demos.tfaboutviewereditor (#333871) - MFE vs AsF


Demo uploaded by 4 years go

mfe.Knight Spy1010814614_clutchh
mfe.Doctorhax1341514315free agent
drm*Grnny103168817F.O Tarkus



Toggle Chat
[Pause] Game was paused by mfe.Doctorhax04:13
Updated version: doesn't allow uber building during pauses!04:13
aving ubercharge level for NyanHorses04:13
aving ubercharge level for mfe.Finale04:13
ucc : ?04:13
fe.Doctorhax : our med is lagging out04:13
ucc : oh04:13
birbee : all g04:13
eadph : how you guys doing today? staying healthy during quarantine?04:13
birbee : ye ye04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute04:13
clutchh : yess04:13
ucc : pretty good04:13
ree agent : pretty ok 04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
fe.Doctorhax : bad news04:13
ucc : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you have been rekt by sandvich police ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)04:13
fe.Doctorhax : our med lost power04:13
ucc : oh shit04:13
birbee : oh no04:13
ree agent : sucks04:13
clutchh : oh shit04:13
fe.Guyzrr : rip uber04:13
rm*Grnny : Yessir04:13
yanHorses : bruh04:13
eadph : thats good. make sure to stay hydrated if you live down south, been getting really hot lol04:13
clutchh : Sir Atlas : clutch is def cheating he snapped right onto my head while looking at spawn04:13
ucc : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you have been rekt by sandvich police ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)04:13
fe.Guyzrr : could u feed 3 saws?04:13
ucc : uhhhhhhh04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes04:13
fe.Doctorhax : he had 87%04:13
ree agent : n004:13
ucc : lol04:13
.O Tarkus : bruh04:13
eadph : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯04:13
ucc : our roamer is a free thinker04:13
ucc : soz04:13
eadph : hmm04:13
fe.Guyzrr : nice sportsman ship04:13
birbee : how bout we kill one of our players04:13
fe.Guyzrr : :)04:13
birbee : and pretend04:13
ree agent : how about i sack in04:13
birbee : we dropped the med04:13
.O Tarkus : lmao04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
rm*Grnny : Killbind two and you've got a deal04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes04:13
ree agent : we dont have to make a deal04:13
rm*Grnny : Not a bait04:13
eadph : lmao04:13
.O Tarkus : lmaoo04:13
ree agent : best i can do is 20004:13
fe.Guyzrr : just give use three saws it wont kill him lol04:13
ucc : interesting tactics04:13
ucc : jk04:13
birbee : how bout we sack 2 and u give us ffw04:13
rm*Grnny : So long as your demo bombs,04:13
ucc : lmao04:13
birbee : jk jk04:13
ree agent : im letting you guys now im bombing 04:13
eadph : its ok04:13
ree agent : thats the only intel yall get04:13
eadph : airshot incoming04:13
eadph : B)04:13
ree agent : MY BODY IS READY04:13
ucc : oh nyooo04:13
clutchh : FRAG04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes04:13
eadph : nah im dog at this game dw ;)04:13
ree agent : how long until this man is back04:13
ucc : is ur med dead04:13
fe.Doctorhax : he just got power back04:13
ucc : nice04:13
ree agent : thank jesus04:13
eadph : hes ohw04:13
ree agent : bowman04:13
rm*Grnny : He died, but only momentarely04:13
yanHorses : pog04:13
birbee : bet04:13
ucc : only momentarily04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes04:13
fe.Guyzrr : so no three saws04:13
ucc : ah04:13
ucc : ok04:13
ree agent : fuck no04:13
eadph : so no head? *snaps skateboard*04:13
ucc : hi04:13
ucc : dont airshot me04:13
clutchh : lol04:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes04:13
rm*Grnny : Ducc said yes first04:13
rm*Grnny : It's a go04:13
ucc : nooo04:13
rm*Grnny : :P04:13
fe.Doctorhax : we're unpausing04:13
ree agent : CAP04:13
ucc : i did not04:13
clutchh : heres the thing ducc isnt a leader04:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by mfe.Doctorhax...04:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...04:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...04:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...04:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...04:13
rm*Grnny : We get free min04:13
estoring ubercharge level for NyanHorses04:13
[Pause] Game is unpaused!04:13
ree agent : haha04:13
duccim 05:22
free agentbowman05:24
free agentgh16:34
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.16:35