demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#331853) - BLU vs RED


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

Pög1832921418Minty (Vibin' with anime)
blicky7 Privateer1122315537TailorTF
blicky7 tx55hogslammer.42r3051810417Risemonger
blicky7 charmander171213101531intangible sM
blicky7 Opaque121781118poop (TimberFinz)
blicky7 KIDS154186203Alex Unknowed | Commissions
lucki91612427LA server with sub 60 frames
blicky7 kasper1052023113vortex123
yo do you play open fortress4633



Toggle Chat
yo do you play open fortressyo do you play open fortress00:07
TailorTFwho here likes s*x00:12
LA server with sub 60 framesi like tr*mp00:26
Pögwho here got a peanut allergey?00:31
yo do you play open fortressyo do you play open fortress00:31
TheAfricanRedHeadIm actually bad at tf200:36
TailorTFi know i aint allergic to nuts ;)00:40
blicky7 tx55hogslammer.42rjojo fans putting muda muda over a domestic abuse liveleak00:47
yo do you play open fortresshi actually bad a tf2 im yo do you play open fortress00:47
blicky7 charmander:pensive:00:57
blicky7 KIDSyou fear me02:17
LA server with sub 60 frames???????02:21
yo do you play open fortressyo do you play open fortress04:46
TailorTFhow mad are you05:28
yo do you play open fortressyoure mom05:34
TailorTFdude i'm not even trying right now LOL! besides, my gf (who's really hot btw) is giving me head so i'm not concentrating05:36
yo do you play open fortressyo do you play open fortress05:42
TailorTFhow mad are you?06:03
blicky7 KIDSwhat are you07:45
blicky7 KIDSvortex09:25
blicky7 KIDSim pretty sure you only kill me09:29
blicky7 KIDSlol09:29
blicky7 KIDSLOL12:55
Minty (Vibin' with anime)i wasnt expecting you guys there12:59
TailorTFdiscord latency bro13:03
TailorTFi stg13:05
TailorTFi called pop before13:10
blicky7 KIDSwhy are oyu just here14:10
poop (TimberFinz)gg16:42
blicky7 Privateergr16:44
blicky7 charmandergr16:44
blicky7 KIDSwe getting a sub17:03
blicky7 KIDSkasper rqd17:06
LA server with sub 60 framesrage?17:11
LA server with sub 60 framesmad?17:12
blicky7 KIDSyeah hes so mad17:16
blicky7 KIDSactually 17:18
blicky7 KIDSLOL17:19
LA server with sub 60 framesLOL17:20
poop (TimberFinz)whys he so mad?17:23
Minty (Vibin' with anime)lol what?17:26
blicky7 KIDSbro i only died to you and spy17:26
LA server with sub 60 frameshes PISSED17:32
Risemongerwhyd he leave?17:33
TailorTFbecause i dropped him 100000 times17:40
blicky7 KIDSmy dot is on your head every time man19:50
blicky7 tx55hogslammer.42r:3c20:24
luckiim beasting20:36
blicky7 KIDSwhy are you checkign\20:51
blicky7 KIDS????20:52
poop (TimberFinz)GG22:52
blicky7 KIDS???22:53
LA server with sub 60 framesLOLOLOLOLOLOl22:54
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.22:55