06:08
ishee : nate :306:08
eague is better : n a t e06:08
elixsh : na t e06:08
s a scammer. : yeat06:08
elixsh : nate !06:08
eague is better : n a t r06:08
ioHelix : Is he on client??06:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by epic keanu chungus from redit...06:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...06:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...06:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...06:08
elixsh : gap e na t e06:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...06:08
estoring ubercharge level for CrashPro06:08
estoring ubercharge level for epic keanu chungus from redit06:08
[Pause] Game is unpaused!06:08
rash cream n a te06:09
Is a scammer.ZA WARUDO06:20
league is betteranbte08:24
epic keanu chungus from reditgg08:25
league is betternate08:25
league is betternate08:26
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.08:26